Tactic 04: Graviton tactics

    • Graviton Technology
      • Graviton Technology is currently only a requirement for one ship; the Death Star. Although it's not the ONLY requirement. It is the most most expensive / risky technology out of all three required.

      How do I get Graviton as It costs 300,000 energy
      Since this technology cost's 300,000 energy units, it's not an option to use only Solar plants and Fusion plants.
      It will require the use of solar satellites and a lot of them.

      Graviton Simulators
      • Dramis Graviton Calculator
      • O-Calc
        These simulators will give you a general idea of how long it will take to complete the solar satellites. Also how many depending on planet condition and the level of certain buildings.

      Variables that affect a Graviton / Satellite Build
      • Planet Position
      • Planet Temperature
      • Shipyard Level
      • Nanite Factory Level

      Ways to build the solar satellites
      Although there are a lot of different ways to acquire this goal, we will lay out a quick rough way to achieve this.
      Your planet should already have in place.
      Shipyard level 12 minimum
      Research Lab Level 12
      Nanite Factory 3-4-5 - this really is the key to speed in making solar satellites. Every universe has people that will want to stop you achieving your goal and destroy your graviton run.

      Other thing I would choose to have in place is defense on a planet, everyone has varied defense or even zero. This is a defense I have used in the past. The key is speed in making them un-detected to achieve 300,000 energy.
      Rocket Launcher ( 5000 )
      Light Laser ( 5000 available )
      Heavy Laser ( 200 available )
      Gauss Cannon ( 200 available )
      Ion Cannon ( 200 available )
      Plasma Cannon ( 100 available )
      Small Shield Dome ( 1 available )
      Large Shield Dome ( 1 available )
      Anti-ballistic Missile ( 50 available )

      Saving For The Gravitation Build
      Without a doubt you would want to have this all saved in one lump sum of resources to cover all the satellites.
      How one acquires this goal is totally up to the individual.
      Raiding, Fleeting, Mining, Trading excess metal for resources.
      save save save.

      Planet Position
      From the onset of first starting a universe, planning is everything.
      A graviton run is a project that takes time to save and plan for all the buildings. The planet position helps as the higher the energy collected per satellite the less you require to build.
      Although any field from slot 1- 15 can make enough satellites to achieve this goal long term. The overall investment put into the planet can be useful for for other projects as well.

      A slot 4,5,6 would be best suited if you are keeping this planet long term in the game, as any building that are here wont be wasted if the planet is destroyed, and the resources invested and points gain won't be lost.

      How long to build all these satellites
      Depending on what speed universe you may play also affects this. The faster you can build these satellites the better as there is less chance of someone coming along and attacking you and destroying them all.
      Planning once again comes into this. The higher the nanite facility the better, 12 - 24 hours would be a maximum time frame I would advise. Less is ideal as you can achieve this technology then never worry again.
      Also plan that when all these satellites are finished that you will be able to be online to click the research button for the Graviton technology.

      What do i do now?
      Having achieved this technology and assuming you have all the other technology's in place to make a Death Star, you are now able to do so. These ships are slow to make, slow to fly and hard to kill at times.

      Another thing you may wish to plan ahead for is having all these satellites destroyed after the project is complete and getting the Debris Field back from the destroyed satellites.

      Written By GoodRiddance
      Credits to Bibob & accessgranter
      Last Edited - 23-09-2010
    • i dislike turtle grav guides... best strategy is having your buddies online directly after finishing (and get a moon like i did on every moon (lucky))...
      and of course having nanites high enough and being online the 1-2 days!
    • I agree with marshen. While turtling up for graviton is indeed a strategy that some people use, a high-speed build is also a viable option that is frequently used. The tutorial as it is is good, but it needs a small part added about high-speed grav sats building.
    • And I would like to see some general tips, such as...
      - Turning down the % of production from solar sats while attempting to grav.
      - Making use of the overproduced energy to terrafrom the planet.
      - What's the pro/con of building fast/slow.
    • In an active uni, if you start some satelites and go to sleep, you'll probably have none by the time you wake up... Most of the people choose either a turtled grav run, or a fast grav run during which they (and hopefully some friends to acs defend and crash sats afterwards) can be online.
    • The best defense is the speed of building satellites. Not having plasmas. Especially if you want to get a moon once the graviton tech is obtained.

      One thing missing in the tutorial is WHEN you should launch this technology.
      - If you have the Graviton tech and you cannot make a Death Star before weeks of savings, it's very bad for the long term, except if it's for fun.
      - You may want Death Stars for ghosting your fleet, for upgrading a defense, or only for raiding. Your minimum account level will be different in those 3 cases (at the beginning, you will need to build at least 2 or 3 Death Stars per week for raiding - your account must be able to "deliver"! - and only a total of some dozens in the other cases - you have time!).

      Another tip: upgrade labos from level 10 to 12 only when you start building your sats: when someone sees labo level 10, he/she won't think of a graviton attempt. A high level silo with a high level nanites would make think of a planet which goal is to build Interplanetary Missiles...
    • Mort wrote:

      What do i do now?
      Having achieved this technology and assuming you have all the other technology's in place to make a Death Star, you are now able to do so. These ships are slow to make, slow to fly and hard to kill at times.

      Another thing you may wish to plan ahead for is having all these satellites destroyed after the project is complete and getting the Debris Field back from the destroyed satellites.
      Since version 4.0 you can sell the solar sats to the scrap dealer and with the help of Dark Matter negotiate up to 75% maximum return of spent resources.
    • Mort wrote:

      How do I get Graviton as It costs 300,000 energy
      Since this technology cost's 300,000 energy units, it's not an option to use only Solar plants and Fusion plants.
      It will require the use of solar satellites and a lot of them.

      May I please inform you that this paragraph contains a little mistake... ? :love:

      Small performance made in France... ;)

      => Link <=
      Je suis français, but I'm able to speak English... e parlo anche bene l'italiano :thumbsup:

      Zaral !
    • zaralback wrote:

      Mort wrote:

      How do I get Graviton as It costs 300,000 energy
      Since this technology cost's 300,000 energy units, it's not an option to use only Solar plants and Fusion plants.
      It will require the use of solar satellites and a lot of them.

      May I please inform you that this paragraph contains a little mistake... ? :love:

      Small performance made in France... ;)

      => Link <=

      This was already done 2012: board.de.ogame.gameforge.com/b…res-vergn%C3%BCgen-gravi/
      And you only need Fusion Reactor 25 + Solar 25. No need for overly expensive FR 26