[bug] Fleet I - Calculator - maxed ship preselection multiplies resources by 1000

  • [bug] Fleet I - Calculator - maxed ship preselection multiplies resources by 1000

    I found a displaying bug and this is the way it will appear:
    1) go to Fleetpage I and enlarge the Calculator
    2) select 1 resource there e.g. deuterium. On klick the needed cargo ships get preselected
    3) increase the preselected shps by clicking in the inputfield and afterwards on the image (select all)
    4) go through the fleet pages and send the fleet anywhere
    5) you can see in the Events and Panel the so selected resources multiplied by 1000 ("rounded down")
    >see this screenshot<
    6) go to fleet movement page to update the correct shipment values and the displaying bug disappears
    >see this screenshot<

    I was surprised by the huge amount of deut and it didnt disappear on refreshing the pages (just on fleet movement page) XD

    I don't know if it is caused by the fresh v6.0.10 update, maybe this has also been existing before.
    Furthermore Iam using other extensions/scripts too. I didn't deactivate them to be sure, if it's just caused by AGO...
    So please check for yourself, if you can reproduce this bug ;)

    EDIT1: I deactivated Greasemonkey and Scriptish, the bug still persists...
    EDIT2: step 3 has to be done exactly in this way. manually written ships wont cause the displaying bug

    >here is a similiar german bugreport< from such a displaying issue but without AGO (as he said, but possibly it has been created with AGO and just detected afterwards with a disabled AGO - screenshots are confusing at this point...)


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