Game design suggestion - Quests

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    • Game design suggestion - Quests

      Hello Origin

      A GO from, Byelorussia, came up with a suggestion to the game that might be good enough to post here. We're mainly looking for feedback and of course, if it's good enough, to get the attention of people who can make it happen.
      Original suggestion here (Swedish)

      What we want to do is implement some short-term goals into the game by giving every player a "quest" every x days (for example x=2). Let's say you could have up to 3 quests active at once, and if you don't manage to finish either of them, the oldest one will disappear when the fourth quest is received.

      Some example quests (these can all be tweaked, they're not set in stone! The only thing really important about them is that there are quests for every play style):
      • Send and finish 10 attacks
      • Upgrade a mine
      • Make a Hall of Fame hit
      • Use the phalanx 30 times
      • Send 20 IPMs
      • Finish a nanite 5
      • Build 100 battleships
      • Make a hit with more than 1.000M TD
      • Colonize a planet

      As you can see some of these are easy, some are harder, some are fitting for miners, some for fleeters, etc. The idea is to give rewards for each one, and balance the reward based on how hard the quest is to finish. Rewards should mainly consist of shop items like krakens/detroids/newtrons or maybe mine boosters, but maybe some of them could have resources or ships as the reward as well. Looking at the tutorial, maybe a couple of days of free commander could work too.

      Again, this is all up for discussion, the details aren't the important part, we just want to suggest the concept of implementing some short-term goals. OGame revolves quite a lot around patience, and it requires a long time of playing to really get payed off. This type of "grinder" game often has some way to make players have a little more fun while grinding. I could name several examples, but it's probably a bad idea for advertising reasons :)
      And just as a disclaimer before people start commenting on this too much, I'm well aware that OGame doesn't have to be a grinder game, but sometimes it is. And for those that do play this way, these quests would be a nice addition. Also, in old dead universes there are often not much left to do for the "winners" other than set up crazy goals for oneself, this suggestion would give something to focus on.

      Another important part of this suggestion is the ability to exchange quests. As a miner, it probably won't be fun to get a quest to make a hit larger than 1.000M TD, therefore you have to be able to exchange the ones you don't want. Some example suggestion could be that you get 1 free quest swap (to a new random one obviously) each week, and the possibility to pay DM to swap around even more. This way GF has something to gain from it as well.

      Some of my own thoughts around this:
      Is it possible to change the difficulties of the quests depending on how old the universe is? Point is it would be quite sad to get the s-adv hit one when you have 1k points. This will probably be hard to implement while keeping it balanced, but maybe some developer smarter than me can make it happen, I don't know :)
      On the same topic, is it possible to change the difficulty based on the account size? For example, instead of "build 100 battleships", let's change it to "build [account points/6000] battleships" (or in other words: build 1 % of your account points in battleships).

      Some food for thought around this is that the tutorial basically does this exact thing already, but in a much smaller scale. I don't think the rewards are going to be unbalanced at all, even if we do see ships being used as a reward.

      I personally like the idea simply because it gives you something smaller to do instead of just having to focus on your 6 months long build order you've already planned in advance.

      So, bash your head against the closest wall and think this through please. Feedback is highly appreciated. Also, remember that most of the creds (and all the potential hate!) goes to Byelorussia, not to me.

      Thanks for reading

      The post was edited 1 time, last by PooPooHead ().