moon via tutorial

    • Resources and Facilities

    • moon via tutorial

      if there are plans to rework the tutorial there will probally a point which tackles the subject saving.
      i think a good reward for completing this step would be a 100% moonshot so basically a free moon except you have to pay for the 1667/1000/815 lf depending on % df
      the task could be to fleet save 7 days in a row.
      e.g. you have to buid 20 lg for this tutorial step, send them away at least 4 hours a day and make sure there are not more than 10k total ressource left on the planet at the time the fleet is started.
      the tutorial could suggest to spend ressources on mines/research/defence or just on more large cargo if the 20 are not enough.
      that way new players get trained to always spend their ressources and/or fs them before they go offline.

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      if there are concerns regarding the op-ness of a free moon at the start of a new server: i wouldnt activate a tutorial at the start because the vast majority of players are vets anyway. mb deactivate the reward or change it for the first few months or tie it to certain requirements like having 100k points and make the moon only 6k big for example
    • how is a moon a big advantage?
      its more handy for fleetsaving because you have more room for who long you want to send the fleet away, yes.
      but you dont gain superpowers with it, especially if everyone could get a moon that easy.
      its not like moons are rare at the moment or hard to obtain.

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      that should not be an attack or something. i just wanna hear ppls thoughts about things so we can improve the initial idea