On OGame.usthere is missing coordinates on espionage reports, add-ons do not cause the problem ![:)](https://board.origin.ogame.gameforge.com/wcf/images/smilies/smile.png)
Edit: Espionage reports seems to be working as they should.
Also when players are being spied, there is no planet name and coordinates shown´in those reports.
Screenshot from a player: prntscr.com/8oqvdc
~Red Dragon: @08-10 - Moved to archive
On OGame.us
Edit: Espionage reports seems to be working as they should.
Also when players are being spied, there is no planet name and coordinates shown´in those reports.
Screenshot from a player: prntscr.com/8oqvdc
~Red Dragon: @08-10 - Moved to archive
The post was edited 1 time, last by ErikFyr ().