Be able to send battles reports by Circular Message.

    • Implemented
    • Alliance and Player Interaction

    • Be able to send battles reports by Circular Message.

      For example put this:

      [size=180]Atacantes (1):[/size]

      [size=140]FaustinoV [/size]
      Acorazado 2.700 perdió 2.700

      Perdidas: 229.500.000
      ( 81.000.000, Metal 108.000.000, Cristal, 40.500.000 Deuterio )

      [size=180]Defensores (1):[/size]

      [size=140]Axolotl [/size]
      Nave grande de Carga 1.585 perdió 125
      Cazador ligero 24.289 perdió 3.201
      Cazador pesado 468 perdió 43
      Crucero 174 perdió 1
      Nave de batalla 5.000 perdió 0
      Acorazado 1.000 perdió 0
      Bombardero 509 perdió 0
      Destructor 1.006 perdió 0
      Colonizador 1 perdió 0
      Reciclador 1 perdió 0

      Perdidas: 14.763.000
      ( 10.631.000, Metal 4.130.000, Cristal, 2.000 Deuterio )

      [size=140]¡ El defensor ha ganado la batalla ![/size]

      Robo: [size=140]0[/size] Metal, [size=140]0[/size] Cristal y [size=140]0[/size] Deuterio
      Escombros: [size=140]27.489.300[/size] Metal y [size=140]33.639.000[/size] Cristal [ 3.057 recicladores ]

      PERDIDAS Atacantes: 229.500.000
      ( 81.000.000 metal , 108.000.000 cristal, 40.500.000 deuterio )

      PERDIDAS Defensores: 14.763.000
      ( 10.631.000 metal , 4.130.000 cristal, 2.000 deuterio )

      RENTABILIDAD Atacantes reciclando: -168.371.700 [-74%]
      Metal: -53.510.700 [size=90][-67%][/size]
      Cristal: -74.361.000 [size=90][-69%][/size]
      Deuterio: -40.500.000 [size=90][-100%][/size]
      RENTABILIDAD Atacantes sin reciclar: -229.500.000 [-100%]
      Metal: -81.000.000 [size=90][-100%][/size]
      Cristal: -108.000.000 [size=90][-100%][/size]
      Deuterio: -40.500.000 [size=90][-100%][/size]
      RENTABILIDAD Defensores reciclando: 46.365.300 [314%]
      Metal: 16.858.300 [size=90][158%][/size]
      Cristal: 29.509.000 [size=90][714%][/size]
      Deuterio: -2.000 [size=90][-100%][/size]

      [size=140] Perdidas TOTALES: 244.263.000[/size]

      [size=90]Compactador automático de batallas HoChiChaos [0.07][/size]

      BUT THE SUGGESTION IS THE POSSIBILITY TO PUT ALL this report in the same not in 2 or 3 Circular Messages.

      Of suggestions implemented by GF like:
      Deconstruction Time Needed
      This post have already been reported
    • whats about sharing notes ?

      create a new tab in the note window where you can create a note with active BBCode.
      This can be helpful for other tasks, too (like observations. so you are able to create aktive coordinates which you can click on. or any aktive link etc).
      so you could save nice CR in this area. There must be a checkbox wether to make it public or private. If it is public then an specific ID is given to that note to be able to put it in a link. If you share that link, everyone in the same univers may open it. and you can easily write that link in a circular msg. The good thing is that you can share every note you wish. like a table of foreign coodinates or a list of (aktive linked) tools etc.

      Another nice thing is, that you would be able to implement those public notes on the allypage. I myself have problems with the space of the allypage and I want to add more in that page. If i could pack some areas in such public notes, then i would have more space and another nice system to hold the arrangement on tha allypage. in addition i could show parts of the allypage in the circular msg easily (if I an issues indicates to a part of the allypage)