Silfid : 1-107
aurelio : 108 - 215
Imperor: 216 - 323
MrDark: 324 - 430
Display All
Display All
Silfid : 1-107
aurelio : 108 - 215
Imperor: 216 - 323
MrDark: 324 - 430
PHP Source Code
- <?php
- $txt = array(
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* All Pages *************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'TopRaider' => 'TOP Raiders',
- 'TopRaiderWeek' => 'TOP Raiders of the Week',
- 'TopRaiderMonth' => 'TOP Raiders of the Month',
- 'TopRaiderYear' => 'TOP Raiders of the Year',
- 'converterV6' => "CR Converter v6",
- 'Records' => 'Records',
- 'RecordsGene' => 'Profits Records',
- 'RecordsShips' => 'Destroyed Ships Records',
- 'Charts' => 'My Charts',
- 'Stats' => 'Statistics',
- 'MonCompte'=> 'My account',
- 'CompteData' => 'Account Data',
- 'ByCoords' => 'By Coords',
- 'ByShips' => 'By Ships/def destroyed',
- 'Signature' => 'Signature',
- 'MyAlliance' => 'My alliance',
- 'BilanRC' => 'Last Profits Details' ,
- 'Account' => 'Account ',
- 'Options' => 'Options',
- 'FAQ' => 'Getting Started',
- 'logInOut' => 'login / logout',
- 'PaypalGift' => 'help me to fund this server',
- 'needtoconnect' => 'Login to see your data',
- 'updateScript' => ' The script is obsolete ==>>>Update it<<<',
- 'Users' => 'Users',
- 'CombatReports' => 'Combat Reports',
- 'Contact' => 'Contact',
- 'Screen' => 'Screenshots',
- 'News' => 'News',
- 'Home' => 'Home',
- 'noCompte' => 'No OGame account is linked to this email. <br/>
- Your OGame account should have been registered with another email. <br/>
- To transfert it on this email, go to options/Move an other OGame account on this Email <br/>
- If you don\'t know the email or the password on which your OGame account are registred. Contact me. ',
- 'addblock' => 'The hosting of this website is funded by a little adds at the bottom of the page <br/>
- Please desactivate your add-blocker on this page to help this site to survive :)',
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Top Raider Page *************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'TOP' => 'TOP',
- 'Nick' => 'Nick',
- 'Players' => 'Players',
- 'Metal' => 'Metal',
- 'Cristal' => 'Crystal',
- 'Deuterium' => 'Deuterium',
- 'Losses' => 'Losses',
- 'Damages' => 'Damages',
- 'Profits' => 'Profits',
- 'NbRC' => 'Nb CR',
- 'NbPlayer' => 'Nb players',
- 'Alliance' => 'Alliance',
- 'Universes' => 'Universes',
- 'Country' => 'Country',
- 'Week' => 'Week',
- 'Speed' => 'Speed',
- 'Year' => 'Year',
- 'AllUni' => 'All universes',
- 'AllCountry' => 'All Countries',
- 'AllSpeed' => 'All Speeds',
- 'topRaiderWeek' => 'Top raiders of the week n°',
- 'topAlliWeek' => 'Top alliances of the week n°',
- 'topUniWeek' => 'Top universes of the week n°',
- 'topCountryWeek' => 'Top countries of the week n°',
- 'topRaiderMonth' => 'Top raiders of ', //[Month]
- 'topAlliMonth' => 'Top alliances of ', //[Month]
- 'topUniMonth' => 'Top universes of ', //[Month]
- 'topCountryMonth' => 'Top countries of ', //[Month]
- 'topRaiderYear' => 'Top raiders of the year ',
- 'topAlliYear' => 'Top alliances of the year ',
- 'topUniYear' => 'Top universes of the year ',
- 'topCountryYear' => 'Top countries of the year ',
- 'others' => 'Others',
- 'End' => 'End',
- 'Start' => 'Start',
- 'isInTop' => 'When add your CR : ',
- 'NextHour' => 'At the next hour',
- 'OneHourLater' => 'At least 1h later',
- 'ThreeHourLater' => 'At least 3h later',
- 'SixHourLater' => 'At least 6h later',
- 'TwelveHourLater' => 'At least 12h later',
- 'EndDay' => 'At the end of the day',
- 'Never' => 'Never',
- 'defaultRank' => 'Default ranking',
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Profits Pages *************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'NumRC' => 'Number of CR',
- 'RaidMetal' => 'Metal loots',
- 'RaidCristal' => 'Crystal loots',
- 'RaidDeut' => 'Deut loots',
- 'HarvestMet' => 'Harvested Metal',
- 'HarvestCri' => 'Harvested Crystal',
- 'DayProfits' => 'Profits of the day',
- 'WeekProfits' => 'Profits of the last 7 days',
- 'From' => 'from',
- 'To' => 'to',
- 'For' => 'for',
- 'Datedebutfin' => 'Start and end dates for the display of combat reports :',
- 'Categories' => 'Categories',
- 'Date' => 'Date',
- 'MetalDF' => 'Metal DF',
- 'CristalDF' => 'Crystal DF',
- 'Delete' => 'Delete',
- 'Coord' => 'Coordinates',
- 'addRc'=> 'Add stolen DF or RIP lost and IPM',
- 'RipLost'=> 'RIP lost',
- 'Mip'=> 'Launched IPM',
- 'StolenCdrM'=> 'Metal DF stolen',
- 'StolenCdrC'=> 'Crystal DF stolen',
- 'listeRc' => 'List of combat reports',
- 'Conso' => 'Consumption',
- 'EraseCR'=> 'Delete all selected CR',
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Records Pages *************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'yourRecords' => 'Your Records',
- 'pourcent' => 'percentage',
- 'DayRecords' => 'Records for a day',
- 'WeekRecords' => 'Records for a week',
- 'AvrScore' => 'Average score: ',
- 'InactivOnly' => 'Records on inactivs',
- 'Update' => "Update",
- 'DateUpdate'=> 'Date of the last update of the records: ',
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Chart Pages *************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'Month' => 'Month',
- 'Chart1' => "Profits for each day of ",
- 'Chart2' => "Profits for each day of the year ",
- 'Chart3' => "Profits for each month of the year ",
- 'generateBBcode' => 'Generate / Update the BBcode',
- 'MonthList' => array( "January ", " February " , "March ", " April" , "May" , "June" , "July ", " August ", " September" , "October" , "November ", " December"),
- 'Positif' => 'Positive',
- 'Negatif' => 'Negative',
- 'Legend' => 'Legend',
- 'txttot' => 'Global profits',
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Stats Pages *************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'Stats30day' => 'Statistics of the last [jours] days',
- 'StatsPie30day' => 'Pie chart for the last [jours] days',
- 'StatsCoord' => 'Statistics by coordinates',
- 'StatsGalax' => 'Statistics by galaxies',
- 'Galaxy'=> 'Galaxies',
- 'Average'=> 'Average per CR',
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Account Pages *************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'MainAccount' => 'Main Account',
- 'ConfirmDelete' => 'You are about to delete the account [ACCOUNT] and all its combat reports.
- Are you sur you want to do that ?',
- 'AccountList'=> 'List of your accounts',
- 'LimitHarvest' => 'Minimal DF to consider ',
- 'jetLag' => 'Jet lag',
- 'AccountData' => 'Account Data',
- 'AccountOption' => 'Settings',
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Ships Pages *************************
- *************************************************************/
- "miliShips" => "Combat ships",
- "civilShips" => "Civil ships",
- "defShips" => "Defenses",
- "TotalShips" => "Cumulated destroyed ships and defences (since v2.0.2)",
- "total" => "Sum",
- 'Ships' => "Ships Dest.",
- 'Value' => "Value",
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Options Pages *************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'ChangeMDP' => 'Change the password' ,
- 'ChangeMail' => 'Change the Email' ,
- 'TransfereAccount' => 'Move an other OGame account on this Email' ,
- 'RegisterMail' => 'Email on which the ogame account is',
- 'RegisterMDP' => 'Password linked to this account',
- 'Email' => 'Email adress',
- 'CurrentEmail' => 'Current Email' ,
- 'NewEmail' => 'New Email' ,
- 'Pass' => 'Password' ,
- 'CurrentPass' => 'Current password' ,
- 'NewPass' => 'New password' ,
- 'succeedMail' => 'Email change succeed' ,
- 'succeedMDP' => 'Password change succeed' ,
- 'FailMail' => 'Invalid Email',
- 'ExsistingAccount' => 'There is already an account with this email. <br/><br/>
- If you want your CR on this new email, change the email and password of the the script (by clicking on RC Sent on message pages) to this new email <br/><br/>
- After that, if you want to merge CR of the 2 mail, contact vulca :',
- 'succeedCo' => 'connexion succeed to ' ,
- 'WrongPass' => 'Wrong password' ,
- 'NickPlayer' => 'Nick of the player' ,
- 'WrongLink' => 'The link used to change the password is out of date' ,
- 'lostPass' => 'Forgot your password?',
- 'mailToChangemdp' => "An email as been sent to change your password",
- 'sujetMailToChangemdp' => "Password change on TopRaider",
- 'contentMailToChangemdp' => "Hi
- You ask to change your password on TopRaider.
- Follow this link to do it: ",
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Portal Pages *************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'welcome' => 'Hi, and welcome on TopRaider.',
- 'home' => "Top Raider is the best way to track your ogame profits. <br/>
- With its easy to use plug-in and its comprehensive statistics you will be bragging about your profits in no time. </p>
- <ul><li>
- Easy to use plugin </li><li>
- Informational Charts </li><li>
- Alliance Statistics </li><li>
- Global Statistics </li>
- </ul>",
- 'homestart' => "Getting started is easy! follow our getting started guide and you will be getting started in no time.",
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* F.A.Q Page ******************************
- *************************************************************/
- /* Ignore what is between < and > */
- 'FAQcontent' => " <h2>
- 1) How to install the script. </h2><br/>
- - With <a href=''>
- Google Chrome </a><br/>
- * Check that Google Chrome is up-to-date. <br/>
- * If you don't have it, add <a href=''>
- TamperMonkey </a>
- to Google Chrome.
- If it's already installed, Check that it's up-to-date. <br/>
- * Install the <a href=''>
- TopRaider script </a>. <br/>
- <br/><br/>
- - With <a href=''>
- Firefox </a><br/>
- * Check that Firefox is up-to-date. <br/>
- * If you don't have it, add <a href=''>
- GreaseMonkey </a>
- to Firefox.
- If it's already installed, Check that it's up-to-date. <br/>
- * Install the <a href=''>
- TopRaider script </a>. <br/>
- <br/><br/>
- <h2>2)
- How to use this website </h2><br/>
- The TopRaider script has to be installed (see above). <br/>
- Open a combat report. An email and a password will be asked to create you account on this website. <br/>
- Once the email and password filled, you just have to open your combat reports to automatically send them to the website.<br/>",
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Messages ******************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'Warning' => 'Caution if you make a change : <br/>
- You will need to update your mail or password stored by the script for each OGame account </br>
- (By clicking on "RC sent" when you open a CR)' ,
- 'AlliNonConfirme' => 'Your alliance cannot be confirmed <br/>
- If you are new in this alliance, you will have to wait until next Tuesday to access to this page.',
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Signature ******************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'CoulText' => 'Text color (Red/Green/Blue)' ,
- 'CoulFond' => 'Background color (Red/Green/Blue)' ,
- 'GetUrl' => "Or : link to a background image (.jpg or .png)",
- 'Since' => 'Since the ',
- );
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* CR Converter ***************************
- *************************************************************/
- $shipsName = array();
- $shipsName[202]="Small Cargo";
- $shipsName[203]="Large Cargo";
- $shipsName[204]="Light Fighter";
- $shipsName[205]="Heavy Fighter";
- $shipsName[206]="Cruiser";
- $shipsName[207]="Battleship";
- $shipsName[208]="Colony Ship";
- $shipsName[209]="Recycler";
- $shipsName[210]="Espionage Probe";
- $shipsName[211]="Bomber";
- $shipsName[212]="Solar Satellite";
- $shipsName[213]="Destroyer";
- $shipsName[214]="Deathstar";
- $shipsName[215]="Battlecruiser";
- $shipsName[216]="Cruiser";
- $shipsName[401]="Rocket Launcher";
- $shipsName[402]="Light Laser";
- $shipsName[403]="Heavy Laser";
- $shipsName[404]="Gauss Cannon";
- $shipsName[405]="Ion Cannon";
- $shipsName[406]="Plasma Turret";
- $shipsName[407]="Small Shield Dome";
- $shipsName[408]="Large Shield Dome";
- $txtConv = array(
- "TRcrConv" => "TopRaider CR Converter for V6",
- "NoAPIkey" => "<== Submit the API key of your CR <br/>
- (example : cr-en-671-efab9565e510aa6f48049d3ebdc7d46d6f5c01f6)",
- "rccode" => "key of the CR",
- "lootcode" => "key of the loots CR",
- "recycode" => "code des recyclages",
- "im" => "I am the",
- "attacker"=> "Attacker",
- "defender"=> "Defender",
- "metrec" => "Harvested Metal: ",
- "crirec" => "Harvested Crystal: ",
- "combu" => "Combustion: ",
- "impu" => "Impulse: ",
- "propu" => "Hyper. Drive: ",
- "vitesse"=> "Speed : ",
- "skinChange"=> "Change your skin",
- "nombre"=> "Numbers",
- "skinname"=> "Skin's name",
- "Autor"=> "Autor",
- "Lang"=> "Langage",
- "private"=> "Private skin" ,
- "table"=> "Don't use tables",
- "conso" => "Estimated consumption",
- "recyclage"=> "The [recy] recyclers of [user] harvested [metal] metal and [crystal] crystal",
- );
- "recyclage"=> "The [recy] recyclers of [user] harvested [metal] metal and [crystal] crystal",
- "dateRc" => 'The following fleets fight the : [date]',
- "attWin" => "The attacker has won the battle! He captured:",
- "pillage" => "[metal] metal, [crystal] crystal and [deut] deuterium",
- "pillage2" => "[att] captured [metal] metal, [crystal] crystal and [deut] deuterium",
- "draw" => "The battle end with a draw !",
- "defWin" => "The defender has won the battle!",
- "resultatA" => "The attacker lost a total of [attLoss] units.",
- "resultatD" => "The defender lost a total of [defLoss] units.",
- "debris" => "UAt these space coordinates now float [metal] metal and [crystal] crystal.",
- "detruit" => "Destroyed",
- "BeneficeA" => "Attacker profits : ",
- "benefDetail" => "Metal : [metal] | Crystal : [crystal] | Deut : [deut]",
- "BeneficeD" => "Defender profits : ",
- "conso" => "Estimated consumption: [deut] deut",
- "attacker"=> "Attacker",
- "defender"=> "Defender",
- ?>
PHP Source Code
- <?php
- $txt = array(
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* All Pages *************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'TopRaider' => 'Mejores Atacantes',
- 'TopRaiderWeek' => 'Mejores Atacantes de la Semana',
- 'TopRaiderMonth' => 'Mejores Atacantes del Mes',
- 'TopRaiderYear' => 'Mejores Atacantes del año',
- 'converterV6' => "CR Converter v6",
- 'Records' => 'Datos',
- 'RecordsGene' => 'Datos de Ganancias',
- 'RecordsShips' => 'Datos de Naves destruidas',
- 'Charts' => 'Mis Gráficas',
- 'Stats' => 'Estadísticas',
- 'MonCompte'=> 'Mi Cuenta',
- 'CompteData' => 'Información de mi Cuenta',
- 'ByCoords' => 'Por Coordenadas',
- 'ByShips' => 'Por Naves/Def destruidas',
- 'Signature' => 'Firma',
- 'MyAlliance' => 'Mi alianza',
- 'BilanRC' => 'Detalles de la últimas Ganancias' ,
- 'Account' => 'Cuenta ',
- 'Options' => 'Opcciones',
- 'FAQ' => 'Empezando a arrancar',
- 'logInOut' => 'Conectarse / salir',
- 'PaypalGift' => 'Ayúdame a mantener este servidor',
- 'needtoconnect' => 'Conéctate para ver tu datos',
- 'updateScript' => ' Este script está anticuado ==>>>Actualízalo<<<',
- 'Users' => 'Usuarios',
- 'CombatReports' => 'Informes de Combate',
- 'Contact' => 'Contacto',
- 'Screen' => 'Pantallazos',
- 'News' => 'Noticias',
- 'Home' => 'Página de inicio',
- 'noCompte' => 'Ninguna cuenta de Ogame está asociada con este correo. <br/>
- Tu cuenta de Ogame debería haber sido registrada con otro correo.<br/>
- Para transferir este correo, ve a opciones/Mover otra cuenta de Ogame a este correo. <br/>
- Si desconoces el correo o la contraseña con la que tu cuenta de Ogame está registrada, contacta conmigo. ',
- 'addblock' => 'El servicio de alojamiento de este sitio web se sostiene con unos pocos anuncios en el fondo de la página<br/>
- Por favor, desactiva tu bloqueador de anuncios para esta págin con el fin de ayudar a este sitio a sobrevivir :)',
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Página de Máximos atacantes *************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'TOP' => 'TOP',
- 'Nick' => 'Nombre',
- 'Players' => 'Jugadores',
- 'Metal' => 'Metal',
- 'Cristal' => 'Cristal',
- 'Deuterium' => 'Deuterio',
- 'Losses' => 'Perdidas',
- 'Damages' => 'Daños',
- 'Profits' => 'Ganancias',
- 'NbRC' => 'Nb CR',
- 'NbPlayer' => 'Nb jugadores',
- 'Alliance' => 'Alianza',
- 'Universes' => 'Universos',
- 'Country' => 'País',
- 'Week' => 'Semana',
- 'Speed' => 'Velocidad',
- 'Year' => 'Año',
- 'AllUni' => 'Cualquier universo',
- 'AllCountry' => 'Cualquier país',
- 'AllSpeed' => 'Cualquier velocidad',
- 'topRaiderWeek' => 'Mejores atacantes semanales en números',
- 'topAlliWeek' => 'Mejores alianzas semanales en números',
- 'topUniWeek' => 'Mejores universos de la semana en números',
- 'topCountryWeek' => 'Mejores paises de la semana en números',
- 'topRaiderMonth' => 'Mejores atacantes del ', //[Mes]
- 'topAlliMonth' => 'Mejores alianzas del ', //[Mes]
- 'topUniMonth' => 'Mejores universos del ', //[Mes]
- 'topCountryMonth' => 'Mejores paises del ', //[Mes]
- 'topRaiderYear' => 'Mejores atacantes anuales ',
- 'topAlliYear' => 'Mejores alianzas anuales ',
- 'topUniYear' => 'Mejores universos anuales ',
- 'topCountryYear' => 'Mejores paises anuales ',
- 'others' => 'Otros',
- 'End' => 'Fin',
- 'Start' => 'Inicio',
- 'isInTop' => 'Cuando añadas tu CR : ',
- 'NextHour' => 'Durante la siguiente hora',
- 'OneHourLater' => 'Al menos, 1h más tarde',
- 'ThreeHourLater' => 'Al menos, 3h más tarde',
- 'SixHourLater' => 'Al menos, 6h más tarde',
- 'TwelveHourLater' => 'Al menos, 12 horas más tarde',
- 'EndDay' => 'Al final del día',
- 'Never' => 'Nunca',
- 'OneHourLater' => '1h después',
- 'ThreeHourLater' => '3h después',
- 'SixHourLater' => '6h después',
- 'TwelveHourLater' => '12h despuçes',
- 'EndDay' => 'Al final del día',
- 'Never' => 'Nunca',
- 'defaultRank' => 'Estadística por defecto',
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Profits Pages *************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'NumRC' => 'Numerp de RC',
- 'RaidMetal' => 'Botín de metal',
- 'RaidCristal' => 'Botín de cristal',
- 'RaidDeut' => 'Botín de deuterio',
- 'HarvestMet' => 'Almacén de Metal',
- 'HarvestCri' => 'Almacén de Cristal',
- 'DayProfits' => 'Beneficio del día',
- 'WeekProfits' => 'Benefício de la semana',
- 'From' => 'Desde',
- 'To' => 'a',
- 'For' => 'para',
- 'Datedebutfin' => 'Inicio y final de las fechas para los informes de batalla:',
- 'Categories' => 'Categorías',
- 'Date' => 'Fecha',
- 'MetalDF' => 'Metal DF',
- 'CristalDF' => 'Cristal DF',
- 'Delete' => 'Borrar',
- 'Coord' => 'Coordenadas',
- 'addRc'=> 'Añadir robo DF o RIP pérdidas y IPM',
- 'RipLost'=> 'Pérdidas de batalla',
- 'Mip'=> 'Launched IPM',
- 'StolenCdrM'=> 'Metal DF robado',
- 'StolenCdrC'=> 'Cristal DF robado',
- 'listeRc' => 'Listado de informes de batalla',
- 'Conso' => 'Consumo',
- 'EraseCR'=> 'Borarar todos los CR seleccionados',
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Records Pages *************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'yourRecords' => 'Tus Datos',
- 'pourcent' => 'Porcentaje',
- 'DayRecords' => 'Datos del día',
- 'WeekRecords' => 'Datos de la semana',
- 'AvrScore' => 'Puntuación promedio: ',
- 'InactivOnly' => 'Datos de inactivos',
- 'Update' => "Actualización",
- 'DateUpdate'=> 'Fecha de la última actualización de datos: ',
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Chart Pages *************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'Month' => 'Mes',
- 'Chart1' => "Ganancias diarias de",
- 'Chart2' => "Ganancias de cada diarias del año",
- 'Chart3' => "Ganancias mensuales del año",
- 'generateBBcode' => 'Generar/ Actualizar los BBcode',
- 'MonthList' => array( "Enero", " Febrero" , "Marzo", " Abril" , "Mayo" , "Junio" , "Julio", " Agosto", " Septiembre" , "Octubre" , "Noviembre", " Diciembre"),
- 'Positif' => 'Positivo',
- 'Negatif' => 'Negativo',
- 'Legend' => 'Leyenda',
- 'txttot' => 'Ganancias globales',
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Stats Pages *************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'Stats30day' => 'Estadísitica de los útlimos [jours] días',
- 'StatsPie30day' => 'Gráfico circular de los útlimos [jours] días',
- 'StatsCoord' => 'Estadísticas por coordenadas',
- 'StatsGalax' => 'Estadísticas por ganancias',
- 'Galaxy'=> 'Galaxias',
- 'Average'=> 'Beneficio por CR',
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Account Pages *************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'MainAccount' => 'Cuenta principal',
- 'ConfirmDelete' => 'Estás apunto de eliminar la cuenta [ACCOUNT] i todos los informes de batallas.
- Estás seguro que deseas eliminarla?',
- 'AccountList'=> 'Listado de tus cuentas',
- 'LimitHarvest' => 'Mínimas DF necesarias ',
- 'jetLag' => 'Compensación horaria',
- 'AccountData' => 'Datos de la cuenta',
- 'AccountOption' => 'Ajustes',
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Ships Pages *************************
- *************************************************************/
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Naves *************************
- *************************************************************/
- "miliShips" => "Naves de Combate",
- "civilShips" => "Naves Civiles",
- "defShips" => "Defensas",
- "TotalShips" => "Total de naves y defensas destruidas (desde v2.0.2) ",
- "total" => "Total",
- 'Ships' => "Naves destruidas",
- 'Value' => "Valor",
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Opciones *************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'ChangeMDP' => 'Cambiar contraseña' ,
- 'ChangeMail' => 'Cambiar Email' ,
- 'TransfereAccount' => 'Mover otra cuenta de OGame a este Email' ,
- 'RegisterMail' => 'Email registrado en la cuenta',
- 'RegisterMDP' => 'Contraseña registrada en la cuenta',
- 'Email' => 'Dirección de Email',
- 'CurrentEmail' => 'Email actual' ,
- 'NewEmail' => 'Nuevo Email' ,
- 'Pass' => 'Contraseña' ,
- 'CurrentPass' => 'Contraseña actual' ,
- 'NewPass' => 'Nueva contraseña' ,
- 'succeedMail' => 'Cambio de Email correcto' ,
- 'succeedMDP' => 'Cambio de contraseña correcto' ,
- 'FailMail' => 'Email incorrecto',
- 'ExsistingAccount' => 'Ya existe una cuenta registrada con este Email. <br/><br/>
- Si quieres tu CR en este correo, cambia el Email y la contraseña del script (Haciendo click en RC Sent en la pagina de mensaje) a este nuevo correo <br/><br/>
- Después, si guieres fusionar el CR a los dos Email, contacta a Vulca:',
- 'succeedCo' => 'Conexión completada ' ,
- 'WrongPass' => 'Contraseña incorrecta' ,
- 'NickPlayer' => 'Nombre del jugador' ,
- 'WrongLink' => 'El link utilizado para cambiar la contraseña ha caducado' ,
- 'lostPass' => '¿Olvidaste la contraseña?',
- 'mailToChangemdp' => "Se ha enviado un Email para cambiar tu contraseña",
- 'sujetMailToChangemdp' => "Contraseña de TopRaider cambiada",
- 'contentMailToChangemdp' => "Hola
- Pediste cambiar tu contraseña de TopRaider.
- Sigue el link para cambiarla: ",
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Portal *************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'welcome' => 'Hola y bienvenido a TopRaider.',
- 'home' => "TopRaider es la mejor forma de seguir tus ataques de OGame. <br/>
- Con su sencillo plug-in y sus comprensibles estadísticas pronto podrás presumir de tus ganancias. </p>
- <ul><li>
- Usar el plug-in es sencillo </li><li>
- Gráficos informativos </li><li>
- Estadísticas de alianza </li><li>
- Estadísticas globales </li>
- </ul>",
- 'homestart' => "¿Es fácil comenzar! Sigue nuestra guía de instalación y en poco tiempo habrás comenzado.",
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* F.A.Q ******************************
- *************************************************************/
- /* Ignora lo que hay entre < y > */
- 'FAQcontent' => " <h2>
- 1) Como instalar el script. </h2><br/>
- - Con <a href=''>
- Google Chrome </a><br/>
- * Verifica que tienes actualizado Google Chrome. <br/>
- * Si no lo tienes instalado, añade <a href=''>
- TamperMonkey </a>
- al navegador Google Chrome.
- Si ya lo tienes instalado, verifica que esté actualizado. <br/>
- * Instala el <a href=''>
- script TopRaider </a>. <br/>
- <br/><br/>
- - Con <a href=''>
- Firefox </a><br/>
- * Verifica que tienes actualizado Firefox. <br/>
- * Si no lo tienes instalado, añade <a href=''>
- GreaseMonkey </a>
- a Mozilla Firefox.
- Si ya lo tienes instalado, verifica que esté actualizado. <br/>
- * Instala el <a href=''>
- script TopRaider </a>. <br/>
- <br/><br/>
- <h2>2)
- Como utilizar esta página web </h2><br/>
- El script TopRaider debe ser instalado (ver más arriba). <br/>
- Abre un reporte de combate. Se te pedirá un Email y una contraseña para crear una cuenta en esta página web. <br/>
- Una vez rellenado el Email y la contraseña, debes abrir el reporte de combate para enviarlo de forma automática a la página web.<br/>",
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Mensajes ******************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'Warning' => 'Ten cuidado si realizas algún cambio : <br/>
- Tendrás que actualizar tu contraseña o email almacenado en este script por cada cuenta de OGame. </br>
- (Clickando en "RC sent" cuando abras un CR)' ,
- 'AlliNonConfirme' => 'Tu alianza no puede ser confirmada <br/>
- Si eres nuevo en esta alianza tendrás que esperarte hasta el próximo martes para poder acceder a esta página.',
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Firma ******************************
- *************************************************************/
- 'CoulText' => 'Color del texto (Rojo/Verde/Azul)' ,
- 'CoulFond' => 'Color de fondo (Rojo/Verde/Azul)' ,
- 'GetUrl' => "O el link de una imágen (en formato .jpg or .png)",
- 'Since' => 'Desde el ',
- );
- /* *********************************************************
- ******************* Compactador de Reportes de Batalla ***************************
- *************************************************************/
- $shipsName = array();
- $shipsName[202]="Nave Pequeña de Carga";
- $shipsName[203]="Nave Grande de Carga";
- $shipsName[204]="Cazador Ligero";
- $shipsName[205]="Cazador Pesado";
- $shipsName[206]="Crucero";
- $shipsName[207]="Nave de Batalla";
- $shipsName[208]="Colonizador";
- $shipsName[209]="Reciclador";
- $shipsName[210]="Sonda de Espionaje";
- $shipsName[211]="Bombardero";
- $shipsName[212]="Satélite Solar";
- $shipsName[213]="Destructor";
- $shipsName[214]="Estrella de la Muerte";
- $shipsName[215]="Acorazado";
- $shipsName[216]="Destructor";
- $shipsName[401]="Lanzamisiles";
- $shipsName[402]="Laser Pequeño";
- $shipsName[403]="Laser Grande";
- $shipsName[404]="Cañón Gauss";
- $shipsName[405]="Cañón Iónico";
- $shipsName[406]="Cañón de Plasma";
- $shipsName[407]="Cúpula pequeña de protección";
- $shipsName[408]="Cúpula grande de protección";
- $txtConv = array(
- "TRcrConv" => "TopRaider CR Converter for V6",
- "NoAPIkey" => "<== Copia el link de la API de tu reporte <br/>
- (ejemplo : cr-en-671-efab9565e510aa6f48049d3ebdc7d46d6f5c01f6)",
- "rccode" => "clave del reporte",
- "lootcode" => "clave del botín",
- "recycode" => "código del reciclaje",
- "im" => "Yo soy",
- "attacker"=> "Atacante",
- "defender"=> "Defensor",
- "metrec" => "Escombros de Metal: ",
- "crirec" => "Escombros de Cristal: ",
- "combu" => "Motor de Combustión: ",
- "impu" => "Motor de Impulso: ",
- "propu" => "Motor Hiperespacial: ",
- "vitesse"=> "Velocidad : ",
- "skinChange"=> "Cambia tu skin",
- "nombre"=> "Números",
- "skinname"=> "Nombre de la skin",
- "Autor"=> "Autor",
- "Lang"=> "Lenguaje",
- "private"=> "Skin privada" ,
- "table"=> "No uséis tablas",
- "conso" => "Consumo aproximado",
- "recyclage"=> "Los recicladores [recy] del [user] recolectan un total de [metal] metal y [crystal] de cristal",
- );
- "recyclage"=> "Los recicladores [recy] del [user] recolectan un total de [metal] metal y [crystal] de cristal",
- "dateRc" => 'Las siguientes flotas se enfrentan en : [date]',
- "attWin" => "El atacante ha ganado la batalla! Él captura:",
- "pillage" => "[metal] Metal, [crystal] Cristal y [deut] Deuterio",
- "pillage2" => "[att] captura [metal] Metal, [crystal] Cristal y [deut] Deuterio",
- "draw" => "La batalla termina en empate!",
- "defWin" => "El defensor ha ganado la batalla!",
- "resultatA" => "El atacante ha perdido un total de [attLoss] unidades.",
- "resultatD" => "El defensor ha perdido un total de [defLoss] unidades.",Cristal.",
- "debris" => "Ahora en estas coordenadas flotan [metal] unidades de metal y [crystal] unidades de cristal.",
- "detruit" => "Destruido",
- "BeneficeA" => "Renta del atacante : ",
- "benefDetail" => "Metal : [metal] | Cristal : [crystal] | Deuterio : [deut]",
- "BeneficeD" => "Renta del defensor : ",
- "conso" => "Consumo de deuterio aproximado: [deut] Deuterio",
- "attacker"=> "Atacante",
- "defender"=> "Defensor",
- ?>