Add players technologies

    • Add players technologies

      Hi Warsaalk,

      First of all, thanks for your very useful tool :)

      I am part of the french community staff. On the french board, we ask our users to add for every combat report the players combat technologies (that's a sine qua non condition to say a combat report is valid or not).

      Could you add this feature to your converter ? I, and I guess my collegues totally agree, would very appreciate this improvement; because I won't have to tell every user using your tool to add the technologies manually ^^

      Thanks again for the time you give to the communities !

      I'm not sure to follow this thread, can you please give us information on the french board if you add this suggestion ? :) Here's the direct link :…sseur-de-rc/#post13233144

      :love: :love: cand0u :love: :love: