S&D titles

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    • Hi,

      I want to ask for adding option of creating S&D headlines for ogame.pl community. Titles for that contest need to be specific because they're counted automatically by program, and some players have problems to create proper ones.

      Proper title should look like this:
      2015-10-16 20:13:52 - Nickname [TeamName] - 2 222,05%

      There have to be date and time at beginning, name, team name and %. Team name need to be added by players, because it cannot be found in CR. Also, there can be only one separator like , or . in value. Value of 2222,05% can be also written as 2 222,05%, but when there are separators like 2.222,05%, it will be counted as 2% instead of 2k%.

      I hope you can add that option, it would be very useful for us.
