The new special UNI with ACS.

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  • The new special UNI with ACS.

    Just my personal thoughts and maybe about the 15k players that want to join that universe, i think that GF should reconsider opening this universe without ACS, why, u can open new universes without ACS, just make a no ACS 2X+ speed or 1X speed and people will be happy, this special universe is like something the old ones wanted for a very long time, to play once again with friends who quitted long ago and do stuff together, but without ACS this is well... like crap, this is just my personal opinion, if this universe is without ACS, i'm not playing it(not just me, i'm sure this will pull back a lot of people). so enjoy opening a anniversay universe with 2k players instead of 15k.

    Edit: Well the first part of this was criticisim, now arguments.

    - Here in Ogame people is used to play with the ACS a lot, and do attacks with friends, not only defensive fleets, so in the point of view of a lot of players playing this without ACS it just loose a lot of fun, so for better gameplay, and have people playing happier and doing attacks with their lifetime ogame buddies, it will just make a AWESOME UNIVERSE, without ACS it will only be a little part of the universe it could have been.

    So i really(and a lot of people not only me) that gameforge could reconsider their idea about opening this universe without ACS, and include ACS as well.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by gsis ().

  • In defense of gameforge if u have a look at the ideas coming from the beginning of this thread…-what-s-the-surprise-uni/ and thats one month before the announcement of the new serv , it is exactly what player wished this universe to be , i mean that GF followed its players wishes 100% they made this server because few people here and there wanted epic blue old design , oldschool universe and all this so i really think gameforge is trying for once to do something its community wont spit on , but its still gameforge meaning they have no idea what they are doing when it comes to the gameplay ( in our days at least ) and how to make this universe a sucess ( 15k player ) btw i dont think the serv can support 15k but that wont be a problem because WITHOUT ACS this server is doomed and it will show GF that a no dm serv cant be a sucess which is false ofc because they just failed on its stats ... First probe raiding WTF , then x1 speed well we can adjust to that its still not totally fucked but no acs come on ... thats the end of this project and only 2k player will show up , maybe more but in long term this universe will die like the rest without any profit given to GF just because of a few "incorrect" stats
  • Blah wrote:

    In defense of gameforge if u have a look at the ideas coming from the beginning of this thread…e-surprise-uni/ a

    org isnt even a top3 community in terms of playerbase
    pl fr and de are all bigger and like the rest of the ogame wolrd only had very few or no non-acs universes at all
    i hope the setting is not based on this thread lol

    i would love acs aswell but will play there nevertheless(if i can get in :E )
    mb acs is another bug source and because of that its deactived

    acs was introduced at the start of 2005
    i think thats oldschool enough :)
  • Feel free to read the requests of players in the firsts pages of this thread and add it up with the timing on the announcements gameforge made , u'll be amazed how obvious it is they read this and applied most of it , some ppl asked this precise skin and spec and guess what happens one month later of all the version and skins available on a decade , it is the precise one asked by theses guys cant be a coincidence if u look it up u'll come to the same conclusions i know it sounds crazy but gf did listen and thats why im posting here whining about acs :lol:
  • Actually we are only complaining about 1 feature that is missing, it can be coz of buggy universe with the ACS, yeah thats probably true but when they setup ACS an the most of unvierse a lot of years ago it was for improving users gameplay, and almost every universe got ACS incorporated, so why remove a gameplay feature? it just makes no sense, u cant tell me that a uni without ACS is a lot funnier than a ACS one coz don't, all the special feature unvierse without ACS they opened just failed hard with low population, there is no reason for making this universe no ACS.

    Edit: Despite all of this complaining about ACS no ACS, the community in general is actually grateful for having a RETRO UNI, we are just asking and doing this because it will be nice having this universe with ACS enabled.
  • What do you think why the universe has no ACS? To reduce the fun? To troll you? To generate all those loveley complains?

    Each setting we made has a reason and that is more based on a technically background. So we have to say NO to your "sugguestion" :/


    Btw. complaining about an birthday present ... srsly?
    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.