Guide 18: Account management

    • Guide 18: Account management

      This guide will aim to cover all the technical aspects a user might encounter during their time playing Ogame.

      =Account life=
      Once you create an account, you have to validate it by following the link you received at the e-mail address that you used to register the account. If account is not validated, you will not be able to access some of the menus.

      Account will be deleted:
      - in 2 days if nothing is built and no purchased Dark Matter
      - in 5 days if you don't have at least 1 point (deleted in the 6th day at 3am server time)
      - in 36 days if you didn't log in regardless of points and vacation mode. Only bought Dark Matter can prevent it.
      - in 35 days if you didn't log in after your Commander expired

      Only purchased Dark Matter will prevent account deletion. Dark Matter found in expeditions or OGame birthday events will not prevent account deletion.
      Note: Bought Dark Matter is being spent prior to the one obtained by any other means.

      =Useful links=
      For Board and Game rules, team information, pillory list and game support please visit your game board.
      For irc go to

      =Activating an account=
      In the bottom left of your ingame screen you'll see a triangular symbol, click it and a pop out screen will open with a big green "Next" button. Click the next button, the button should then disappear and be replaced with text saying: "E-Mail has been send successfully!". Then check your inbox and junk folder and click the activation link. If you didn't receive an email, it means the link was blocked by your spam protection, in such cases ensure and is added to your safe senders list and try again. If this doesn't change anything then try with a different email provider (Googlemail is recommended) - hotmail and yahoo are notorious for blocking these emails
      In case you have an email account originally written with caps (EXAMPLE@YAHOO.COM), you need to request activation link written exactly like it is (with caps lock on), even though that doesn't matter when sending/receiving other emails.

      =Account Safety & Security=
      Ensure you use a secure password.
      - Password Strength – Avoid using dictionary words, proper nouns or personal information such as your pet’s name. The most secure passwords are those that contain a random mixture of letters (A-Z), Numbers (1-9) and symbols, such as !"£$%^&*@#~]{
      - Password Originality – Don’t use something that a hacker would be able to guess. Eg. If your username is “Darth Vader” then don’t use “starwars” as a password. Also avoid common strings like 123456 or qwerty
      - Multiple Passwords - Try to avoid using the same password for several sites, if security is compromised at one of those sites, then your accounts will also be endangered
      - Update Your Password - Everynow and then update your password to something new, it's annoying to have to remember a new password but it's much more preferable to having hack your account
      - Always use an official Gameforge website to login.

      - Logging in using anything other than an official Gameforge login is a big security risk as other people can gain access to your login data.
      - Doing so will invalidate your T&Cs so you might not receive assistance in retrieving your account
      - When the normal login portal isn't accessable use MMOgame instead of 3rd Party "emergency" login portals
      - Avoid sharing your login details with others.
      - If you have somebody sit your account then if possible change the password before hand or at the least change it when the sitting period is over
      - When trading accounts always ensure you change the passwordbefore giving away the account, especially if you use the same password for accounts in other universes

      If you use a public computer, take these extra steps:
      Always sign out of your account and clear forms, passwords, cache, and cookies in your browser on a regular basis.

      Never use your OGame Account password on another website.
      If you enter your password in an external website and it's compromised, someone could try to sign in to your OGame Account with the same information.

      Check for viruses and malware.
      Run a scan on your computer with a trusted anti-virus software. If the scan detects any suspicious programs or applications, remove them immediately.

      Always seek the help and advice of a GO when trading accounts.
      - Check GameStats to make sure that what they're offering you actually exists
      - Contact your GO to make sure the person you're trading with actually owns the account they're offering you
      - Make sure both parties open a ticket to notify the Game Team of the account trade
      - As soon as you login to the account change the email address as this is your main proof of ownership

      =Ban Issues=
      The Game Team reserves the right to deny access to an account if any of the rules have been violated. This can either be on a temporary or permanent basis depending on the severity of the case.

      All ingame bans for a particular universe can be seen in that univese's public pillory (pranger) page. The link to the pillory can be found within the relevant universe's subforum on your board.

      If you feel that the ban wasn't justified then it's possible to dispute the ban by talking to the GO who banned you. Members of the Game Team can be contacted by either the ticket system or via IRC Chat. Please remember to use your email address for verification.

      If the GO doesn't reply to you after 48 hours, the ticket will be automatically sent to the SGO. If the answer of the GO is not satisfactory and at any stage you're unhappy with the treatment or decision you can use the "complain " function to escalate your issue to the next level (SGO, GA).

      The Game Hierarchy is as follows:
      Game Operator (GO) -> Super Game Operator (SGO) -> Game Administrator (GA) -> Community Manager (COMA).
      As ban discussions are not allowed on board, please contact a GO who banned you for further info about the ban. You can contact him via ticket or on IRC.

      =Reporting messages=
      If you receive an ingame message which is insulting with the use of offensive words, is real life threatening or has inappropriate content, you can report it with the use of a "report" button which can be found after opening said message. Use of "report" button allows players to report insulting language and possibly ban the sending user by alerting a Game Team. With OGame v6 you can also report alliance applications.