Pinned TopRaider's News
- Global expedition statistics can be reset
- Adding the number of CR/expe sent
- Adding the profit sent
- Display the errors at the top of the page
- Bugfix for sending Missile reports to the convertor with the v6.0.12
Fix for firefox -
- open:
Script v2.4.0.0
Possibility to send Spy Reports on the site ( click on)
Possibility to send received spy on the site ( click on)
Site :
Display the spy report sent
Sort the spy report sent
Share your spy reports with your alliance
Statistics on received spy by coordinate or player
An option for phpbb forum added on the CR converter -
Script v2.5.0.0
Possibility to send buildings and research to TopMinier (While going though building and research pages with the TopMinier options activated)
TopMinier Open :
Highscrore of production
Buildings records
Charts of the production versus time
An overview of your building and research
Screen :
Site :
Adding a Investment's detail pages
PS : I have 1 or 2 other pages to add, and i'll give you the translation files for the new sentences -
Site :
Adding the "Projects" page to know the costs and realisation times for all your projects for your OGame account
Site :
Several changes on Project page :
Adding Reseach and Fleet
Calcul of ressources stored in buildings and research which are develloping
Possibility to add ressources available on your Empire
Officier's auto selection
Planet name and coordinate updates if it changes ingame
Script :
Send buildings and research which are develloping
Send empire total points
send Officiers
Bugfix : Donuts systems are taken into account for inactive CR coordinates selection
Bugfix for sending fleet and defense which are building
Bugfix for sending temperatures with Empire view -
Adding buttons to save/load a project
Adding missing ressources for your project
Adding thousand separator on spy report and project page
New logos by -BeRt-
The "Send all" button works for received spy on Espionnage tab
Bugfix for fleet sending
Conflit with RaidsTable script fixed
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