Fleet III - display Cargo bay correctly

    • Fleet III - display Cargo bay correctly

      steps to reconstruct:
      1) go to fp1, manually enter 20 LC
      2) go on to fp3 and look at the cargo bay:
      - If no resources are loaded, then it shows 500.000/500.000 (red SendFleet button)
      - If some resources are loaded, then it shows e.g. 46.000/500.000 (orange SendFleet button)
      - If all resources are loaded, then it shows 0/500.000 (green SendFleet button, also for successful preselection)

      Mathematically this is nonsense because 0/500.000 shows, that there is nothing in the cargobay
      and 500.000/500.000 shows that the complete cargobay is filled up - the complete opposite
      (OGame shows free cargobay as you can see in the tooltip, but mathematically it stays for filled cargobay...)

      I suggest to change the calculation from <free cargobay> to <filled cargobay>.
      Maybe it would be better to rename it to "(filled) Capacity"
      The free space (difference) should be displayed below the native cargo bay value, green and in brackets
