Pinned How to use OGotcha in your project

  • How to use OGotcha in your project

    Dear developers,

    You're able to use OGotcha in your own project.
    OGotcha allows automatic report conversions so your users can post them on a board or share them with their friends.


    To automatically convert a report you can call the following URL, including 1 required parameter, 1 optional parameter and optionally also a language:{KEY}{KEY}&DEBRIS={DEBRIS}{LANG}?CR_KEY={KEY}&DEBRIS={DEBRIS}

    {KEY} (required) - should be replaced by the CR-key which can be found behind the API button in the combat report messages.

    {DEBRIS} (optional) - the debris value is used to tell OGotcha who got the debris.
    This option is also available on the website. It has 3 values: 0, 1 or 2. (description in spoiler)
    If the debris parameter is omitted, OGotcha will use its default value 0.
    Debris values

    • 0 => The attacker got the debris
    • 1 => The defender got the debris
    • 2 => No one got the debris

    {LANG} (optional) - can be replaced with a language supported by OGotcha, this can be an advantage for your international users.
    Below in the spoiler you'll find a list of the supported languages and their corresponding communities, the default value is en:
    Supported languages

    • cs => cz
    • en => en, us
    • es => es, ar
    • da => dk
    • de => de
    • fr => fr
    • hr => hr
    • it => it
    • hu => hu
    • ko => ko
    • nl => nl
    • pl => pl
    • pt => pt
    • pt-BR => br
    • ro => ro
    • sk => sk
    • sv => se
    • tr => tr
    • el => gr
    • zh => tw

    • Simple example:

    • The defender(s) got the debris:

    • Convert a report for a player in the Brazilian community:

    If you want to see how many users use OGotcha in your project you can add these parameters to the URL.
    This is also very usefull for me so I can see where the traffic is coming from. :)
    The parameter values should be url encoded as you can see in the example below.

    • utm_source => The name of your project
    • utm_medium => Where your project is used, for example in a "browser extension" or "website"
    • utm_campaign => This should be "convert combat report", it's the action that will be triggerd by OGotcha

    Example of OGotcha being used in the UniverseView Extension in a dutch universe:

    If you have any question you can always contact me on this board.


    The post was edited 1 time, last by Warsaalk ().