Relocation - Exchange location of colony with another player (two sided-relocation)

    • Alliance and Player Interaction

    • Relocation - Exchange location of colony with another player (two sided-relocation)

      My idea is to add the possibilty to exchange the location of a colony with another player.

      The first player clicks the relocation button on the location (location with planet) he wants to change location with.
      Of course the second player has to agree to this (either by clicking the relocation button or simply "yes" or "no")

      The most important thing is that just one player (the first) pays the relocation (240k DM).
      There are many players who doesnt use DM so this would be helpful for them.
      For example, miners who have many planets in one system can be saved after someone relocated to their system.
      With this possibiltiy they could get a helpful hand, or just trying to remove one of their planets to a more secure location. Sometimes it happens that no ally can help because there arent any free locations in the system. Which is equal "game over" for some players sometimes. Especially for those without DM.
      Also there will be new tactical possibilities. Infiltrating a system which is a base for strong alliance but with one planet from a different alliance in it for example.

      I am very sure that GameForge wouldnt sell less DM with this feature. In the contrary, i think that this would boost the use of DM but user without DM would also benefit from it.

      I already suggested this idea on the german ogame forum before i got the information about this forum.

      Btw, i am a DM user :D

      The post was edited 1 time, last by damir80m ().