Management of spy reports : unread and delete

    • Usability

    • Management of spy reports : unread and delete

      Dear folks,

      Following the rollout of the v6, there is two main criticism about the spy reports management.

      1/ DELETE

      The delete button of the short view is ok, but the delete option in detailed view is buggy. When you are on page 2 for example, you open the detailed view of a report, you click on delete and bim ! The page refreshs, and go back on page 1. You don't know anymore where you were before.

      My suggestion is that the delete button of the detailed view launches the piece of code of the delete button of the parent window, and switch to the next one in detailed view. Like this, the list of messages in the short view is updated, without refresh as if you delete the message from there, and you can handle the next message directly. I think its more practical and optimized.

      2/ UNREAD

      For spy report, a lot of players are loosed, because on previous version they were not used to open the reports automatically. So now, they open the first page, handle A REPORT, and boum, all other reports are saved as unread.

      My suggestion is :
      - set a spy report as unread only when the detail view is opened;
      - add a button " set as read " in the short view

      Best kind regards,
