NL suggestion: RIP fleet gets no honor points or lose them

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    • NL suggestion: RIP fleet gets no honor points or lose them

      Idea from our community:

      I think that big RIP fleets should not get honorpoints or maybe even lose them.

      Reason is because people just send a huge RIP fleet to defense to get honor points ...:
      I think that if you have a Rip fleet and send that on pure defense, which never can destroy 1 RIP, that you get non honor points from such an attack.

      Not really honorable to defeat an enemy that cannot fight back or escape the fight right?
      Red Dragon @ 13-09-15/00:13 - Moved to Rejected
    • The "hp farming" is a real problem, i'm not sure this suggestion is the best way to counter it but it seems to be the only idea here.
      A "deathstat only fleet" might be a fleet with 90% of total resources in deathstar (im not sure players will add 1k probes per deathstar :P)
      I'm not sure it will be easy to implemant.
    • moin has to create a category score of Death Star, if c can imagine a score of a fleet of 90 ° RIP, imagining that this category has to walk from a specific number of Death Star, which has a fleet distingrer Low weight a fleet of heavy .... :?:
    • There is no notion about what you can compare and what can not. So please, use forum rules for moderation rather than self fantasy.

      Entire HP system is a problem, and needs large overhaul, the Hp farming by destroying defences for no/small gain is only one of the most obvious problems in a game were to be "honorable" fight needs at most 2:1 global superiority, while to be profitable" attacker needs at least 3:1 local superiority.

      So pretty much the only way to get HP and not loose resources is to destroy smaller assets of more or less military equal players, because, game mechanics pretty much forbids "even fights" as such because they are not profitable.

      "farming" defences is only one of possible issues.

      So please *scissor*

      ~Red Dragon @ 16-02 - Don't use sickness in comparing with ideas. post edited
      ~1Alexey@ Will do unless forum rules suggest otherwise.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by 1alexey ().

    • When you build defence, you know that you choose an unfix investment.

      If your defence is destroyed for the fleet behind, for the res behind, just for fun, by IPM or to make points for a war, what's the difference if it's for HP ?

      If you have a neighbour with a defence like this :
      LM : 50.000
      Plasma : 500

      It's not honorable to RIP it, but if I remove the plasma by IPM and destroy the rest with 20k battlecruiser its honorable ?

      OK to find a better life for Honor Points;
      Not OK to make a segregation between type of fleeters.

      The automatic escape of a fleet behind a def is enough, to disadvantage the RIP, no ? :cursing:
    • The V4 might have an impact on the HP issue... The junk dealer will allow player with big bunkers to sell part of their defenses in order to lower down their military rank...
      And become "not honorable" for the top fleeters.
      And, we don't know yet if it will be interesting or not to farm HP regularly after the V4...

      OK to find a better life for Honor Points;
      Not OK to make a segregation between type of fleeters.

      +1 with this
    • NusaDua wrote:

      The V4 might have an impact on the HP issue... The junk dealer will allow player with big bunkers to sell part of their defenses in order to lower down their military rank...
      And become "not honorable" for the top fleeters.
      And, we don't know yet if it will be interesting or not to farm HP regularly after the V4...
      I don't think the question we are treating here is to get an NPC and exchange our defense for resources in order to be less attractive for players looking for HP. I must say I'm OK with the junk dealer feature, it will benefit players in too many ways... what many people argue here is: a lot of defense is the strategy that allows some type of players continue in the game like miners. with this HP theme you can see now attacks that have no true objective more than getting HP out of the defense of a player even if the battle ends up tied and there's no DF. So you see if I'm a miner and all of a sudden find myself in a position where I'm supposed to reduce my defense to not get attack for HP and leave my planets production in a silver platter to many players, I would rather prefer quit Ogame before see that happening 'cause that's my strategy you know... I mean this theme leads to a distortion of the essence of the game that is to make profit form resources' plunder or large debris fields... GF should acknowledge this and make adjustments on this particular case of the defense going to HP
    • bump










      The honorsystem does not distinguishes between fleet types, it´s just a technical compare of points with some highscore connection. Should we really increae this complicate system with more complexity to have hundrets of edgecases?


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