There is a need for improvement at the Messaging-System

    • There is a need for improvement at the Messaging-System

      hey all, i alreay opened a thread at the Ideas Planet´s AGO-Topic but I consider that this would fit there too ;)

      Dear community,

      as you probably already have heard many times, the layout of v6 messages is horrifying. For this reason I wanna share my thoughts to you in hope to speed up the progress of developing AGO v6.

      First of all I will list up the problems which could be fixed quite easy:

      • Auto-Focus to the most recent message (the menu/ sub-menu should be chosen automatically).
      • Moreover I suspect that the loading of messages needs more time, because every menu will be requested for new messages- i just suspect this. Maybe it is sth. that can be improved.
      • Communication-Menu has the area Messages for chatting with ally-mates. But the space to type messages is kind of an obstacle for reading the broadcasts that already are in the inbox....I´d prefer to move this to somewhere else or handle it by integrating a spoiler that minimizes the editor fields to one line or sth. like a "promulgate news" button.
      • Fleet-Menu, Espionage: The messages definately have to be compressed to one short line that contains the necessary info.
        • This line could be divided into some sectors which are free to chose: e.g. resources, defense, coords, activity, counter%, fleets.
        • The basic information "espionage report of" already became redundant, because it´s already in the sub-menu Espionage.
        • These already mentioned sectors could be coloured too, depending from an appropriate value which could be determined in the settings-menu of AGO.
        • Offer an alternative gif/pic to the delete-button, because I hate this button :D
        • Write the date smaller than the time of the espionage report.
        • Set an "open-spoiler"-button or move the "more details"-link instead to the top too.

      • Add the opportunity to automatically delete all espionage reports with loot below x (100k e.g.) when clicking a filter-button.
      • Add the opportunity to highlight reports of NOT-inactive players (to avoid troubles when farming).
      • Manage it if allowed to mention the necessary number of SC/LC (this could be one free choseable sector!).
      • If allowed, automatically chose the necessary cargoes, and set "return upon retreat" when only cargoes are sent.
      • In the Sub-menu Combat Reports add the filter opportunity to delete CRs with lower then 30k lost units. (or any other value)
      • The sub-menu Other could be enhanced by compress the messages again or colour them when they are in interaction with a foreign player (basically to see trades).
      • And furthermore add the direct opportunity to message the fleet-partner (when not being you).

      I hope this can be done, soon :rolleyes: