TrashSim - OGame combat simulator

    • DrBlink wrote:

      I was looking for the defender's fleet to be ignored in the simulation if they will tactically retreat.
      I use this simulator primarily for raiding so its important to know how many cargos/ships i need to send but since the sim includes the defender's fleet even though they will tactically retreat, it leads me to send more ships than I need to.

      Ok, I get it.
      I'll think about it for one of the upcoming updates.
      The problem is that it can be different for different defenders.
      For example when they have admiral or disabled tactical retreat.
    • I've reproduced the Failsimulation. As soon as you type something in the field "Armour" at the Defender, not important if it is a 1 or a 0, it sims out a Draw. 10 Xer against 1 Rocketlauncher with Armour 0 => Draw WTF?

      And now the funny part: If I delete that 0 at "Armour" and let this field empty the sim jumps to 100% Win for me the attacker,so:
      Armour=empty and 10Xer against 1 Rl => Attacker win
      Armour=0 and 10Xer against 1Rl => Draw :lol: :pillepalle: :dash:
    • Request 1: Can you add a live tactical retreat field that updates while you enter your fleet? Currently, I have to run a sim for it to calculate the tactical retreat ratio, remove a few ships, run sim again, rinse and repeat.

      Request 2: Similar to request 1 using live updates but for cargos needed as I add combat ships, i think your intention was to always show how many cargos are needed regardless of combat ships, so maybe add a 2nd number in parenthesis showing how many are needed for 100% plunder when using combat ships for cargospace. Ex,
      Cargo's needed
      17 (10) Large Cargo
      85 (48) Small Cargo

      Request 3: highlight the defender's weapon/shield/armour when its empty and the attacker's is not. Almost mistakenly sent an attack based on 0/0/0 upgrades for the defender. An alternative is setting attacker techs to 0/0/0 when defender techs are missing.

      Request 4: When loading defender from API, there is no indication of a moon or planet in the coordinate section of trashbin. Leading me to pull up the report ingame to make sure I attack the right one.

      Request 5: Add tabs to trashbin and the tabs should have the player names and coordinates. Current workaround is to right click the tab in chrome and hit duplicate. I usually end up with 3-5 tabs which I cycle through to find out how i can hit as many as i can.
    • DrBlink wrote:

      Request 1: Can you add a live tactical retreat field that updates while you enter your fleet? Currently, I have to run a sim for it to calculate the tactical retreat ratio, remove a few ships, run sim again, rinse and repeat.

      Live tactical retreat is already present, look at the number in the column header of the attacker and the defenders.

      DrBlink wrote:

      Request 2: Similar to request 1 using live updates but for cargos needed as I add combat ships, i think your intention was to always show how many cargos are needed regardless of combat ships, so maybe add a 2nd number in parenthesis showing how many are needed for 100% plunder when using combat ships for cargospace. Ex,
      Cargo's needed
      17 (10) Large Cargo
      85 (48) Small Cargo

      Ok thanks for the suggestion, I'll add it to my idea list. Can't say when it'll be included.

      DrBlink wrote:

      Request 3: highlight the defender's weapon/shield/armour when its empty and the attacker's is not. Almost mistakenly sent an attack based on 0/0/0 upgrades for the defender. An alternative is setting attacker techs to 0/0/0 when defender techs are missing.

      That's something you should check yourself, resetting the attackers or defender techs to 0 is not something I'll implement. Maybe a warning about missing techs on the opposite side.
      I'll also add it to the idea list.

      DrBlink wrote:

      Request 4: When loading defender from API, there is no indication of a moon or planet in the coordinate section of trashbin. Leading me to pull up the report ingame to make sure I attack the right one.
      Like your request above, it's a minor UX improvement. I'll add it to the list.

      DrBlink wrote:

      Request 5: Add tabs to trashbin and the tabs should have the player names and coordinates. Current workaround is to right click the tab in chrome and hit duplicate. I usually end up with 3-5 tabs which I cycle through to find out how i can hit as many as i can.
      I need some more information. While the idea is simple and good, we'll need to take more into account than you think. A lot of simulations also happen without loading a API key, so when doing those simulation there can't be a playername. A better idea would be to show the coordinates in the tab title. This information is more likely to be available and also to be added manually by someone.

      Onkel I3oehse wrote:

      The IPM-Simulator dosn´t work correct.

      The damage (or whole missiles) that remains, after the main-targets are down, dosn´t damage other defenses at random as it should be ;)

      This is intended behaviour, as the target selection is random, it's impossible to simulate it. For example:
      You want to destroy someones plasma's, so you select them as your primary target. You launch more missiles than needed to destory the plasma's.
      This will cause random defence to be destroyed by the remaining IPM's. It's almost impossible to simulate.
      The simulator could give you a result where it destroyes the rocket launchers while during a real attack it can be the heavy lasers.
      As far as I know that's unpredictable.
      The IPM "simulator" is more like a calculator to see how much IPM's you'll need and how much damage they can do.
    • Update 1.2.0

      This update includes a major change from Google Chrome users, more details below.

      • New, Added a new faster simulation module for Google Chrome (view quote)
      • Fix, simulation formula, 1% rule enhancement
      • Fix, defence to debris percentage
      • Polish, front-end now works with simulation modules (due to the chrome update)
      • Added Czech

      Google Chrome has a Native Client which allows you to run C++ code in the user his browser in a sandbox environment. This allows TrashSim to run much faster simulations.

      Enjoy :)
