Feature: Espionage Report Overview / Analyses

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    • Feature: Espionage Report Overview / Analyses


      I like to clarify some functionality, that users often ask for.
      My question is meant for tools that run in a browser and support users during the game and not for external server solutions.
      In the current Version of my addon Skynet, the current visible espionage reports will be analysed and shown in a sorted table with additional details.

      Now the users ask for automatism.

      If user opens page=messages, the short espionage reports are analysed and shown. If the user selected to show 10 per page, 10 are shown, if the user selected to show 50 per page, 50 are shown. This is standard OGame feature.
      If the user now switch to the next page, the espionage reports from that page are added to the list. The user is able to get an overview of 200-300 reports very easy without causing more server load then normal.

      Request by the users:
      Why can't Skynet load all pages when entering the page=messages?

      I think this automatism causes additional server load and should not be allowed. Should be clarified for all tools!

      Alternative solution:
      Skynet, and also other tools, store a lot of information in the browser also for future sessions.
      One could implement, that when entering page=messages the addon loads all known reports from the local storage that are not older then x and show it in the analyses table. Now no user would ever need to scrolls through the pages of reports.
      Also the user would never need to go to the galaxy view if the analyses table allows to send new probes to update the known data.

      Would such a behaviour be allowed and if, would there be a restriction to the age of data that can be shown without a real refresh using OGame functionality?

      I hope I made the points clear?

      Many thanks for clarification.