Ogame Wiki recruitment

    • Ogame Wiki recruitment

      Dear teamlers and players,

      OGameWiki Team is waiting for your feedback, your comments and suggestions. Your opinions and comments are very precious to us, as they can help us continuously improve the OGameWiki and thus provide a wealth of accurate information to OGame players worldwide.

      At this moment, our efforts are being centred around updating and improving OGameWiki.
      However, we need a team of people first. :)
      If you feel like you want to be a part of the Wiki Team and you want to help, feel free to PM me :)

      We will have our regular wiki meeting 17.1. - feel free to join us and have a look.

      Best regards
      Icegirl, wiki leader

    • Dear teamlers, members and players,

      Wiki is still recruiting.

      We are putting effort to promote Ogame the best we can, to provide tutorials, guides and tricks how to do stuff ingame, how to progress and how to be good at this game - what is more important, to teach new players about game before they give up playing.

      Status of wiki: wiki.ogame.org/index.php/Main_Page
      - We have done tutorials
      - We have done guides (not published yet)
      - We will have new project as soon as we gather our team

      If you are creative, interested to teach, share your knowledge or simply read and give feedback.. please poke me so I can put you on my list.
      Do not hesitate to ask if you have questions. I'm available every day here or irc channels (#ogame.origin).

      PS: I have cookies!

      Best regards
      Icegirl, wiki leader