Left Pannel Notepad

    • Left Pannel Notepad

      Sorry for bad english

      Hi it's possible to improve a notepad?
      maybe in the left pannel?
      and if it's possibile in the menu of AGO the user can change the setting of the notepad like:
      the size of it
      the color of the background
      the size and the color of the fonts

      there was a script tolerated witch you can take inspiration
      2 year ago i made an alternative version who work in ogame.it but only for the notepad the other thing was useless for me...now that version of mine and the original version doesn't work so that's why of my request...

      i hope it can be done
    • Maybe in left panel under Tools section, Notepad section where you can add small notes. But repositioning of it will not be able, also the size of it, color of the background and the size and color of fonts.

      In first plan is finishing messages page features(etc. spiohelper), after that maybe this will be implemented. :)