Tutorial 20: Fan projects

    • Tutorial 20: Fan projects

      For many of us OGame is not just a game, but a way of life, let's call it "The way of OGame". Many players have built up daily routines and habits around OGame. And out of the great pleasure of playing this game, many players with the wish to contribute to the game in some way, are developing the fan projects.

      A fan project can be anything from a script to improve usability, a tool, a place to gather tools and scripts (approved scripts), a place where guides and tutorials are gathered (like this wiki) in the wish to help other players, a collection of texts, images, videos and music related to ogame/dedicated to OGame and its style of life - The OGame way.

      This tutorial gives a first introduction to all these tools, skins and fan projects around OGame. It tells you where to find them and what to do if you have an OGame fan project, and how to obtain the OGame Community Management approval.


      When using these tools you have to bear in mind that they are not part of the game itself and is possible that improper use or use of old tools (even if on the list of tolerated) can cause you problems.
      It is strongly recommended to check first the corresponding discussion thread in Origin before installing any script.

      If you find a tool or a script by search on internet, check first if it is in the list of tolerated tools. If you are not sure or you can’t find it, ask a supporter or any admin from Origin >>Origin Team<< before installing it.

      == Tolerated tools and scripts==
      The existing Tolerated tools and scripts are available on Origin Forum at >>Tolerated Addons, Tools, Scripts & Skins<<
      They are grouped in a few categories:
      - Tools: small addons and scripts giving small improvements in game, making more visible some details, different calculators etc
      - General Addons & Scripts: larger applications giving more complex help and playability
      - Addons, Scripts & Bugfixes: small tools created to fast fix some game bugs or giving more playing comfort
      - Addons, Scripts & Bugfixes for Board
      - Skins: new/different set of images for the well known Ogame appearance

      This list is maintained and kept up to date by the Origin team.
      All fan projects, tools and scripts for OGame have to respect a few conditions: List of forbidden things in tools and scripts (see >>Forever forbidden things<<)

      ==How to obtain the tolerated status for your fan project==

      Post your fan project at: >>New tools/Questions&answers<< using this template:


      • Name:
      • Info :
      • Author:
      • Website:
      • Support:
      • Download:
      • Screenshot:
      • Browser:
      • Languages:
      • Description:

      After you open a thread where you present your project using the above template, you'll have to answer some questions from players or from Origin team members, adapt your project to meet the requirements and wait for the approval of the OGame Community Management.

      Once your project is approved, it will be added to the list of >>Tolerated Addons, Tools, Scripts & Skins<<

      ==What Origin can do for you?==

      1. You are a player interested to find some tolerated tools to help you ingame: you find all tolerated tools at a click distance in Origin forum
      2. You are a Fan project developer: you can get your project evaluated by users and by the Origin Team and obtain the tolerated status

      In addition to this Origin team is offering you:
      - Add it to the Tolerated Addons, Tools, Scripts & Skins list which is announced in all communities.
      - Own forum for your fan project see >>Welcome to new Tools/Questions & Answers<<
      - A common IRC channel #ogame.origin