Recycling income

    • Recycling income

      Hi Warsaalk

      I wanted to ask you if Ogotcha going to include in a future the option of watching the rent of a battle including the recycle.

      Now only shows the difference between losses and earned loot, but would be interesting to show the final income counting with the debris.

      If you haven't thought it, I give it to you as a suggestion.

      Thanks for your work, is great & SGO
      Origin Supporter

    • Warsaalk wrote:


      Thanks for your feedback.

      At this moment, harvest reports are included in the summary at the bottom.
      Is this what you're describing above?

      Yes, that is.
      The problem was with that I take the spanish version of ogotcha with this battle (a player came to me to irc to ask for it)

      And doesn't take the harvest, I don't know if I'm using it wrongly & SGO
      Origin Supporter

    • Hi,

      Wel next to the convert button you have another button.
      That button opens a options menu.

      When the open menu opens you'll see some extra input fields.
      Among these input fields you'll find harvest reports fields for the attacker & defender.
      In those fields you can paste you harvest keys.

      You can find the keys of the harvest reports in your messages under the "Fleet" tab and then "Others".
      You should copy this key the same way you copied your combat key and paste it in the harvest report field.

    • oh my god :dash:

      that was, I didn't notice about that.

      So some questions to clarify everything :love:
      To add the next raids I only have to add the CR-KEY of the next attacks, and in the harvest only de report that says "your recyclers have arrived ... x metal and x crystal" or also a CR-KEY? (I ask this because I don't have seen it yet)

      Thanks again for your help & SGO
      Origin Supporter