Making useful all the useless Research Technologies

    • Research

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    • Making useful all the useless Research Technologies

      Hello everybody.

      You know that there are many researches that are useless beyond a certain level.
      I mean:

      • Ion Technology beyond level 5.
      • Laser Technology beyond lv 12.
      • HyperDrive Technology beyond lv 8 (I hope "HyperDrive" it's correct: in italian is "IperSpaziale"; maybe the correct name is HyperSpace.).
      • Plasma Technology beyond lv 7.
      • Gravitonic Technology beyond lv 1.
      I wanted to find a way to make them useful.

      - For example the Ion, the Laser and the Plasma technologies could be modified in the way that, if the level will be upgraded, they can do more damage together with the Weapon Technology. It's sure that the damage/combat formulas must be changed.
      - The Gravitonic technology, if upgraded, will help the DeathStar in making more damage to the moon in the moon-crash.
      - The HyperDrive Technology will help the HyperDrive Engine Research with the improvement of the HyperDrive Engine speed. It's sure that the HyperDrive speed formula must be changed.

      What do you think about? Any other ideas?

      The post was edited 3 times, last by cristuning84 ().

    • i like that thought very much to have technologies that are easily upgraded but virtually worthless after a certain level giving you benefits

      i like the idea about having

      similar to the engine technologies we currently have giving additional damage to the weapons that use them. However i am not so sure about your hyperdrive technology idea i cant off the top of my head think of a use for it, as i think it would be unfair if both hyperdrive tech and hyperdrive engines both contributed to the speed factor.

      also as a side thought would their be a method of upgrading a gauss cannon as it will become supremely overpowered if there isn't maybe make a combination formula of ion and laser ?

      Removed text color, Francolino
    • It sounds good indeed. Maybe energy+graviton in higher levels would produce a higher chance for a DS to destroy a moon. Same goes as you said, ion plasma and laser combined could help weapons technology to make even more damage. Maybe energy and plasma could produce even stronger plasma canons...Any kind of suggestions is welcome :)
    • I think that combining energy + the researches to make more damage (for ion, laser, plasma and for the moon-crash) it's a good idea. Should we combine together also the Weapon Tecnology?

      But we need to create new formulas for the damage in combat and also for the probability to destroy the moon.

      And concerning to the HyperDrive Tecnology combined wiht the HyperDrive Engine to get more speed, we should create new formulas here as well.
    • Personally, I don't see technologies that are only useful for requirements as bad...

      Adding combat bonuses from requirement techs could make things a lot more complicated, which in my opinion goes against the simplistic nature of OGame. Even if you just apply them to the units that require those techs, that could make things unbalanced in favor of those units since not all units require such techs.

      Random thought: perhaps higher levels of Hyperspace Tech could provide additional bonuses from jumpgates, like a (slightly) lower recharge time or the ability to send resources through jumpgates.
      Mod @ - Bugs & Complaints and Suggestions
    • I don't think that things will become more complicated.

      for example:
      1) Each level of ion, laser and plasma tecnologies will increase the damage of the 10% (it's only an exmaple: we can reduce or increase this percentage). It's enough to add this percentage to the combat formula that already exists (that includes only the Weapons Research).
      2) for the levels of the gravitonic I think that's enough to create a new simple formula for the moon-shots (moon-crash).
      3) concerning to the HyperSpace, I think your idea it's great. I mean:
      perhaps higher levels of Hyperspace Tech could provide additional
      bonuses from jumpgates, like a (slightly) lower recharge time or the
      ability to send resources through jumpgates.
    • Hao wrote:

      would be nice if energy tech would also work with Solar plants

      personally i don't think that will work very well as solar plants produce way more energy than a single solar sat so unless per level of energy tech the was like a 5% difference it would have too much of an impact on the game as miners would become very hard to farm and it would become so much easier to gat gravaton
    • would be nice if energy tech would also work with Solar plants

      personally i don't think that will work very well as solar plants produce way more energy than a single solar sat so unless per level of energy tech the was like a 5% difference it would have too much of an impact on the game as miners would become very hard to farm and it would become so much easier to gat gravaton

      1,5kk crys and 375k deut is what u need with sats to get 20.6k energy on 30 degree planets

      to get 22k energy from solar plants you need 327kk metall and 131kk crys, so solar plants are like 200 times more expensive

      and i want 1% of extra energy for each energy tech lvl - same as the other energy source has (dunno how its called in english)
      i never said anything about increasing solar sat power

      and how should that make farming miners harder? would it teach them how to save or strengthen their defenses? no
    • You will have to face a problem of double profit for defense.

      When building a defense You get standard bonuses from armor, shielding and weapons and then get extra bonuses from Laser, Ion and Plasma.
      This is too much without giving sth extra for flyers.
      You are double-secured. It would be too difficult for flyers to do anything with great defenses and great bonuses.

      When building a fleet You get a standard bonuses but nothing extra for attack power - only higher speed which is of course great but doesn't influence the battle with defence.

      Don't get me wrong - I think it's a great idea to use useless technologies and it was presented many times in different boards but has to be planned wisely and carefully with reciprocity.

      For example You can lower base shield and attack of defense so people who want have a stronger defense would have to invest in those technologies.

      About energy - satellites give much energy and are more profitable than solar plants so this technology should strenghten plants instead of satellites.
    • Horizon, I believe, that ships could benefit as well as defences.

      Cruiser - Ion tech in requirements
      Battlecruiser - laser tech in requirements
      Bomber - plasma tech in requirements
      Deathstar - grawitons in requirements
      Destroyer and Battleship are more problematic - they would have to benefit from something else, like hyperspace technology, for example raising their speed or shielding (or both, or some other configurations)
      Light and Heavy fighter - I would consider them an equiavlent of Rocket Lunchers, which don't require anything apart from shipyard, thus not gaining any bonuses. Well, heavy fighet could actually get a double bonus from armour tech, as it has it in requirements :)

      This way both ships and defences would get bonuses and noone would have reasons to complain :)
    • As Horizon said, my idea gives power to the defenses, but not to the attack.
      So I agree with Horizon and Graveir: all the weapons of the ships should be related to those researches; I mean that, for example, if I upgrade the Ion Technology, I will increase the damage of the Ion Cannon (as I said in the first post) but also of the Cruiser (that needs Ion Tech.).
      And so on for all the ships.

      what do you think about?
    • I think that ships could benefit from these technologies related to their requirements but as Graveir said there would be problem with Battleship and Destroyer - there is only energy and hyperspace.

      Also Cruiser and Bomber would benefit from more than one technology - Bomber more because of Laser, Ion and Plasma so triple bonus ;)

      Deathstar wouldn't benefit at all but personally I see this as an advantage of your project because this ship is strong enough and it would make battles with deathstars more technology relevant and interesting.
      And one more thing - cannons and ships would benefit from all technologies or You will link it to main technology it uses?

      For example Cruiser needs lvl 5 Laser and lvl 2 Ion - it gives schematically 7 bonuses
      BattleCruiser benefits from 12 levels of Laser so 12 bonuses
      But Bomber needs 10 Laser, 5 Ion and 5 Plasma so 20 bonuses.
      Plasma needs 10 Laser, 5 Ion and 7 Plasma which gives 22 bonuses.

      It's just a scheme but looks quite good for me because the stronger ship or defense the more it gets.
      Destroyer should benefit most as the strongest ship but it doesn't use Laser, Ion or Plasma - maybe something with energy.

      And now a suggestion -
      give players bonuses if we research level of technology higher than a required level.

      In my opinion it's the best option because ships would benefit from all technologies also not from a level required but from a level higher.

      Cruiser would get a bonus from Laser Technology when we get Laser lvl 6 or bonus from Ion when Ion lvl 3 (requirements - Laser lvl 5 and Ion lvl 2).
      Plasma when we get Laser lvl 11 ( bonus from Laser) or Ion lvl 6 (bonus from Ion) or Plasma lvl 8 - bonus from Plasma ( Laser 10, Ion 5, Plasma 7 required).
      And so on.

      Of course if we invest in all technologies from those required we get bonuses from all technologies.

      Players would be encouraged to research techs more than required to get bonuses when they invest further and not only when they reach requirements.

    • Hm, in general it´s an interesting suggestion and hard to say something about it. It`s not a "yes", it`s not a "no". We will add a lot of things in the future and upgrades for several things could be part of it. Several researches offer us the possibility to use them for such things and I think we will do it indeed. It´s just still part of the far away future.

      - - - WTH was here - - -


      ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
      yeah my girlfriend too :P
    • I wish I would have seen this thread before making THIS POST , seems most of the thoughts I had were already discussed in this thread.

      "Gemini893" wrote:

      I'd like to see techs like Laser, Ion, and Plasma contribute more by leveling them up past current needs. Examples:

      Ion technology is used to unlock Ion Cannons and Cruisers (not counting things where Ion needs to be leveled up to activate another tech). If a player were to choose to continue leveling up Ion tech they're basically wasting res on a dead end and useless tech above level 5. What if Ion Tech also gave some kind of weapons boost to the Ion Cannon and the Cruiser? This would make it worth a player's time and resources to continue investing in Ion Tech.

      Laser technology is used to unlock Light Lasers, Heavy Lasers, and Battlecruisers. After level 12 it is another dead end and useless waste of res. Having this tech also give a weapons bonus to the LL, HL, and BC would give people incentive to continue investing in the tech.

      Plasma technology unlocks the Plasma Turret and Bomber. Now I don't favor Bombers much because they are such hogs on fuel usage BUT if they got a weapons bonus (along with Plasma Turrets) I might change my mind and use Bombers more often.

      How much of an added weapon bonus is kind of a shot in the dark but I was thinking 5% per level. I thought 10% to be somewhat high since we also get a bonus from upgrading Weapons Technology and each of these dead end techs would only effect 2 or 3 things anyway.

      The other tech I'd like to see with a small change is Energy technology. Currently it only boosts the power output of Fusion Reactors but I would think that researching energy should also help boost production of Solar Plants. I think Solar Satellites are fine as is but would greatly appreciate a boost to the Solar Plants.

      Hyperspace technology is currently a dead end at level 8. What if it also gave something like a 5% boost to the speed of hyperspace drive ships? My reasoning is that researching hyperspace technology is also learning how to make better and more efficient drives. Another possibility is to reduce the cool down timer of the Jump Gate by 2% per level.

      The only thing I could think of for Graviton technology would be to reduce the cool-down timer of the Jump Gate by 10% per level, but I don't believe anything would be done to augment Graviton in the near future.