It would be very helpful to have the information what is used on server side when replacing
1.000.000 or
Sometime it's M sometime Mio, Bn or B only...
Please add this info to the serverData.xml or localization.xml
And please also add the timezoneoffset in the serverData.xml
<timezone>America/New_York</timezone> is something that you can't use in JavaScript.
<timezoneoffset>+300</timezoneoffset> is something that one can use...
1.000.000 or
Sometime it's M sometime Mio, Bn or B only...
Please add this info to the serverData.xml or localization.xml
And please also add the timezoneoffset in the serverData.xml
<timezone>America/New_York</timezone> is something that you can't use in JavaScript.
<timezoneoffset>+300</timezoneoffset> is something that one can use...