Guide 05: Fleeter guide

    • Guide 05: Fleeter guide

      1. Requirements
      1.1 Saving
      1.2 Account Management
      1.3 How to use your phalanx
      1.4 Basics about ACS mechanics
      1.5 Knowledge about activity

      2. Basics
      2.1 Safety probe
      2.2 Observing a player
      2.3 What does each ship do? How can I use that?

      3. Fleeting
      3.1 Types of fleeters
      3.2 Different ways of making ressources
      3.2.1 Inactives!!!
      3.2.2 Mines
      3.2.3 Farming actives
      3.2.4 Fleet crashs
      3.3 How to stay alive?


      This guide will give you a brief introduction into a fleeter's life. It focuses on the basics and things you need to know to get started. In the end things get a little more detailed. It is important to note that this guide - purposefully - is not complete.
      So, what is a fleeter exaclty?
      Obviously there are many different types of fleeters. Some are absolutely all in on fleet, some keep their mines on a high level while building fleet etc...When exactly an account is considered a fleeter is a subjective decision. Important is that, when investing into a lot of fleet you want to use it to make ressources. That is what fleeting is all about: Making ressources by attacking or defending planets/moons and by that either receiving a lot of plunder or harvesting big debris fields. As this guide is a more advanced guide I will leave a list of requirements. Please do read through these guides or inform yourself about the topic.

      1. Requirements

      1.1 Saving
      It is essential that you know how to keep your fleet alive! The bigger your fleet gets, the more people are interested in crashing it, as it promises a lot of ressources. Do not try to become a fleeter without knowledge about how to save your fleet. You will continously get crashed.

      1.2 Account Management
      To be successful as a fleeter your account management better be good. It is possible to fleet without a good management, however it will be easier for you, when you know how to manage your account and fuel fleets ( transport fleets with deuterium on every moon to keep your fleet mobile ).

      1.3 How to use your phalanx
      You will find information about the phalanx inside the moon guide. Many attacks and fleet crashes rely on usage of phalanx. It is also a great measure to make sure your attack is not being defended.

      1.4 ACS
      ACS is critical for the safety probe, making sure players cannot retime your attacks and to maximize your fleets efficiency. Obviously you also need it for attacks/defends that involve other players.

      1.5 Activity
      What does create activity and when?

      2. Basics

      2.1 Safety probe
      When going for attacks on active players you basically always want to delay your fleet and use a safety probe. Even when doing rather small attacks it is always useful to do so. By delaying your fleets arrival time you get the chance to scan possible defenders on your target location before you hit the planet.
      How does that work?
      This guide will give a short description. It is also explained in the ACS guide.
      Imagine you attack an active player on a planet or moon. Your fleet is scheduled to arrive at 08:00:00. It is possible that your target might be online and started asking friends to defend him. To make sure you do not run into their defending fleets ( even if they are timed pretty well, like 7:59:58 arrival of defending fleets ) you want to delay your fleet by adding a probe via ACS to your attack fleet. This probe is allowed to delay your fleet by a maximum of 30% of the fleet's remaining flight time.
      Defending Fleet Arrival: 07:59:58
      Your Fleet Arrival: 08:00:00
      Remaining flight time: 3 Minutes

      Now add a probe on x% ( depends on distance ) that takes 3 minutes and 30 seconds to reach your target. It will delay your ACS to 08:00:30. By doing so you have a decent amount of time to react and adjust to possible defending fleets. Since you are arriving at a later timing now you can send a spying probe on your old arrival time. This probe will see the additional defending fleets in its spy report. You now have 30 seconds to recall your fleet to not get destroyed. A good defender might hold on several times to trick you ( e.g. 07:59:58 , 08:00:10 ... ). More informations about that later.

      Exercise delaying your fleet by ACS on inactives if you have never done that before.

      2.2 Observing a player
      When attacking a player several things come into play. Is that player online? Is that player hiding something from me? Where is he going to fleet save? Can he defend against me alone or does he need help?

      2.3 What does each ship do? How can I use that?

      I do not want to recommend a set composition of ships, as instead I will try to give a overview what each ship can do. I will give some compositions as example but most of the times you want to adjust your composition to your needs and requirements.

      Small Cargo - Extremely fast, can be used as Fodder ( used to decrease firepower efficiency of strong ships e.g. Destroyer/Plasma ) especially in late game situations.
      Light Fighter - Fodder ( used to decrease firepower efficiency of strong ships e.g. Destroyer/Plasma )
      Heavy Fighter - breaks cruiser's rapidfire on Light Fighters, good against small cargo fodder
      Cruiser - Death of Light Fighters and Rocket Launchers ( anti-fodder )
      Battleship - Imagine it like a big cannon. It deals high damage on one target, so you want it to shoot a big target ( e.g. Destroyer, more one hit damage than the Battlecruiser ). Battleship needs fodder support and is bad against fodder.
      Bomber - good against defence ( except Plasma Turret ), can be used to kill Battlecruisers as the bomber is stronger in a one on one Battle. Apart from that no great use due to being slow and expensive
      Destroyer - strong against Battlecruisers and Rips. Weak against any kind of fodder.
      Battlecruiser - efficient ship! Can sustain a lot. Good for hunting down Battleships oder Cruisers. Weak against Light Fighters.
      Deathstar/Rip - Can be used against anything. Good to minimize losses and costs. Maximum damage. Good against Defence without Rip support. Can be combined with some fodder to decrease damage taken by your Rips.

      Example 1 - Speedfleet
      It emphasizes on fast and mobile ships, that can be used to hunt down other fleets fast. You will need
      - ( Small Cargo ) ( 4-5 )
      - Light Fighters ( 20 )
      - Cruisers ( 4 )
      - Battlecruisers ( 1 )

      All these ships are fast and comparatively cheap in usage. Your Light Fighters will absorb most of the damage, so your cruisers and battlecruisers stay alive. Maybe you want to increase your Battlecruiser count in relation to the other ships in later stages so you can use battlecruisers only for attacks.

      Example 2 - Allround - efficiency when fighting an equal fleet
      - ( Small Cargo ) ( 60 )
      - Light Fighters ( 300 )
      - Heavy Fighters ( 60 )
      - Cruisers ( 60 )
      - Battleships ( 5-10 )
      - Destroyers ( 10 )
      - Battlecruiser ( 20 )
      - Deathstars ( 0-1 )

      In later stages of the Universe you want to increase your Deathstar count. This composition is really good. If you split it well it is extremely powerful against fleets of equal size.

      Example 3 - Ripfleet

      - ( Light Fighter ) ( x*1000 )
      - Deathstars ( x )

      Fleets with anything but deathstars can be extremely strong and efficient. On the other hand they are pretty slow. You can add fodder to your Deathstars ( optional ). How many Light Fighters per Deathstar is up to you. Value is just given as example.

      3. Fleeting
      to be done