Skynet 4.1.0

    • Skynet 4.1.0

      Version 4.1.0 is online for all users Firefox and Chrome. I am particularly proud of the new function Raidar.

      At this point again a big thank you to the translator and tester. Without the good feedback, it would not have gone that fast.

      • Italian translation by Scappe
      • Raidar
      • Adaptation of the Galaxy Linkparser to v6
      • Improved number parser, it reliable detects number with M, Mrd and Bn
      • Planet and Moon at the same position: Espionage report was assigned to the wrong
      • Flicker and short white flash in Firefox fixed
      • Acceleration in Firefox
      • Adjustment of the capacity calculation for raiding to v6
      • Polish translation by Greg
      • Column transport capacity removed
      • Skynet configuration revised
      • History
      More information and download links:

      This stable state is not the last word. There were quite a few good ideas that will be included in Raidar and Skynet.

      I diligently collect feedback.

      At this point, one more important info: Skynet does not work with Epic Blue!!!