Auctioneer suggestion

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    • Auctioneer suggestion

      1. There should be a warning in the Auctioneer menu which tells players that their resources will be lost when someone offers bigger bid and they won't win the auction. Yeah, sometimes it is funny to watch auctions, especially when somebody pays millions for 10% mine booster, but only some small exclamation mark with the text (or something similar) might prevent these "fails".

      2. Auctioneer again. Why do I have to loose my resources when someone offers more ress than me? It is completely illogical. In real life you won't loose your money when you're buying something on the auction, so why is it different in Ogame? OK, I would suggest that players won't receive all their resources back, but let's say 70%. Or I also heard suggestion, that players won't get his ress back, but they will be able to use them in the next auction.
    • DesertEagle wrote:

      1. There should be a warning in the Auctioneer menu which tells players that their resources will be lost when someone offers bigger bid and they won't win the auction. Yeah, sometimes it is funny to watch auctions, especially when somebody pays millions for 10% mine booster, but only some small exclamation mark with the text (or something similar) might prevent these "fails".
      There is one.
      There is a popup for auctioneer and also for scrap merchant, which explains the function and also this is listed there. But sure, you have to read bevore use.
      If someone pays millions (I also heard about 45millions bets), is crazy at all. Such things you can´t prevent in any case.

      DesertEagle wrote:

      2. Auctioneer again. Why do I have to loose my resources when someone offers more ress than me? It is completely illogical. In real life you won't loose your money when you're buying something on the auction, so why is it different in Ogame? OK, I would suggest that players won't receive all their resources back, but let's say 70%. Or I also heard suggestion, that players won't get his ress back, but they will be able to use them in the next auction.
      If you will get all ressources back, it´s the best way to save your ressources, if you will be attacked from another, your ressources are save for 45 minutes !? I don´t think that you want this :)
      We will think about a small "get back" in future
      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • DesertEagle: I agree, nothing to say about it different as you did (excluding the popup :))

      JoKy: You are kidding me ? :) The auctions takes around 45Minutes of time. Maybe there is lot of time for someone to hide his/hers resourses with this weird way, but i ask why he/she should do this, if he can win the auction ? :) There is always a chance to lose those resourses by winning the auction...
      And on other side, it is completely unfair to keep those resources you have move to the auction, like it would be in real life. We should have the game build on real world criterias and fix the potential misuses again on most possible real world criterias. Not to create fantasy rules, illogical, unfair, unbalanced and keep telling "it is good, because the player can misuse it, so we have did it this way". Because, we heard this thing many times before, you know, from people who can´t create something functioning.
      If GF can not create a again and again mentioned ingame market, they should fix this (i prefer to say) big problem. Because, with auction they only supporting the rich on resources/TOP players (rich > richer * poor > poorer) - so what about that noob protection system right now, when the TOP players will buy through auctions always what they want (bigger fleet, bigger loss for you...).
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-

      The post was edited 1 time, last by sirEdward ().

    • I agree that it wouldn't be wise to try a RS using auctioneer.
      I don't like that you lose invested resources if someone outbids you, but I can't think of any better way to prevent players raising bids sky high out of pure malice.

      I don't like the idea to automatically bid "outbidden" resources on the next auction, because that could lead to bidding a high amount of resources for an item of small value, and take away the chance for a lower ranked player to win it.

      I think that auctions should be shorter. Players who "know what they're doing" don't bid until the last 5-10 minutes anyway. We could have more "action" that way.

      I think that auctions could run all day and night. There are players who play only by day, and players who play only by night. It's not right to give advantage to any group of mentioned players.

      On a side note, there are RL auctions that use the system where you don't get your money back if you don't win.
      Life? Don't talk to me about life...
    • JoKy wrote:

      If you will get all ressources back, it´s the best way to save your ressources, if you will be attacked from another, your ressources are save for 45 minutes !? I don´t think that you want this
      Yes, I understand. So let's do a simple solution: If you're under attack, you cannot participate the auction.

      marv wrote:

      I think that auctions could run all day and night. There are players who play only by day, and players who play only by night. It's not right to give advantage to any group of mentioned players.
      Totally agree!

      Next wrong thing about the auctions: Weak players are almost unable to win the auction. If somebody joins an universe where top players have e.g. 5M points, he doesn't have a chance to accumulate enough ress to win the auction. But why couldn't he enjoy the advantages of mine boosters or detroids without spending DM? This is very unfair.
      My suggestion is: Divide the auctions by player's points, e.g. players with 0-50.000 pts have their own auction, 50.001-500.000 another auction etc etc. This would bring more balance into the game.
    • DesertEagle wrote:

      Weak players are almost unable to win the auction. If somebody joins an universe where top players have e.g. 5M points, he doesn't have a chance to accumulate enough ress to win the auction. But why couldn't he enjoy the advantages of mine boosters or detroids without spending DM? This is very unfair.
      My suggestion is: Divide the auctions by player's points, e.g. players with 0-50.000 pts have their own auction, 50.001-500.000 another auction etc etc. This would bring more balance into the game.

      If we speed-up auctions by making them last 10-15 minutes and leave them open all night, we would have a lot more auctions in 24 hours.
      Then we could introduce new, cheap items with smaller effect. They would also last 7 days and because of that would be a bad investment for higher ranked players, no matter the cost.
      Life? Don't talk to me about life...
    • Kebab wrote:

      Such as?
      5% booster? or something else?

      I was thinking about 1%, 2%, 3% boosters, at the time, but I didn't do any math.
      Now I see that at metal mine level 15, maximum amount that you should bet on a 1% metal booster is 3k metal, which doesn't give enough "playing space".
      On a 5% booster it would be 5k metal. That could provide a nice game, but there's another error in my thinking.
      I was thinking that higher ranked players won't waste their time on a small booster. But there's hardly a chance that enough higher ranked players will have all their nine planets equipped.
      Therefore, they will bet on small items.
      And since their mines are at much higher levels, they can easily put a much bigger bid than lower ranked players.
      So maybe that wasn't such a good idea after all.

      But I would really like shorter auctions...
      Life? Don't talk to me about life...
    • Maybe boosters with limits could be reintroduced?
      For example, beside regular bronze metal booster, a bronze metal booster with cap at mine level 20 would appear at auction. That way it would be uninteresting to higher ranked players...
      Life? Don't talk to me about life...
    • One solution can be to split the auctions accessibility by points .
      So, lower ranked players to have their own auction and higher ranked players to have a separate one. Each category of players to have its own auction. The rank separation can be made for accounts under 100k points, next threshold for players under 1kk points and after 10kk points to have the highest level of auction.
      I like the idea to have 24/24 hours auctions . In this way the "early bird catches the worm" can have a meaning and active players can be rewarded once more.
    • Suggestion:
      One free market for items exchange beetwen players ,where someone can offer one Detroid for one Booster (for example).
      A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.(LAO TZU)