Alliance Depot - usefull and a way to protect weaker players

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    • Alliance Depot - usefull and a way to protect weaker players

      first at all i never seen anyone that used the alliance depot for something useful in any case. currently that building is simple the worst building in game. so lets change the way it works!
      • we let the currently way how it is able to increase the duration of a holding fleet as it is (you pay for additional hold time)
      • in addition to that the alliance depot gets a own storage for deuterium and it gets a own deuterium "production". you can not use that production for yourself, or put it away from the alliance depots storage. if the storage is full it stops collection additional deuterium.
      • if a holding fleet arrives at your planet / moon the fleet gets back the amount of deuterium it needed for the flight and for the holding duration. so if your storage within the alliance depot is big enough the holding of a fleet at your planet is for free (until your storage is empty).
      • this storage can also be used to increase the duration of a holding fleed (you do not pay with your own deut, you pay with the deut from the storage of the alliance depot then)

      the result of this would be that defending a weaker player is more or less for free. making defending a much better option. currently if a weak player is attacked by deathstars for example noone would hold there if the deathstars are within a sensore range of the attacker (if you don't think attacker is very noobisch ^^). because it costs 5000 deut for the attacker to see if someone holds and it may cost 1.000.000+ of deuterium to do a hold mission. with that chance you could hold for free and defend a weaker player for free.

      a side effect of this would be that you could use hold your fleet at a alliance member as a way to save for free. to balance this we would need a min hold duration of 10 mins for example. and we need to make sure that the deuterium production of the alliance depot is slow enough so that you can't do that all day long. in addition to that we need to show the amount of deuterium within the alliance depot within spy reports too.
    • I like the idea because it would increase the community factor of the game which really lost all its apeal for me.
      But I think that this would also push higher players who are the only ones with enough recources to build a higher level of the depot. So this may not be a problem since the higher players will be attacked by more ships and for greater attacks normally it is easier to rebuild your defense (and satellites) instead of defending the planet. Thats a shame because you lose less resources if you don't interact with other players.

      So a :thumbup: from me for this idea.
    • Why do you always try to help noobs?

      If they are noobs:
      1. They can improve their way of gaming, and don't need this piece of shit
      2. They cannot, and it's too bad for them.

      I'm really pissed of those suggestions trying to help noobs. The best way of helping them is not to "simplify" the game, but to train them (tutorials, etc.)
    • @marshen
      maybe the costs of the depot has to be changed. but should be possible to make it so that both weak and strong players can make a use of it. also i think that very huge fleets, or huge defences by holding a fleet somewhere do not need to be completly free. if the depot saves half the deuterium for it is still usefull.
      @kendiraton you know the difference between a weak player and a noob? looks like you don't... for holding and defending you need to know many things about the game to make it working. a noob will not be able to do that in first place, a weak player should be able to do so. but currently he will not find many players that will hold and defend him, because the costs are to high in compare to a 5.000 deut sensor scan.
    • Its not for free, because the needed Deut for the travel to the player and back must be paid by the helper (on start of fleet).
      The only costs that could be "for free" are the holding time.

      But if the complete holding time consumes only the storage of the alliance depot, what will happen, if the weaker player does not have a alliance depot ?
      Variant A : Fleet return immediately => no help for the weaker player.
      Variant B : Fleet must bring along the Deut for the first holding hour => same situation like yet.

      And normaly you wont send the fleet so early, that the minimum holding time of 1 hour is to short.
      Normally you send a holding fleet that it arrives nearly five seconds before attackers.
    • Caprica Six wrote:

      do you know the difference between a weak player and a noob? looks like you don't... for holding and defending you need to know many things about the game to make it working. a noob will not be able to do that in first place, a weak player should be able to do so. but currently he will not find many players that will hold and defend him, because the costs are to high in compare to a 5.000 deut sensor scan.
      Yes, I know the difference.

      A weak player who knows how to play (i.e. not a noob) doesn't need the help of anyone to protect/defend him, because he will not be considered as a good target: if he knows how to hide his fleet & resources, nobody will try to raid him...

      So I maintain my statement: why always try to help noobs?
    • @SlowMotion
      the idea would be if you start a fleet for defending that has 1.000.000 travel cost and 100.000 hold cost for 1h. then you have to spend that at the moment you start your fleet. if your fleet starts holding at the planet you send it to, then you get up to 1.100.000 deut from the depot storage loaded into your fleet. so if the fleet returnes you have up to 1.100.000 deut within it. if the player has no alliance depot ,then you wont get back any deut. if it is to small you will get a less amount.


      sorry but that's simply not true. a noob player will not even know about what defending is and how it works. they will not even build depots... so he will not get any benefit from this. also you're wrong if you think that every weak player is so good that he is not attackable at all. if we would get to this point someday... ogame will be dead because you can not raid anyone anymore.

      the point is that defending anyone other then a real friend or a alliance member is not done at all. because the costs are to high in compare to a 5.000 deut sensor scan. if we change that (the time problem is still in place, making defending hard enough) everyone will benefit from that. you help weak players to protect their self and you help strong players to do combat reports by defending someone else. and you finally begin to bring some balance in the free of costs deathstar attacks vs the huge amount of costs defence against them.
    • Caprica Six wrote:

      the point is that defending anyone other then a real friend or a alliance member is not done at all. because the costs are to high in compare to a 5.000 deut sensor scan. if we change that (the time problem is still in place, making defending hard enough) everyone will benefit from that. you help weak players to protect their self and you help strong players to do combat reports by defending someone else. and you finally begin to bring some balance in the free of costs deathstar attacks vs the huge amount of costs defence against them.
      I cannot understand your point. You speak of the very costly 5k deut sensor scan on one side and a death star on another side. Try to be consistent and perhaps I will understand better.
      And, by the way, if your weak player is obliged to defend himself on a planet (hence the use of sensor scan), I'm sorry to say it's not only a weak player but a noob: let him know that the attacker cannot use a sensor scan when the target is a moon, and you are done (you cannot build a depot on a moon anymore).
    • if player 1 gets attacked by player 2 with deathstars. then player 1 asks player 3 for help and defending, to counter that attack. then player 2 uses his sensor scan to look if he is save. then this 5k deut for that simple sensor scan save his day, while player 3 spend much much more deuterium for his holding but that got wasted just for the cost of a single sensor scan. the extremly high risk of wasting your deut when trying to defend someone is the key problem why defending is not used.

      the depot on the planet also covers the moon. that already the way it is, you can support a fleet that holding on the moon with the depot of the planet.
    • If player 1 cannot defend himself against player 2, player 3 should evaluate the risk (i.e. deut used) to defend player 1. If player 1 is a noob (i.e. he must defend himself on a planet), too bad.
      If it's on a moon, then player 2 takes all the risks...

      Anyway, the depot doesn't help. With or without depot, player 3 will come (or not), and it's not the depot which will make him change his mind, even if there is less deut to use.
    • the evaluate the risk, as you call it for player 3 is at the moment always not to flight. you always got a huge amount of deut to flight and a very high risk that the player 2 isn't very very bad. so in 99%+ of all cases you waste your deut if you try to defend someone.

      you do not take any additional risk as player 2, even if you attack a moon. if you are not able to see that player 1 is online then you should not play with a fleet at all^^ he can only call for help if he is within the account, and you see that as player 2. you have to think about if someone may defend against your attack already, so where is the additional risk? it's not there.

      if you really think that the depot would not change anything, then you don't have to care about this? i know for sure that i would try defending an other player, if he has a depot thats paying most of the cost to do so. i know also that i do not risk my deut for defending in the current situation. so there is a huge effect within that idee, just don't understand why you don't wanna see it :(
    • Some minor questions to detail the idea :

      - will the Deut be "paid" on arriving of the def fleet (you can 1 second after arriving fly back, and the other player is not deffed, but has paid => alliance depot is possibly empty
      - How can you see that the player has enough Deut in his alliance depot to pay you ? (Spio Report ? )
      - Will the amount of Deuterium earning depend on the size of the alliance depot or the temperature, ... ?
      - Will all holding fleet earn the money, or only if the player requested help ? (How can this be controlled ?
      • yes the depot should pay right in the second the fleet starts holding (i already said we may need a min hold duration of let's say 10 mins, can image that it takes some time to get the deut within the fleet)
      • the spy report is a bad idea to see the amount of deut, because you have to create activity on that planet => attacker knows something is going on very easy then. it is possible to show the amount of deut within the depot on fleet3 when you also select holding duration of your fleet. showing it within spy reports could be possible to help attackers to think about if someone could call for help because this depot is full.
      • would say it depends only on the size of the depot. the idea is not that the depot is "producing" deuterium. the idea is that its collecting stuff from the people on the planet that is traded into deuterium. that collecting stops right in the moment the storage is full and the people thing they are "safe".
      • only your alliance or your buddy list can hold at your planets. so you can control that already. (by the way would not call it "earn money" because you do not get back more deut then you have already paid for flying and holding to that person. its a geting back the costs you already spend but not earning something).