TrashSim - OGame combat simulator

    • TrashSim - OGame combat simulator

      • Info : A simple combat simulator website.
      • Author : Warsaalk
      • Website :
      • Support : Here
      • Browser : Latest versions of all major browsers
      • Languages : EN (more will be added later)
        TrashSim is a simple combat simulator, with the option to load v6 espionage report keys.
        All simulations happen in the clients browser, because of this there is no webserver overheid.

      If you want to translate this project into your language you must contact me via PM.
      When applying to be a translator you have to provide me the following information:
      At least your nickname & email address so I can add you to the translation tool.

      • Add warning for very large simulations -> Ship count above 2M?

      • Add ACS with up to 31 defenders -> Unlimited
      • maybe but the results below the bottom Simulate-Button -> OK
      • Disable sats loading when using the API -> OK
      • Don't allow negative values -> Set them to 0
      • Only show plunder when there is at least 1% chance that the attacker wins -> OK
      • Delete button for additional ACS players -> OK
      • Prefill the fields without a SR-Key -> URL hash, BASE64 encoded JSON string, detail will follow
      • Clear button to clear all the player his fields -> OK
      • Better contrast for buttons -> OK, lighter color
      • Add a a display to how many Cargo's would be needed to loot or how many % of the possible ressources you took -> OK, lighter color
      • Theoretical profit for defender / attacker -> OK, lighter color
      • Coordinates & drive tech for deuterium consumption -> OK
      • Autofill DF and Rapidfire for the universes when entering an API-ID -> OK, autofills all available information
      • Subtract fuel consumption from profit -> OK
      • Add tooltip to profit table -> OK
      • Button to simulate next wave (maybe go back to previous wave) -> OK
      • Add a feature to calculate how many IPM's you need to crush the whole defense and add an IPM Sim -> OK
      • Start simulation when pressing "Enter" -> OK
      • Possibility to save attacker fleet (or multiple) & settings locally -> OK

      Tool submitted for tolearation by Shole | 08.12.2015.

      Tool officially tolerated by GameForge | 14.01.2015

      The post was edited 19 times, last by Warsaalk ().

    • Things that should be added/changed in my opinion:

      • Add ACS with up to 31 defenders -> DONE (ps. No limit ;) )
      • Add a a display to how many Cargo's would be needed to loot or how many % of the possible ressources you took.
      • If you are in one of the editfields and press "Enter" it should start the sim
      • Autofill DF and Rapidfire for the universes when entering an API-ID
      • Add a feature to calculate how many IPM's you need to crush the whole defense and add an IPM Sim
      • (add a warning if you want to sim 50k rips vs 50m lf that it takes all your ram) <--- don't try this guys
      • some way to prefill the fields without a SR-Key
      • maybe but the results below the bottom Simulate-Button -> DONE
      • Bottom Simulate-Button a touch darker, the contrast to the background isn't that great atm

      And great tool, keep up the work, for the german translation you know who to contact :D

      Origin Admin
      OGame-Tech Chief

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Warsaalk ().

    • This looks awesome! I noticed however that the universe size doesn't seem to match the from the SR I input.

      Not sure if you already know this or not but you can get all universe information with this link

      Is there a way to send the attacker information in the link? Like the attacker fleet, techs, coordinates? If so can you explain how? Also maybe add that to the simulator page(as well as the info on how to pass the SR key.)

      I would also suggest that when you remove an attacker/defender it would go to the previous one instead of going to the first.(this is pretty minor tho)

      Do you plan on also having IPM simulator?

      What API key does the attacker expect, doesn't make much sense to be a spy report of my self as I cannot get that.
    • Thanks !

      If you take a look at the TODO in the first thread, it'll answer 2 of your questions ;)
      - Autofill DF and Rapidfire for the universes when entering an API-ID (& ofcourse all the other data)
      - Add a feature to calculate how many IPM's you need to crush the whole defense and add an IPM Sim

      I'll take a look to the removing of players, should be pretty easy to implement.

      Well you could spy you're friends who are helping with an ACS attack and load their fleet with the API key.
      You can also ask them to spy you and send you the API key to load your own fleet.
      I didn't see why I wouldn't add it, I'm sure some players can find a use for it.

      There's indeed a way to load the attacker information, you can even load multiple players including defenders & additional attackers.
      I still need to document the process and I'll probably add it when version 1.0.0 is released, which is hopefully this week.
