Dynamic chnge in the speed of the universe

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    • Dynamic chnge in the speed of the universe

      This is just a crazy idea I just had, just to write it here in case someone wants to drink from it to create a better suggestion (or may be people like this one).

      One of the biggest problems that we face is that playing an account in an x1 is too slow to get to “decent” account sizes. An universe that has two years might not have an account of more than 20 or 30M points: as of today that's not much, and probably the reason Gameforge needs to keep launching speed unis. On the other side, it's more of a strategy game in an x1 to play, which is the fun that brought many of us some time ago to this game.

      The idea of starting universes with “decent” account sizes has passed through my mind for a long time, but today I thought of an interesting point of view (which also has to do with physics): what if the universe somehow slowed down. Like the universe itself that expands fast at the beginning and then tends to slow down.

      May be an universe could start at 10x then go reducing speed with the time, and “in the end” get to speed x1.
      May be as expeditions, change the speed after a player passes certain size limits, or may be with fixed periods of time. The idea is to have a big amount of accounts with 50-100M of points “easily” before getting to speed x1.

      I know this doesn't benefit late starters which don't start from the very beginning of the universe, but it's just an idea, it would be great if it evolves.

      What do you think? It may seem crazy, but may be there's a way this can be implemented (and welcomed by the community). This is just a first crazy idea to solve the problem of slow developement of accounts at first stages of universe in x1 speed.