Dead end and other technologies

    • Maybe
    • Research

    • Dead end and other technologies

      I'd like to see techs like Laser, Ion, and Plasma contribute more by leveling them up past current needs. Examples:

      Ion technology is used to unlock Ion Cannons and Cruisers (not counting things where Ion needs to be leveled up to activate another tech). If a player were to choose to continue leveling up Ion tech they're basically wasting res on a dead end and useless tech above level 5. What if Ion Tech also gave some kind of weapons boost to the Ion Cannon and the Cruiser? This would make it worth a player's time and resources to continue investing in Ion Tech.

      Laser technology is used to unlock Light Lasers, Heavy Lasers, and Battlecruisers. After level 12 it is another dead end and useless waste of res. Having this tech also give a weapons bonus to the LL, HL, and BC would give people incentive to continue investing in the tech.

      Plasma technology unlocks the Plasma Turret and Bomber. Now I don't favor Bombers much because they are such hogs on fuel usage BUT if they got a weapons bonus (along with Plasma Turrets) I might change my mind and use Bombers more often.

      How much of an added weapon bonus is kind of a shot in the dark but I was thinking 5% per level. I thought 10% to be somewhat high since we also get a bonus from upgrading Weapons Technology and each of these dead end techs would only effect 2 or 3 things anyway.

      The other tech I'd like to see with a small change is Energy technology. Currently it only boosts the power output of Fusion Reactors but I would think that researching energy should also help boost production of Solar Plants. I think Solar Satellites are fine as is but would greatly appreciate a boost to the Solar Plants.

      Hyperspace technology is currently a dead end at level 8. What if it also gave something like a 5% boost to the speed of hyperspace drive ships? My reasoning is that researching hyperspace technology is also learning how to make better and more efficient drives. Another possibility is to reduce the cool down timer of the Jump Gate by 2% per level.

      The only thing I could think of for Graviton technology would be to reduce the cool-down timer of the Jump Gate by 10% per level, but I don't believe anything would be done to augment Graviton in the near future.
    • ah, I see the similarity between our posts and didn't see yours before I posted. However mine does include different and more specific ideas than the initial post in your thread. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with thoughts on this subject though.