Guide 01: Player styles guide

    • Guide 01: Player styles guide

      The beauty of this game is that a player can develop his own playing style. It is also possible that along the time a player to change playing style. There are mainly two types of playing: fleeter and miner. It is the wide diversity of the possible combinations of various characteristics from both fleeter or miner that gives the sensation of numberless playing styles. Basically each player can use his own way to climb the ranks, some are doing faster, some are doing it more steadily but the real winner is the one playing longer and calculating in advance each development stage of his account.

      Below you can find the features, advantages and disadvantages of the two main playing styles

      A miner is type of player that has very high mines as major source of income and often trade resources with other players.
      Thus miners tend to have a set number of Cargos on each planet in order to transport their resources.
      Since a miner doesn’t have a fleet, he can trade deuterium with fleeters to gain additional resources and (usually) the fleeter’s protection.
      However, a miner will need defence to protect resource income and Satellites.

      - Mines are solid points that cannot be lost.
      - They generally do not need to spend as much time playing.
      - By trading regularly with highly ranked players in his area, a miner can acquire NAPs (non attacking pact) with potential attackers as well as gaining their protection.

      - Miners must manage Energy efficiently to power up their mines, as Solar Plants are expensive and Solar Satellites are targets. Solar plants become useless way faster than Solar Satellites and building them up to the high twenties is not cost efficient and consumes much space on the planet. See more information <<Energy production>>.
      - Miners climb ranks slower than active fleeters, especially in universes where economy speed is not higher than fleet speed.
      - Mines get very expensive and slow to raise towards the higher levels.

      =Colony Positioning:=
      - Close positioning in order to minimize deuterium costs and time on transporting resources can be easy target for some fleeters.
      - Picking a quiet galaxy (e.g 5) is advisable as less people are around, although it might increase time needed to trade with other players.

      =Other notes:=
      - Most miners usually build Solar Plants up to the high twenties, and then switch to Solar Satellites to cover their energy.
      - There are different types of miners, to learn more about it see our <<Miner guide>>.
      - Player style which is based on building mines and big number of defense is called Turtle style of playing

      These are the players that have all the HoF battles and have the most chance of reaching the top of the toplist.
      They have large fleets consisting of every attacking ship type.
      Rather than farming small players like raiders, A fleeter makes his profit by crashing other people’s fleets and harvesting the debris field.

      - Massive profits to be made.
      - Because of HoFs and Top Ten hits, fleeters are usually the players that are remembered after leaving.
      - Highly ranked fleeters are rarely probed.
      - Fleeting is said to be the most exciting way to play the game.

      - A fleeter MUST be able to predict when he will be online.
      - This type of playing is time consuming.
      - If a fleeter has his fleet crashed, he will lose a lot of points.
      - For many players, a fleet crash is the end of the game.

      =Colony Positioning:=
      - The further apart your planets, the more ground you will cover and therefore the more targets are available.
      - However, longer distance between planets, means more deuterium for transporting fleet around the galaxy. See more in <<Fleet saving>>.

      =Other notes:=
      - Fleeters often start out as miners. It is wise to have a good set of mines behind your fleet, as then in the event of being crashed you will be able to rebuild faster.
      - Fleeters often need to be good at calculations, as many attacks require precise planning.
      - There are different types of fleeters, to learn more about it see our <<Fleeter guide>>.