Pinned V6 - Summary of all the changes

    • V6 - Summary of all the changes

      Dear players,

      After Version 6 reached the new live test server (Bermuda) we received around 600 feedbacks via the in game feedback system and got also that many bug reports, polishing hints and feature requests depending on your needs. We observed all those reports; fixed all those sneaky bugs and we are really thankful for your help. Therefore we also implemented several ideas from players to adjust the new version and make the game better.

      Don't be afraid of the new design of the message system, those new reports and those videos we implemented in two of them. We think that the new message system is a big step for OGame and we are looking forward for more stuff to add and to adjust depending on your constructive feedback. We also want to present a new API (Application programming interface) which makes you able to share your combat repots and many other in game reports with your friends in a secure way by using a third party tool.

      Some premium features are now available for all players and we added new features to officers and also made the use of HTTPS available.

      Changelog 6.0.0:
      • [Bugs] Many sneaky bug fixes in backend
      • [Bugs] Line Break in Player-Tag
      • [Bugs] Deleted messages available in RSS
      • [Bugs] Messages with subject "ALT+255" or "ALT+0160" are sent
      • [Bugs] Planet spawn-Event: Wrong Error-Message if you try to open an ACS against an event planet
      • [Bugs] Possibility to send images via messages using BACKGROUND BBCode
      • [Bugs] Possibility to send Images in private Messages
      • [Bugs] Shop: Fixed JavaScript error
      • [Bugs] Negative fire power in the combat report
      • [Bugs] Possible fix for jump gate bug
      • [Bugs] JS does not block password length in "old password" field
      • [Bugs] Jump gate: Arrow to expand standard moon is different to fleet movement arrow
      • [Bugs] Destroyed Planets can't be shot with Missiles
      • [Bugs] Add refit to error page redirect to make invites work
      • [Bugs] Fix for getting more ships/defense then wanted
      • [Bugs] Fix for tank calculation when only sending spy probes
      • [Polishing] After fleet sending - Redirect to fleet page 1
      • [Polishing] Storage protection of day mine production removed for inactive players
      • [Polishing] Add video at moon-destruct + Moon-creation reports
      • [Polishing] Remove the possibility to add GO/ADMIN accounts to buddy list
      • [Polishing] Add interplanetary rockets to normal fleet overview
      • [Polishing] Add harvest button to combat report messages
      • [Polishing] Alliance applications reportable
      • [Polishing] Remove of patch notes Button
      • [Polishing] Add attack button to missile attack Reports
      • [Polishing] Remove obsolete "Full Spy Report"- option
      • [Polishing] Remove of energy management from resource view (still accessible via resource settings)
      • [Polishing] Minor change of galaxy view
      • [Polishing] Separate message counter
      • [Feature Request] Add HTML code for RSS feed
      • [Feature Request] Alliance: Allow to specify a kick reason when kicking a member
      • [Feature Request] Ignore - List
      • [Feature Request] New message system + Filter available for all
      • [Feature Request] Message system accessible at galaxy view
      • [Feature Request] Redesign of combat report (short- and detailed-view)
      • [Feature Request] Redesign of espionage report (short and detailed-view)
      • [Feature Request] Add option to deactivate Picture in Reports
      • [Feature Request] Player to player chat
      • [Feature Request] Player list at chat bar with filter-function
      • [Feature Request] Favorite Messages
      • [Feature Request] Sharing of reports + Comment function
      • [Feature Request] New API for combat reports, spy reports, expedition reports, missile attack reports and harvest reports
      • [Feature Request] Remove of deuterium consumption by viewing galaxy
      • [Feature Request] Direct debris field harvest available for all
      • [Feature Request] Direct moon espionage in galaxy view available for all
      • [Feature Request] Admiral owner can choose resource order for plundering (fleet 3)
      • [Feature Request] Refractor of loot script and add an additional load phase for resources depending on the set order (max. load considered)
      • [Feature Request] Remove of dens and optimize storages
      • [Feature Request] Users can now decide between http and https (user add-ons may not support it)
      • [Feature Request] New message Delete times (not related to commander anymore)
      • [Feature Request] Add Meta-Tag for universe name
      • [Feature Request] Add option to disable lower chat bar
      • [Feature Request] Ships now have a separate deuterium-tank (same capacity as the normal storage)
      • [Feature Request] Admiral now gives you +1 expedition slot
      • [Feature Request] Most messages now stay 7+ days and the delete time is no longer connected to the commander

      • Take care about using (maybe) obsolete and not working add-ons, they may cause problems using OGame with version 6. Contact the owner of your add-on or update it by your own (if it supports version 6.0.0). We provide those add-on developers with an own test environment + implementing stuff in OGame Code for them and also with the new API, but we cannot support the add-on itself.
      • All Messages created with the previous Message System will be deleted during the update
      • Dens will be removed and replaced with the new function of storages. You will get your used planet fields back, which you used for those dens and also your resources. Take care that you protect those resources! (We will announce when this will take place)
      • HTTPS Support: You can manually switch to https just by edit the url and use https instead of http. Add-ons may not support it, so be aware of the problems if you use them.

      Known issues:

      OGame version 6 contains a huge change in the Message System, the majority of changes were done at the backend of OGame (stuff you can't see). The message system is connected to every system in OGame and a change may cause some problems in other systems. Most problems are fixed, but the system still has some minor issues, which will be fixed and get some polishing in one of those next versions.

      Why are we releasing it with known minor issues? We need CONSTRUCTIVE feedback, which we only can get from live servers.

      Our quality assurance and the lovely tester team provide a known issue list which is available here at the OGame Origin board:

      If you find issues or general problems, which are not listed there, report them in your own community board or here on the Origin Board, so we can take care about it. The direct way will be on Origin, but your local community team will also take care about those reports.

      General Stuff:

      Dens will be removed from game and the storages will make their function (there will be a script running each Thursday (around 11:05am server time) to remove dens, give back planet fields and also invested resources. So when one day the servers are updated to v6.x.x if it's on Wednesday you will just have to wait for next Thursday to get it done - The script will have to be tested first off course).

      • Each level of storage will protect 1 % of the daily production of that planet (meaning that the amount of protected resources won't be only bounded to the level of the storage but also to the production)
      • Only basic production of mines will be taken into consideration to calculate the protected % of daily production (officers and boosters are excluded)
      • Each storage will protect the type of resource that it stores (metal, crystal and deuterium will be separately protected)
      • Storages will protect up to level 10 (meaning that the maximum amount of resources that can be protected is 10% of the daily production of each resource)
      • Storages of inactive players WILL NOT protect any resource
      • Storages capacity won’t increase
      • Protected resources won't be visible in espionage reports
      • Used fields of existing dens will be given back to players
      • Invested resources of existing dens will be given back to players
      • Moons' storages won't protect anything since there is no production in the moons
      • Energy management has also been removed from resources view
      • Changes for Commander:
        • Available without Commander:
          • spy moons from galaxy view
          • launch recyclers from galaxy view
          • message filter
        • New for Commander:
          • possible to store more favourite messages
        • Additions for Admiral:
          • possible to change the order for looted resources during combat
          • additional expedition slot (free fleet slot still required)

      New delete time of messages:
      • Messages now stay the same time period with and without commander.
      • Those messages will stay for 1+ day (messages for planet move, espionage reports, missile attacks, expedition reports, transport missions, fleet return, harvest reports, economy messages, messages from the auctioneer and fleet colonize) all other (not listed), will stay for 7+ days e.g. combat reports.
      • Some messages can be stored as favorite, those messages will not be deleted (commander users will be able to save more favorite messages)


      Several in game reports contain an API-Key button (Combat Reports, Spy Reports, Expedition Reports, Missile Attack Reports and also Harvest Reports). The only thing you need to do is to give your API-Key from one of those reports to a certified third party tool.

      Several Tool Developers (thank you guys!) have created awesome tools around the API and we are sure there will be some more in future.

      Here some of those tools:

      Please note:

      When V6 will be online in all universes of your community we still don't know. There is still no official release date for our live servers. But looks like we won't have to wait too long.

      Stay tuned!

      Your OGame.Origin Team

      Great thanks for ava and sig goes to Jeanne_Dark

      | Admin - OGame.Origin | GameAdmin - OGame.ORG | GameAdmin - OGame.DE |