Ogame version is 6.0.4 on Yakini.us

    • Ogame version is 6.0.4 on Yakini.us

      Ogame version is 6.0.4 on Yakini.us (firefox 37.0 w/ no addons)

      Here is a screenshot of my rss configuration screen.

      As you see there is no option to configure atom/rss. rss was enabled before the upgrade. There is also no option to disable rss.

      Following is a screenshot where you can see the circ communication message to my alliance shows a null value. The espionage report show up properly.

      This also occurs on combat reports, but may also happen with other messages.

      Previous to v6 you could receive player message through rss. Chat messages (PM's) do not come through rss and should.

      Thank you for your time.