UniverseView - 3.1.0

  • UniverseView - 3.1.0


    From version 3.1.0 the way the extension runs has changed.
    UniverseView now runs as a content script, before it was jus injected in the page.
    It gives the extension a performance boost.

    This update mostly contains changes to make UniverseView work as a content script & performance updates.

    • New => Simulation button in spy reports
    • New => Simulation button in event fleets
    • New => Simulation button in phalanx fleets
    • New => Show raid data in small epsionage reports
    • Polish => Convert button in combat reports, new icon & also in the full report window
    • Polish => HTML detection is managed in 1 general location -> overall performance win
    • Polish => Fleetpage target selection now also change the times, consumption, ...
    • Polish => Update ogame settings when ogame version changes
    • Polish => Preload extension images
    • Polish => Better handling for planet fields in planet list
    • Polish => Better tooltip positions in quicksearch
    • Bug => Fixed, Highscore improvement crash when a new player didn't exist in the XML
    • Bug => Fixed, setting current galaxy, system location when switching to another planet

    The update will be released today.

    When the extension is updated, it can happen that chrome will disable the extension because the permissions have changed.
    This is for the management API, it's needed to see if AGO is installed so that UniverseView doesn't conflict with it.
    You need to manually enable UniverseView again, you can do this by following these 3 steps: (Google support)
    1. On your browser, click menu
    2. Select More tools > Extensions.
    3. Search for "UniverseView Extension", check the box to turn it on.

    The Firefox users will, again, have to wait a little bit.
    As the add-on signing process & support for WebExtension is very slow.
    I'm aiming at the beginning of February.

    Feedback is always welcome ! You can contact me via this board.


    The post was edited 5 times, last by Warsaalk ().