Guide 11: IPM guide

    • Wiki Updated

    • Attacking a player with ships is not always the only possibility, you have also the missiles. There are two types of missiles: Interplanetary Missiles (IPM) and Anti-Ballistic Missiles(ABM). The IPMs can be launched to destroy enemy defense and ABMs can intercept attacking IPMs.

      =Interplanetary missiles=
      Interplanetary missiles are a powerful weapon against planets with a lot of defensive structures, the so called bunker. By all means they are a strategic facility to make small targets more lucrative, for example by eliminating several plasma turrets. They will be sent from your planet and will destroy a certain number of adverse defensive structures of your choice– but they also can be destroyed by self deploying anti-ballistic missiles. (When IPM's are detected your ABM's will auto deploy) Interplanetary missiles are launched from the Galaxy Screen and are designed to destroy enemy defense.The defenses which were destroyed by interplanetary missiles will not be rebuild, that represents the force of those missiles, besides the penetrating power. In an IPM attack, only the missile's Weapon Technology and the defense are used for calculation, as IPMs penetrate shields, including Small and Large Shield Domes. Before an IPM can hit the defense itself, all Anti-ballistic Missiles must be destroyed. Each ABM destroys one IPM.

      =How do i get those missiles?=
      To build interplanetary missiles you must have a missile silo level 4 on a planet (total cost: 300.000 metal, 300.000 crystal and 15.000 deuterium) and Impulse drive on level 1 (total cost: 2.000 metal, 4.000 crystal, 600 deuterium) after that you can commission interplanetary missiles, from the defense menu.
      A missile costs 12.500 metal, 2.500 crystal and 10.000 deuterium, per each level of the missile silo a maximum of five interplanetary missiles can be stored at the same time. So a silo on level five enables you to construct a maximum 25 interplanetary missiles. As long as there are missiles in the silo it is not possible to tear down a silo, however the upgrading is possible. To destroy missiles (ABM's or IPM's) without launching on a target, just click on the loading capacity in the missile silo and tear the missiles down there or you can sell them to the scrap dealer (see merchant menu).

      To build anti-ballistic missiles you only need missile silo on level 2 (total cost: 60.000 metal, 60.000 crystal, 3.000 deuterium), so the anti-ballistic missiles are easier to reach over the interplanetary missiles. Moreover a defense missile just takes half as much space; hence up to 50 anti-ballistic missiles can be stored in a silo on level 5. A defense missile costs 8.000 metal and 2.000 deuterium. Mind you, ABM's and IPM's share the same silo after missile silo level 4. Although you cannot build a missile silo on a moon, the anti-ballistic missiles of the planet also defend the defensive structure on a possibly existent moon!

      =How to attack with Interplanetary missiles?=
      To attack a player's planet or moon with interplanetary missiles you first have to switch to the galaxy view. If the target is within reach you will be able to attack the planet with interplanetary missiles by clicking on the missile icon symbol in the appropriate line. If the target is a moon, you will have to hold the mouse over the moon and click the appropriate link. After that a new menu will be opened in which you will have to enter the amount of mobilized missiles and the primary target, before affirming the attack. The primary target indicates the type of defensive structures, which shall be attacked - so you can set your interplanetary missiles selectively at rocket launchers, plasma turrets or any other type of defense, which you want to destroy.
      If the primary target is destroyed or nothing was chosen, the defensive structures will be destroyed in random order (system will chose new random target). If all defensive structures are eliminated then the interplanetary missiles will be destroyed also. The force of the attack depends of the weapon technology of the attacker and the armor technology of the defender.

      Formula for calculating missile range:
      Reach (in systems) = (level of impulse drive * 5) – 1

      Note: When sent, the interplanetary missiles cannot be recalled.

      So you should not make any mistakes with the entry, and you should be sure that you want to go through with this attack. As most of the players retaliate towards interplanetary missile attacks with counter attacks, you should not battle with too strong players, however the number makes the win: alliances with many small ranked players can use IPM coordinated attacks against much stronger players. After the impact you will receive a report with remaining defensive structure of the planet from the enemy. The defender also gets a short report with the name of the attacker and the amount of deployed missiles and the destroyed defensive units.

      Anti-ballistic missiles are always ready. As soon as an enemy attacks a player's planet or moon with interplanetary missiles, each anti-ballistic missile will destroy one of the hostile missiles and will be destroyed itself in doing so. With a sufficient amount of anti-ballistic missiles, the damage on the defensive structure from a player, in case of an interplanetary missile attack, can be abated or avoided entirely.

      =Useful tips=
      If you can see the interplanetary missile symbol next to a player in the galaxy view, you will be able to attack him with Interplanetary missiles. Make sure to check your espionage report to see if the enemy does not have too many anti-ballistic missiles, which can intercept the interplanetary missiles that you send, making your attack inefficient. If you want to attack a bigger bunker, you will have to build interplanetary missiles on several planets and fire them off at the same time, or to band together with several players, because also the defender can build anti-ballistic missiles and thus slowing the damage down. However interplanetary missiles are significantly faster than battle ships.

      Formula for calculating time of flight:
      time of flight (in seconds) = 30 + (30 * distance in systems)

      You can calculate the number of missiles, which you will need to destroy the defense of your enemy, with a Combat simulator, like: OSimulate , RakSim or SpeedSim
    • Interplanetary missiles (IPMs)

      Interplanetary missiles (IPMs) are launched from the Galaxy Screen and are designed to destroy enemy defense. Defense destroyed by Interplanetary missiles will not be rebuilt automatically. In an IPM attack, only the missile's Weapon Technology and the defense'shull plating are used for calculation, as IPMs penetrate shields, including Small and Large Shield Domes. Before an IPM can hit the defense itself, all Anti-ballistic Missiles must be destroyed. Each ABM destroys one IPM.

      The range (in number of systems) of an IPM is determined by the Impulse Drive level

      Note: Before Ogame version 0.78c the range was determined by the formula:

      For example, an Impulse Drive level of 5 would give a (5*5 - 1) = 24 system range, meaning that from 1:50 you could hit up to 1:26 and 1:74.
      IPMs take 30 + 60*(systems) seconds to travel. This means a same-system flight will take 30 seconds, and a missile sent from 1:100:5 to 1:110:5 will take 10 minutes and 30 seconds (30 + 60*(110-100) = 630 seconds).

      They do not use a fleet slot during travel time.

      In quadruple speed universe, therefore missiles do not use this calculation, they simply travel at 4X normal speed. To find missile flight time, use the original formula and divide your result by 4.
      Likewise, as in quintuple speed universe, missile flight time is found by dividing the result of the original formula by 5.

      In the redesign, missiles are no longer tracked on the Overview Screen or on the Sensor Phalanx, and are thus totally invisible.
      However they do create activity on the target planet upon hitting, and the defender receives a report in his messages.
      After the 1.4.3 patch, missiles will now show in the event box on the Overview Screenfor both the attacker and the defender.

      The most common tool used for IPM simulations is RakSim (website down).
      SpeedSim also has an IP-mode to simulate IPMs.

      You can store 5 Interplanetary Missiles for every Missile Silo Level on your planet.

      Interplanetary missiles DO NOT create debris fields from the destroyed defenses, and Interplanetary missiles DO NOT create combat reports (for the Attacker); so please make sure you send Esp probes to see the outcome before you lose in an unprofitable attack.

      However for the unfortunate target planet, IPM can be tracked. When they are either countered by anti-ballistic missiles, or they hit their targets, a message will appear in your inbox, stating where the missile came from (coordinates and the player name) and how many were blocked, or how many hit the planet.

      Note that Interplanetary Missiles could not be used to destroy the defense on a moon prior to ogame version 0.78a.
      IPMs can also be used to destroy other IPMs.
      However, IPMs on the defending planet are not targetable, so all the other defenses must be destroyed first.
      With even armor/weapons research 1 IPM destroys 8 IPMs.

      In OGame 0.78a, IPMs can be used to destroy defenses on a moon and ABMs from the planet will defend the moon in those cases.
      You can deconstruct both Interplanetary Missiles and Anti-ballistic Missiles.

      Requirements for Interplanetary Missiles:

      Interplanetary Missiles (IPM) are your offensive weapon to destroy the defenses of your target. Using state of the art tracking technology, each missile targets a certain number of defenses for destruction. Tipped with an anti-matter bomb, they deliver a destructive force so severe that destroyed shields and defenses cannot be repaired. The only way to counter these missiles is with ABMs.
    • Attacking a player with ships is not always the only possibility, you have also the missiles.There are two types of missiles: Interplanetary Missiles(IPM) and Anti-Ballistic Missiles(ABM). The IPMs can be launched to destroy enemy defense and ABMs can intercept attacking IPMs.

      =Interplanetary missiles=

      Interplanetary missiles are a powerful weapon against planets with a lot of defensive structures, the so called bunker. By all means they are a strategic facility to make small targets more lucrative, for example by eliminating several plasma turrets. They will be sent from your planet and will destroy a certain number of adverse defensive structures of your choice– but they also can be destroyed by self deploying anti-ballistic missiles. (When IPM's are detected your ABM's will auto deploy) Interplanetary missiles are launched from the Galaxy Screen and are designed to destroy enemy defense.The defenses which were destroyed by interplanetary missiles will not be rebuilt, that represents the force of those missiles, besides the penetrating power. In an IPM attack, only the missile's Weapon Technology and the defense are used for calculation, as IPMs penetrate shields, including Small and Large Shield Domes. Before an IPM can hit the defense itself, all Anti-ballistic Missiles must be destroyed. Each ABM destroys one IPM.

      =How do i get those missiles?=

      To build interplanetary missiles you must have a missile silo level 4 on a planet (total cost: 300.000 metal, 300.000 crystal and 15.000 deuterium ) after that you can commission interplanetary missiles, from the defense menu. A missile costs 12.500 metal, 2.500 crystal and 10.000 deuterium, per each level of the missile silo a maximum of five interplanetary missiles can be stored at the same time. So a silo on level five enables you to construct a maximum 25 interplanetary missiles. As long as there are missiles in the silo it is not possible to tear down a silo, however the upgrading is possible. To destroy missiles (ABM's or IPM's) without launching on a target, just click on the loading capacity in the missile silo and tear the missiles down there or you can sell them to the scrap dealer (see merchant menu).

      To build anti-ballistic missiles you only need missile silo on level 2 ( total cost: 60.000 metal, 60.000 crystal, 3.000 deuterium ), so the anti-ballistic missiles are easier to reach over the interplanetary missiles. Moreover a defense missile just takes half as much space; hence up to 50 anti-ballistic missiles can be stored in a silo on level 5. A defense missile costs 8.000 metal and 2.000 deuterium. Mind you, ABM's and IPM's share the same silo after missile silo level 4. Although you cannot build a missile silo on a moon, the anti-ballistic missiles of the planet also defend the defensive structure on a possibly existent moon!

      =How to attack with Interplanetary missiles?=

      To attack a player's planet or moon with interplanetary missiles you first have to switch to the galaxy view. If the target is within reach you will be able to attack the planet with interplanetary missiles by clicking on the missile icon symbol in the appropriate line. If the target is a moon, you will have to hold the mouse over the moon and click the appropriate link. After that a new menu will be opened in which you will have to enter the amount of mobilized missiles and the primary target, before affirming the attack. The primary target indicates the type of defensive structures, which shall be attacked - so you can set your interplanetary missiles selectively at rocket launchers, plasma turrets or any other type of defense, which you want to destroy. If the primary target is destroyed or nothing was chosen, the defensive structures will be destroyed in the order, as they are in the defense, starting with the rocket launchers. If all defensive structures are eliminated then the interplanetary missiles will be destroyed also. The force of the attack depends of the weapon technology of the attacker and the armor technology of the defender.

      Formula for calculating missile range:
      Reach ( in systems ) = (level of impulse drive * 5 ) – 1

      Note: When sent, the interplanetary missiles cannot be recalled.

      So you should not make any mistakes with the entry, and you should be sure that you want to go through with this attack. As most of the players retaliate towards interplanetary missile attacks with counter attacks, you should not battle with too strong of a player, however the number makes the win: alliances with many small ranked players can use IPM coordinated attacks against much stronger players. After the impact you will receive a report with remaining defensive structure on enemy's planet. The defender also gets a short report with the name of the attacker and the amount of deployed missiles and the destroyed defensive units.

      Anti-ballistic missiles are always ready. As soon as an enemy attacks a player's planet or moon with interplanetary missiles, each anti-ballistic missile will destroy one of the hostile missiles and will be destroyed itself in doing so. With a sufficient amount of anti-ballistic missiles, the damage on a players defensive structures, in case of an interplanetary missile attack, can be abated or avoided entirely.

      =Useful tips=

      If you can see the interplanetary missile symbol next to a player in the galaxy view, you will be able to attack him with Interplanetary missiles. Make sure to check your espionage report to see if the enemy does not have too many anti-ballistic missiles, which can intercept the interplanetary missiles that you send, making your attack inefficient. If you want to attack a bigger bunker, you will have to build interplanetary missiles on several planets and fire them off at the same time, or to band together with several players, because also the defender can build anti-ballistic missiles and thus slowing the damage down. However interplanetary missiles are significantly faster than battle ships.

      Formula for calculating time of flight:
      time of flight ( in seconds ) = 30 + ( 30 * distance in systems )

      You can calculate the number of missiles, which you will need to destroy the defense of your enemy, with a Combat simulator, like: RakSim or with SpeedSim
    • Attacking a player with ships is not always the only possibility, you have also the missiles.There are two types of missiles: Interplanetary Missiles(IPM) and Anti-Ballistic Missiles(ABM). The IPMs can be launched to destroy enemy defense and ABMs can intercept attacking IPMs.

      =Interplanetary missiles=

      Interplanetary missiles are a powerful weapon against planets with a lot of defensive structures, the so called bunker. By all means they are a strategic facility to make small targets more lucrative, for example by eliminating several plasma turrets. They will be sent from your planet and will destroy a certain number of adverse defensive structures of your choice– but they also can be destroyed by self deploying anti-ballistic missiles. (When IPM's are detected your ABM's will auto deploy) Interplanetary missiles are launched from the Galaxy Screen and are designed to destroy enemy defense.The defenses which were destroyed by interplanetary missiles will not be rebuilt, that represents the force of those missiles, besides the penetrating power. In an IPM attack, only the missile's Weapon Technology and the defense are used for calculation, as IPMs penetrate shields, including Small and Large Shield Domes. Before an IPM can hit the defense itself, all Anti-ballistic Missiles must be destroyed. Each ABM destroys one IPM.

      =How do i get those missiles?=

      To build interplanetary missiles you must have a missile silo level 4 on a planet (total cost: 300.000 metal, 300.000 crystal and 15.000 deuterium ) after that you can commission interplanetary missiles, from the defense menu. A missile costs 12.500 metal, 2.500 crystal and 10.000 deuterium, per each level of the missile silo a maximum of five interplanetary missiles can be stored at the same time. So a silo on level five enables you to construct a maximum 25 interplanetary missiles. As long as there are missiles in the silo it is not possible to tear down a silo, however the upgrading is possible. To destroy missiles (ABM's or IPM's) without launching on a target, just click on the loading capacity in the missile silo and tear the missiles down there or you can sell them to the scrap dealer (see merchant menu).

      To build anti-ballistic missiles you only need missile silo on level 2 ( total cost: 60.000 metal, 60.000 crystal, 3.000 deuterium ), so the anti-ballistic missiles are easier to reach over the interplanetary missiles. Moreover a defense missile just takes half as much space; hence up to 50 anti-ballistic missiles can be stored in a silo on level 5. A defense missile costs 8.000 metal and 2.000 deuterium. Mind you, ABM's and IPM's share the same silo after missile silo level 4. Although you cannot build a missile silo on a moon, the anti-ballistic missiles of the planet also defend the defensive structure on a possibly existent moon!

      =How to attack with Interplanetary missiles?=

      To attack a player's planet or moon with interplanetary missiles you first have to switch to the galaxy view. If the target is within reach you will be able to attack the planet with interplanetary missiles by clicking on the missile icon symbol in the appropriate line. If the target is a moon, you will have to hold the mouse over the moon and click the appropriate link. After that a new menu will be opened in which you will have to enter the amount of mobilized missiles and the primary target, before affirming the attack. The primary target indicates the type of defensive structures, which shall be attacked - so you can set your interplanetary missiles selectively at rocket launchers, plasma turrets or any other type of defense, which you want to destroy. If the primary target is destroyed or nothing was chosen, the defensive structures will be destroyed in the order, as they are in the defense, starting with the rocket launchers. If all defensive structures are eliminated then the interplanetary missiles will be destroyed also. The force of the attack depends of the weapon technology of the attacker and the armor technology of the defender.

      Formula for calculating missile range:
      Reach ( in systems ) = (level of impulse drive * 5 ) – 1

      Note: When sent, the interplanetary missiles cannot be recalled.

      So you should not make any mistakes with the entry, and you should be sure that you want to go through with this attack. As most of the players retaliate towards interplanetary missile attacks with counter attacks, you should not battle with too strong of a player, however the number makes the win: alliances with many small ranked players can use IPM coordinated attacks against much stronger players. After the impact you will receive a report with remaining defensive structure on enemy's planet. The defender also gets a short report with the name of the attacker and the amount of deployed missiles and the destroyed defensive units.

      Anti-ballistic missiles are always ready. As soon as an enemy attacks a player's planet or moon with interplanetary missiles, each anti-ballistic missile will destroy one of the hostile missiles and will be destroyed itself in doing so. With a sufficient amount of anti-ballistic missiles, the damage on a players defensive structures, in case of an interplanetary missile attack, can be abated or avoided entirely.

      =Useful tips=

      If you can see the interplanetary missile symbol next to a player in the galaxy view, you will be able to attack him with Interplanetary missiles. Make sure to check your espionage report to see if the enemy does not have too many anti-ballistic missiles, which can intercept the interplanetary missiles that you send, making your attack inefficient. If you want to attack a bigger bunker, you will have to build interplanetary missiles on several planets and fire them off at the same time, or to band together with several players, because also the defender can build anti-ballistic missiles and thus slowing the damage down. However interplanetary missiles are significantly faster than battle ships.

      Formula for calculating time of flight:
      time of flight ( in seconds ) = 30 + ( 30 * distance in systems )

      You can calculate the number of missiles, which you will need to destroy the defense of your enemy, with a Combat simulator, like: RakSim or with SpeedSim
    • //Added to rocket simulators.

      Attacking a player with ships is not always the only possibility, you have also the missiles.There are two types of missiles: Interplanetary Missiles(IPM) and Anti-Ballistic Missiles(ABM). The IPMs can be launched to destroy enemy defense and ABMs can intercept attacking IPMs.

      =Interplanetary missiles=

      Interplanetary missiles are a powerful weapon against planets with a lot of defensive structures, the so called bunker. By all means they are a strategic facility to make small targets more lucrative, for example by eliminating several plasma turrets. They will be sent from your planet and will destroy a certain number of adverse defensive structures of your choice– but they also can be destroyed by self deploying anti-ballistic missiles. (When IPM's are detected your ABM's will auto deploy) Interplanetary missiles are launched from the Galaxy Screen and are designed to destroy enemy defense.The defenses which were destroyed by interplanetary missiles will not be rebuilt, that represents the force of those missiles, besides the penetrating power. In an IPM attack, only the missile's Weapon Technology and the defense are used for calculation, as IPMs penetrate shields, including Small and Large Shield Domes. Before an IPM can hit the defense itself, all Anti-ballistic Missiles must be destroyed. Each ABM destroys one IPM.

      =How do i get those missiles?=

      To build interplanetary missiles you must have a missile silo level 4 on a planet (total cost: 300.000 metal, 300.000 crystal and 15.000 deuterium ) after that you can commission interplanetary missiles, from the defense menu. A missile costs 12.500 metal, 2.500 crystal and 10.000 deuterium, per each level of the missile silo a maximum of five interplanetary missiles can be stored at the same time. So a silo on level five enables you to construct a maximum 25 interplanetary missiles. As long as there are missiles in the silo it is not possible to tear down a silo, however the upgrading is possible. To destroy missiles (ABM's or IPM's) without launching on a target, just click on the loading capacity in the missile silo and tear the missiles down there or you can sell them to the scrap dealer (see merchant menu).

      To build anti-ballistic missiles you only need missile silo on level 2 ( total cost: 60.000 metal, 60.000 crystal, 3.000 deuterium ), so the anti-ballistic missiles are easier to reach over the interplanetary missiles. Moreover a defense missile just takes half as much space; hence up to 50 anti-ballistic missiles can be stored in a silo on level 5. A defense missile costs 8.000 metal and 2.000 deuterium. Mind you, ABM's and IPM's share the same silo after missile silo level 4. Although you cannot build a missile silo on a moon, the anti-ballistic missiles of the planet also defend the defensive structure on a possibly existent moon!

      =How to attack with Interplanetary missiles?=

      To attack a player's planet or moon with interplanetary missiles you first have to switch to the galaxy view. If the target is within reach you will be able to attack the planet with interplanetary missiles by clicking on the missile icon symbol in the appropriate line. If the target is a moon, you will have to hold the mouse over the moon and click the appropriate link. After that a new menu will be opened in which you will have to enter the amount of mobilized missiles and the primary target, before affirming the attack. The primary target indicates the type of defensive structures, which shall be attacked - so you can set your interplanetary missiles selectively at rocket launchers, plasma turrets or any other type of defense, which you want to destroy. If the primary target is destroyed or nothing was chosen, the defensive structures will be destroyed in the order, as they are in the defense, starting with the rocket launchers. If all defensive structures are eliminated then the interplanetary missiles will be destroyed also. The force of the attack depends of the weapon technology of the attacker and the armor technology of the defender.

      Formula for calculating missile range:
      Reach ( in systems ) = (level of impulse drive * 5 ) – 1

      Note: When sent, the interplanetary missiles cannot be recalled.

      So you should not make any mistakes with the entry, and you should be sure that you want to go through with this attack. As most of the players retaliate towards interplanetary missile attacks with counter attacks, you should not battle with too strong of a player, however the number makes the win: alliances with many small ranked players can use IPM coordinated attacks against much stronger players. After the impact you will receive a report with remaining defensive structure on enemy's planet. The defender also gets a short report with the name of the attacker and the amount of deployed missiles and the destroyed defensive units.

      Anti-ballistic missiles are always ready. As soon as an enemy attacks a player's planet or moon with interplanetary missiles, each anti-ballistic missile will destroy one of the hostile missiles and will be destroyed itself in doing so. With a sufficient amount of anti-ballistic missiles, the damage on a players defensive structures, in case of an interplanetary missile attack, can be abated or avoided entirely.

      =Useful tips=

      If you can see the interplanetary missile symbol next to a player in the galaxy view, you will be able to attack him with Interplanetary missiles. Make sure to check your espionage report to see if the enemy does not have too many anti-ballistic missiles, which can intercept the interplanetary missiles that you send, making your attack inefficient. If you want to attack a bigger bunker, you will have to build interplanetary missiles on several planets and fire them off at the same time, or to band together with several players, because also the defender can build anti-ballistic missiles and thus slowing the damage down. However interplanetary missiles are significantly faster than battle ships.

      Formula for calculating time of flight:
      time of flight ( in seconds ) = 30 + ( 30 * distance in systems )

      You can calculate the number of missiles, which you will need to destroy the defense of your enemy, with a Combat simulator, like: OSimulate , RakSim or SpeedSim
    • Shole wrote:

      To build interplanetary missiles you must have a missile silo level 4 on a planet (total cost: 300.000 metal, 300.000 crystal and 15.000 deuterium ) after that you can commission interplanetary missiles, from the defense menu.
      Requirements for IPM are Missile Silo on lvl 4, but also Impulse drive on lvl 1. I think this would be useful to add also. Something like:
      To build interplanetary missiles you must have a missile silo level 4 on a planet (total cost: 300.000 metal, 300.000 crystal and 15.000 deuterium ) and Impulse drive on level 1 (total cost: 2.000 metal, 4.000 crystal, 600 deuterium ) after that you can commission interplanetary missiles, from the defense menu.
      Added to last post | Shole
    • These two information:

      Shole wrote:

      If the primary target is destroyed or nothing was chosen, the defensive structures will be destroyed in the order, as they are in the defense, starting with the rocket launchers.

      Shole wrote:

      You can calculate the number of missiles, which you will need to destroy the defense of your enemy, with a Combat simulator, like: OSimulate , RakSim or SpeedSim

      Seem to be incorrect, due to the following reasons:

      We* did some short tests with IPM, and the logic seems to be completely different than described in the first quote:

      1) If no primary target was selected, then a random primary target will automatically be selected (and not the rocket launchers by default). This is also shown in big red letters ingame when not selecting a primary target.

      2) If the primary target is destroyed, then it will not continue to destroy stuff in the order as they are in the defense (rocketlaunchers, lightlasers, heavylasers, etc...), but in a completely different order. I did not gather enough information to say something absolute about the order, in which it will continue to attack, but it seems completely random.

      All those combat simulator links implement the logic which is described in the first quote; but this logic is definitely wrong (as just said).

      So, we need to run some tests, gather some information and stuff, and see whether we can find a rule behind all this. I will look into this (if I find time) in the next couple of days - if somebody is interested in helping me, just contact me on IRC.

      Fixed in last post | Shole
    • Yes, you are right :)

      DeLord wrote:

      1) If no primary target was selected, then a random primary target will automatically be selected (and not the rocket launchers by default). This is also shown in big red letters ingame when not selecting a primary target.

      DeLord wrote:

      2) If the primary target is destroyed, then it will not continue to destroy stuff in the order as they are in the defense (rocketlaunchers, lightlasers, heavylasers, etc...), but in a completely different order. I did not gather enough information to say something absolute about the order, in which it will continue to attack, but it seems completely random.
      Yep, if primary target is destroyed, than it automaticly sets new random primary target.

      DeLord wrote:

      All those combat simulator links implement the logic which is described in the first quote; but this logic is definitely wrong (as just said).
      Sadly but true, i noticed that.
    • //Added APW suggestion and fixed what DeLord have reported

      Attacking a player with ships is not always the only possibility, you have also the missiles.There are two types of missiles: Interplanetary Missiles(IPM) and Anti-Ballistic Missiles(ABM). The IPMs can be launched to destroy enemy defense and ABMs can intercept attacking IPMs.

      =Interplanetary missiles=

      Interplanetary missiles are a powerful weapon against planets with a lot of defensive structures, the so called bunker. By all means they are a strategic facility to make small targets more lucrative, for example by eliminating several plasma turrets. They will be sent from your planet and will destroy a certain number of adverse defensive structures of your choice– but they also can be destroyed by self deploying anti-ballistic missiles. (When IPM's are detected your ABM's will auto deploy) Interplanetary missiles are launched from the Galaxy Screen and are designed to destroy enemy defense.The defenses which were destroyed by interplanetary missiles will not be rebuilt, that represents the force of those missiles, besides the penetrating power. In an IPM attack, only the missile's Weapon Technology and the defense are used for calculation, as IPMs penetrate shields, including Small and Large Shield Domes. Before an IPM can hit the defense itself, all Anti-ballistic Missiles must be destroyed. Each ABM destroys one IPM.

      =How do i get those missiles?=

      To build interplanetary missiles you must have a missile silo level 4 on a planet (total cost: 300.000 metal, 300.000 crystal and 15.000 deuterium ) and Impulse drive on level 1 (total cost: 2.000 metal, 4.000 crystal, 600 deuterium ) after that you can commission interplanetary missiles, from the defense menu.
      A missile costs 12.500 metal, 2.500 crystal and 10.000 deuterium, per each level of the missile silo a maximum of five interplanetary missiles can be stored at the same time. So a silo on level five enables you to construct a maximum 25 interplanetary missiles. As long as there are missiles in the silo it is not possible to tear down a silo, however the upgrading is possible. To destroy missiles (ABM's or IPM's) without launching on a target, just click on the loading capacity in the missile silo and tear the missiles down there or you can sell them to the scrap dealer (see merchant menu).

      To build anti-ballistic missiles you only need missile silo on level 2 ( total cost: 60.000 metal, 60.000 crystal, 3.000 deuterium ), so the anti-ballistic missiles are easier to reach over the interplanetary missiles. Moreover a defense missile just takes half as much space; hence up to 50 anti-ballistic missiles can be stored in a silo on level 5. A defense missile costs 8.000 metal and 2.000 deuterium. Mind you, ABM's and IPM's share the same silo after missile silo level 4. Although you cannot build a missile silo on a moon, the anti-ballistic missiles of the planet also defend the defensive structure on a possibly existent moon!

      =How to attack with Interplanetary missiles?=

      To attack a player's planet or moon with interplanetary missiles you first have to switch to the galaxy view. If the target is within reach you will be able to attack the planet with interplanetary missiles by clicking on the missile icon symbol in the appropriate line. If the target is a moon, you will have to hold the mouse over the moon and click the appropriate link. After that a new menu will be opened in which you will have to enter the amount of mobilized missiles and the primary target, before affirming the attack. The primary target indicates the type of defensive structures, which shall be attacked - so you can set your interplanetary missiles selectively at rocket launchers, plasma turrets or any other type of defense, which you want to destroy.
      If the primary target is destroyed or nothing was chosen, the defensive structures will be destroyed in random order (system will chose new random target). If all defensive structures are eliminated then the interplanetary missiles will be destroyed also. The force of the attack depends of the weapon technology of the attacker and the armor technology of the defender.

      Formula for calculating missile range:
      Reach ( in systems ) = (level of impulse drive * 5 ) – 1

      Note: When sent, the interplanetary missiles cannot be recalled.

      So you should not make any mistakes with the entry, and you should be sure that you want to go through with this attack. As most of the players retaliate towards interplanetary missile attacks with counter attacks, you should not battle with too strong of a player, however the number makes the win: alliances with many small ranked players can use IPM coordinated attacks against much stronger players. After the impact you will receive a report with remaining defensive structure on enemy's planet. The defender also gets a short report with the name of the attacker and the amount of deployed missiles and the destroyed defensive units.

      Anti-ballistic missiles are always ready. As soon as an enemy attacks a player's planet or moon with interplanetary missiles, each anti-ballistic missile will destroy one of the hostile missiles and will be destroyed itself in doing so. With a sufficient amount of anti-ballistic missiles, the damage on a players defensive structures, in case of an interplanetary missile attack, can be abated or avoided entirely.

      =Useful tips=

      If you can see the interplanetary missile symbol next to a player in the galaxy view, you will be able to attack him with Interplanetary missiles. Make sure to check your espionage report to see if the enemy does not have too many anti-ballistic missiles, which can intercept the interplanetary missiles that you send, making your attack inefficient. If you want to attack a bigger bunker, you will have to build interplanetary missiles on several planets and fire them off at the same time, or to band together with several players, because also the defender can build anti-ballistic missiles and thus slowing the damage down. However interplanetary missiles are significantly faster than battle ships.

      Formula for calculating time of flight:
      time of flight ( in seconds ) = 30 + ( 30 * distance in systems )

      You can calculate the number of missiles, which you will need to destroy the defense of your enemy, with a Combat simulator, like: OSimulate , RakSim or SpeedSim
    • Attacking a player with ships is not always the only possibility, you have also the missiles. There are two types of missiles: Interplanetary Missiles (IPM) and Anti-Ballistic Missiles(ABM). The IPMs can be launched to destroy enemy defense and ABMs can intercept attacking IPMs.

      =Interplanetary missiles=
      Interplanetary missiles are a powerful weapon against planets with a lot of defensive structures, the so called bunker. By all means they are a strategic facility to make small targets more lucrative, for example by eliminating several plasma turrets. They will be sent from your planet and will destroy a certain number of adverse defensive structures of your choice– but they also can be destroyed by self deploying anti-ballistic missiles. (When IPM's are detected your ABM's will auto deploy) Interplanetary missiles are launched from the Galaxy Screen and are designed to destroy enemy defense.The defenses which were destroyed by interplanetary missiles will not be rebuilt, that represents the force of those missiles, besides the penetrating power. In an IPM attack, only the missile's Weapon Technology and the defense are used for calculation, as IPMs penetrate shields, including Small and Large Shield Domes. Before an IPM can hit the defense itself, all Anti-ballistic Missiles must be destroyed. Each ABM destroys one IPM.

      =How do i get those missiles?=
      To build interplanetary missiles you must have a missile silo level 4 on a planet (total cost: 300.000 metal, 300.000 crystal and 15.000 deuterium) and Impulse drive on level 1 (total cost: 2.000 metal, 4.000 crystal, 600 deuterium) after that you can commission interplanetary missiles, from the defense menu.
      A missile costs 12.500 metal, 2.500 crystal and 10.000 deuterium, per each level of the missile silo a maximum of five interplanetary missiles can be stored at the same time. So a silo on level five enables you to construct a maximum 25 interplanetary missiles. As long as there are missiles in the silo it is not possible to tear down a silo, however the upgrading is possible. To destroy missiles (ABM's or IPM's) without launching on a target, just click on the loading capacity in the missile silo and tear the missiles down there or you can sell them to the scrap dealer (see merchant menu).

      To build anti-ballistic missiles you only need missile silo on level 2 (total cost: 60.000 metal, 60.000 crystal, 3.000 deuterium), so the anti-ballistic missiles are easier to reach over the interplanetary missiles. Moreover a defense missile just takes half as much space; hence up to 50 anti-ballistic missiles can be stored in a silo on level 5. A defense missile costs 8.000 metal and 2.000 deuterium. Mind you, ABM's and IPM's share the same silo after missile silo level 4. Although you cannot build a missile silo on a moon, the anti-ballistic missiles of the planet also defend the defensive structure on a possibly existent moon!

      =How to attack with Interplanetary missiles?=
      To attack a player's planet or moon with interplanetary missiles you first have to switch to the galaxy view. If the target is within reach you will be able to attack the planet with interplanetary missiles by clicking on the missile icon symbol in the appropriate line. If the target is a moon, you will have to hold the mouse over the moon and click the appropriate link. After that a new menu will be opened in which you will have to enter the amount of mobilized missiles and the primary target, before affirming the attack. The primary target indicates the type of defensive structures, which shall be attacked - so you can set your interplanetary missiles selectively at rocket launchers, plasma turrets or any other type of defense, which you want to destroy.
      If the primary target is destroyed or nothing was chosen, the defensive structures will be destroyed in random order (system will chose new random target). If all defensive structures are eliminated then the interplanetary missiles will be destroyed also. The force of the attack depends of the weapon technology of the attacker and the armor technology of the defender.

      Formula for calculating missile range:
      Reach (in systems) = (level of impulse drive * 5) – 1

      Note: When sent, the interplanetary missiles cannot be recalled.

      So you should not make any mistakes with the entry, and you should be sure that you want to go through with this attack. As most of the players retaliate towards interplanetary missile attacks with counter attacks, you should not battle with too strong of a player, however the number makes the win: alliances with many small ranked players can use IPM coordinated attacks against much stronger players. After the impact you will receive a report with remaining defensive structure on enemy's planet. The defender also gets a short report with the name of the attacker and the amount of deployed missiles and the destroyed defensive units.

      Anti-ballistic missiles are always ready. As soon as an enemy attacks a player's planet or moon with interplanetary missiles, each anti-ballistic missile will destroy one of the hostile missiles and will be destroyed itself in doing so. With a sufficient amount of anti-ballistic missiles, the damage on a players defensive structures, in case of an interplanetary missile attack, can be abated or avoided entirely.

      =Useful tips=
      If you can see the interplanetary missile symbol next to a player in the galaxy view, you will be able to attack him with Interplanetary missiles. Make sure to check your espionage report to see if the enemy does not have too many anti-ballistic missiles, which can intercept the interplanetary missiles that you send, making your attack inefficient. If you want to attack a bigger bunker, you will have to build interplanetary missiles on several planets and fire them off at the same time, or to band together with several players, because also the defender can build anti-ballistic missiles and thus slowing the damage down. However interplanetary missiles are significantly faster than battle ships.

      Formula for calculating time of flight:
      time of flight (in seconds) = 30 + (30 * distance in systems)

      You can calculate the number of missiles, which you will need to destroy the defense of your enemy, with a Combat simulator, like: OSimulate , RakSim or SpeedSim

    • Attacking a player with ships is not always the only possibility, you have also the missiles. There are two types of missiles: Interplanetary Missiles (IPM) and Anti-Ballistic Missiles(ABM). The IPMs can be launched to destroy enemy defense and ABMs can intercept attacking IPMs.

      =Interplanetary missiles=
      Interplanetary missiles are a powerful weapon against planets with a lot of defensive structures, the so called bunker. By all means they are a strategic facility to make small targets more lucrative, for example by eliminating several plasma turrets. They will be sent from your planet and will destroy a certain number of adverse defensive structures of your choice– but they also can be destroyed by self deploying anti-ballistic missiles. (When IPM's are detected your ABM's will auto deploy) Interplanetary missiles are launched from the Galaxy Screen and are designed to destroy enemy defense.The defenses which were destroyed by interplanetary missiles will not be rebuild rebuilt, that represents the force of those missiles, besides the penetrating power. In an IPM attack, only the missile's Weapon Technology and the defense are used for calculation, as IPMs penetrate shields, including Small and Large Shield Domes. Before an IPM can hit the defense itself, all Anti-ballistic Missiles must be destroyed. Each ABM destroys one IPM.

      =How do i get those missiles?=
      To build interplanetary missiles you must have a missile silo level 4 on a planet (total cost: 300.000 metal, 300.000 crystal and 15.000 deuterium) and Impulse drive on level 1 (total cost: 2.000 metal, 4.000 crystal, 600 deuterium) after that you can commission interplanetary missiles, from the defense menu.
      A missile costs 12.500 metal, 2.500 crystal and 10.000 deuterium, per each level of the missile silo a maximum of five interplanetary missiles can be stored at the same time. So a silo on level five enables you to construct a maximum 25 interplanetary missiles. As long as there are missiles in the silo it is not possible to tear down a silo, however the upgrading is possible. To destroy missiles (ABM's or IPM's) without launching on a target, just click on the loading capacity in the missile silo and tear the missiles down there or you can sell them to the scrap dealer (see merchant menu).

      To build anti-ballistic missiles you only need missile silo on level 2 (total cost: 60.000 metal, 60.000 crystal, 3.000 deuterium), so the anti-ballistic missiles are easier to reach over the interplanetary missiles. Moreover a defense missile just takes half as much space; hence up to 50 anti-ballistic missiles can be stored in a silo on level 5. A defense missile costs 8.000 metal and 2.000 deuterium. Mind you, ABM's and IPM's share the same silo after missile silo level 4. Although you cannot build a missile silo on a moon, the anti-ballistic missiles of the planet also defend the defensive structure on a possibly existent moon!

      =How to attack with Interplanetary missiles?=
      To attack a player's planet or moon with interplanetary missiles you first have to switch to the galaxy view. If the target is within reach you will be able to attack the planet with interplanetary missiles by clicking on the missile icon symbol in the appropriate line. If the target is a moon, you will have to hold the mouse over the moon and click the appropriate link. After that a new menu will be opened in which you will have to enter the amount of mobilized missiles and the primary target, before affirming the attack. The primary target indicates the type of defensive structures, which shall be attacked - so you can set your interplanetary missiles selectively at rocket launchers, plasma turrets or any other type of defense, which you want to destroy.
      If the primary target is destroyed or nothing was chosen, the defensive structures will be destroyed in random order (system will chose new random target). If all defensive structures are eliminated then the interplanetary missiles will be destroyed also. The force of the attack depends of the weapon technology of the attacker and the armor technology of the defender.

      Formula for calculating missile range:
      Reach (in systems) = (level of impulse drive * 5) – 1

      Note: When sent, the interplanetary missiles cannot be recalled.

      So you should not make any mistakes with the entry, and you should be sure that you want to go through with this attack. As most of the players retaliate towards interplanetary missile attacks with counter attacks, you should not battle with too strong of a players, however the number makes the win: alliances with many small ranked players can use IPM coordinated attacks against much stronger players. After the impact you will receive a report with remaining defensive structure of the on enemy's planet from the enemy. The defender also gets a short report with the name of the attacker and the amount of deployed missiles and the destroyed defensive units.

      Anti-ballistic missiles are always ready. As soon as an enemy attacks a player's planet or moon with interplanetary missiles, each anti-ballistic missile will destroy one of the hostile missiles and will be destroyed itself in doing so. With a sufficient amount of anti-ballistic missiles, the damage on the defensive structure from a player, in case of an interplanetary missile attack, can be abated or avoided entirely.

      =Useful tips=
      If you can see the interplanetary missile symbol next to a player in the galaxy view, you will be able to attack him with Interplanetary missiles. Make sure to check your espionage report to see if the enemy does not have too many anti-ballistic missiles, which can intercept the interplanetary missiles that you send, making your attack inefficient. If you want to attack a bigger bunker, you will have to build interplanetary missiles on several planets and fire them off at the same time, or to band together with several players, because also the defender can build anti-ballistic missiles and thus slowing the damage down. However interplanetary missiles are significantly faster than battle ships.

    • Red-Dragon wrote:

      To build interplanetary missiles you must have a missile silo level 4 on a planet (total cost: 160.000 300.000 metal, 160.000 300.000 crystal and 8.000 15.000 deuterium) and Impulse drive on level 1 (total cost: 2.000 metal, 4.000 crystal, 600 deuterium) after that you can commission interplanetary missiles, from the defense menu.

      Red-Dragon wrote:

      To build anti-ballistic missiles you only need missile silo on level 2 (total cost: 22.400 60.000 metal, 22.400 60.000 crystal, 1.120 3.000 deuterium), so the anti-ballistic missiles are easier to reach over the interplanetary missiles.
      How have you came to this numbers?

      Missile Silo:
      Level 1 = 20.000 20.000 1.000
      Level 2 = 40.000 40.000 2.000
      Level 3 = 80.000 80.000 4.000
      Level 4 = 160.000 160.000 8.000

      Total costs to missile silo level 4: lvl1 + lvl2 + lvl3 + lvl4 = all summed => 300.000 300.000 15.000
      Total costs to missile silo level 2: lvl1 + lvl2 = all summed => 60.000 60.000 3.000