messageing filter

    • Usability

    • messageing filter

      Make it default if you dont pick rank message is send to all players in aliance.
      Make it available to have option to disable messaging filter.
      Furthermore, messages automatically get marked read, causing you to end up with a mess of a lot
      READ messages in your 'inbox', unable to distinguish used from unused
      etc. Quite annoying, too.

      Like my good friend told about new v6

      Let's sum it up:
      and please fix it, if I had any more suggestion I will write again

      Kind regards
    • Like I said before, v6 come to org and just take a look at that, every second thread opened is complaining about v6 and that dumb messaging filter.
      Hundred and hundred and hundred of players all they do is complain, complain, complain about this totaly unneeded and totaly overdone messaging filter.
      everybody hate it, there is not a single player that I have encountered that likes this brand new idiotic overdone and overkill messaging filter.

      So why dont you for once listen to players and give us a chance to turn off this idiotic messaging filter.

      How much more anger and flame and posts regarding this messaging filter before you finaly do something about it.
      Do you realy want one more wave opet people saying that they will quit.

      Please for the love of God do something about this beacuse we want at least to have a choice do we want idiotic messaging filter or we want to turn it off.

      And guess what, we want to turn it off

      Please listen to us
    • If AGO fix this message idiotism I will gladly use it, beacuse
      we dont need million filter ,so why are you forceing players to use something that they apsolutly hate.

      Why dont you for the love of God finaly and for once in your life listen.

      Listen to players, make game user friendly again and not to make a mush of things and insted of players READING messages now they are FORCED to FIND them in a mush of things.

      This is not facebook, this is not candy crush saga and other gibberish.
      This is SIMPLE game that we all know and love, so why do you make it complicating when it is not needed.
      What is a point in makeing thing complicated.

      If it is not broken dont fix it
    • Make it so that we can turn off messaging filter in options if we want to, and I will calm right down.
      You have option to disable chat, economy messages and all that. So why dont you make it to be able to turn off messaging filter if we want to.
      Have you even read all the posts in boards of other communities, everyone is complaining about messaging filter, so please
      listen, for the love of God listen.
    • if all the ppl were against filters in general i think we wouldve seen alot more threads before v6 because the commander already had a filter

      most of the complaints aim towards the number of categories and all the sub folders - i think they overdid it here and there.
      the old commander message filter was enough imo. optimal would be system where you could customize your folders.

      espionage reports with >10kk df? put them automaticly in my "good targets" folder
      big crs? "hof" folder it is

      espionage reports without ressources? crs of fallen probes, messages of returning fleets? "right in the trash" folder

      edit: is it possible with the v6-message system to just turn off filters and have one big folder with all messages like non-commander players had before? if yes i think it would make sense to give players the option and let them get used to all the new filters slowly