There is need for improvement at the Messaging-System

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  • There is need for improvement at the Messaging-System

    Dear community,

    as you probably already have heard many times, the layout of v6 messages is horrifying. For this reason I wanna share my thoughts to you in hope to speed up the progress of developing AGO v6.

    First of all I will list up the problems which could be fixed quite easy:

    • Auto-Focus to the most recent message (the menu/ sub-menu should be chosen automatically).
    • Moreover I suspect that the loading of messages needs more time, because every menu will be requested for new messages- i just suspect this. Maybe it is sth. that can be improved.
    • Communication-Menu has the area Messages for chatting with ally-mates. But the space to type messages is kind of an obstacle for reading the broadcasts that already are in the inbox....I´d prefer to move this to somewhere else or handle it by integrating a spoiler that minimizes the editor fields to one line or sth. like a "promulgate news" button.
    • Fleet-Menu, Espionage: The messages definately have to be compressed to one short line that contains the necessary info.
      • This line could be divided into some sectors which are free to chose: e.g. resources, defense, coords, activity, counter%, fleets.
      • The basic information "espionage report of" already became redundant, because it´s already in the sub-menu Espionage.
      • These already mentioned sectors could be coloured too, depending from an appropriate value which could be determined in the settings-menu of AGO.
      • Offer an alternative gif/pic to the delete-button, because I hate this button :D
      • Write the date smaller than the time of the espionage report.
      • Set an "open-spoiler"-button or move the "more details"-link instead to the top too.

    • Add the opportunity to automatically delete all espionage reports with loot below x (100k e.g.) when clicking a filter-button.
    • Add the opportunity to highlight reports of NOT-inactive players (to avoid troubles when farming).
    • Manage it if allowed to mention the necessary number of SC/LC (this could be one free choseable sector!).
    • If allowed, automatically chose the necessary cargoes, and set "return upon retreat" when only cargoes are sent.
    • In the Sub-menu Combat Reports add the filter opportunity to delete CRs with lower then 30k lost units. (or any other value)
    • The sub-menu Other could be enhanced by compress the messages again or colour them when they are in interaction with a foreign player (basically to see trades).
    • And furthermore add the direct opportunity to message the fleet-partner (when not being you).

    I hope this can be done, soon :rolleyes:
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    i would like something like that for the short version. at the moment the short version feels too big

    "From: Fleet Command
    Your espionage report shows abnormalities in the atmosphere of the planet which suggests activity within the last 15 minutes."

    replace that with "activity:15min/30min/none"

    it should be enough to display the summ of ressources and the combination is shown via mouseover

    Loot: 50%Chance of counter-espionage: 0%

    there is no need for showing us the counter espionage value and the loot value could be displayed via colors.
    having the possibilty to use colors if the fleet/df or ress values extend certain marks would be great.

    btw i think the reports are still not refreshing. what i mean is if a bandit target isnt a bandit anymore thats not shown in the reports. i cant test it at the moment. mb someone else could try it
  • i would like something like that for the short version. at the moment the short version feels too big

    Not really, before you had only topics, nothing more and some had the checkmark to display the whole report. To read sth. like that feels a bit strange.

    I requested to improve the activity display in that reporttype.

    A chat where all players are connected and can write could be fun xD

    It exist in some other online games

    I only know games with alliance chat and also that isn´t really used in active way or only spam, which get on your nerves.
    But for sure it would be a great fun in an browser game.

    it should be enough to display the summ of ressources and the combination is shown via mouseover

    We discussed several ways how to display those resources, we had that thing in one of our alpha versions and after many user feedback about that part, we changed it to the current view. So we won´t change it back to get again some feedback to change it back, this will cause in en endless change of that style.

    there is no need for showing us the counter espionage value

    There is always a need to display that part especially when you start an new account. It´s an indicator.

    btw i think the reports are still not refreshing. what i mean is if a bandit target isnt a bandit anymore thats not shown in the reports. i cant test it at the moment. mb someone else could try it

    It is refresing, another improvement of the V5 message system

    Auto-Focus to the most recent message (the menu/ sub-menu should be chosen automatically).

    Already planned, depending on the priority of the new message you have in your inbox, to jump directly to that.

    Moreover I suspect that the loading of messages needs more time, because every menu will be requested for new messages- i just suspect this. Maybe it is sth. that can be improved.

    Before we had only topics no content was needed to be loaded and to be displayed. Sure it takes more time. If you changed e.g. to display full spy reports it also took more time in V5.
    But anyway improvements are always done.

    Communication-Menu has the area Messages for chatting with ally-mates. But the space to type messages is kind of an obstacle for reading the broadcasts that already are in the inbox....I´d prefer to move this to somewhere else or handle it by integrating a spoiler that minimizes the editor fields to one line or sth. like a "promulgate news" button.

    Difficult to have such solution there. If we change it to have another button or tab to open it, you also can use the shortcut near alliance to write surch message. Lets see how other think about it. Got no feedback from testservers that no one want it there in that way.

    Fleet-Menu, Espionage: The messages definately have to be compressed to one short line that contains the necessary info.

    Not planned to have only 1 line.

    All other parts we will have in mind.

    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • counter-espionage is still shown in the full report and i dont really see how the number helps new players or any players for that matter
    Display Spoiler
    the number is random anyway. it could say 0% even if there is fleet

    i think you missread my idea about showing the ressources as summ - bc as far as i remember there wasnt a version where you could mouseover and see the combination, it was just the summ itself

    if the line about loot stays then replace the percentage with the actual number of ressources you can obtain.
    or even better show us how many sc or lg we have to send.
    i think it does make more sense to just give out a number bc its more userfriendly - ok lets face it we are all lazy xD

    and what about colors to make it easier separting the interesting reports?
  • lazy ones! addon spoiled ones! :P

    About counter espionage, all was said it won´t be removed and no it is not random.

    About the loot, for sure it can be adjust. I don´t see a user idea for it, how you think it would be better and why.

    Colours for every line? srsly? That was the first part i disabled in antigame. The next thing if we start with that will be a huge setting for choose your loved colour xD

    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • well ofc the colors should be disabled per default but i would be cool if you could chose different colors for different values. for example if you think 20k def is too much you want the number to be red or if there are 10kk of ressources its marked green or highlighted in any way - mb a different frame or border.
    i agree tho that it shouldnt be too colorful especially not per default.

    loot: as i said give out the summ of ressources you can raid. on a planet with 50k met 50k crys it would be 50k/75k/100k(depending on the playerstatus). or even better give us lazy users the actual number of small or large cargos we have to send :D

    Display Spoiler
    zur spioabwehr. man kann auch 0% spioabwehr bekommen, wenn dort flotte vorhanden ist und andersherum ist auch hohe spioabwehr möglich, selbst wenn da nur paar sonden und sats stehen. und klar ist die zufällig, wenn ich hintereinander weg jemanden spioniere, bekomme ich fast immer andere werte. unabhängig davon denke ich, dass man neueren spielern erstmal die komplette ansicht nahe legen sollte. mit einem hinweis im tut zb.
    wegklickbare hinweise(diese anfänger-meldungen wo man das häkchen "nicht mehr anzeigen" setzen kann, hoffe du weißt was ich meine) sind ja glaube nich geplant für ogame. auch wenn ich sowas recht praktisch fände für ogame
  • I created a ticket for the loot stuff, to have an extra information what e.g. 50% of the resoures ofter that 50% means, so those lazy ones don´t need to calc by their own, even if I can´t figure out why the hell this is needed.

    Below a line with SC / LC, which are needed to grap those resourced based on the player status and also a ticket to fill out needed tranporters after press the attack button.


    Anyway I will close this thread now, it contains a bunch of personal ideas based on the message system and also not based on the message system. If you want to submit a suggestion, please create seperate ones here in this area if they are based on the message system and declare the change you want to have and also in an constructive way, why you want it. It´s better to do it that way to reduce chaos and give us an overview and also others.

    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.