Graviton research upgrade : [Ideas]

  • Research

  • From .fr, i saw 2 reccurent ideas :

    - The more logical is increasing the efficiency of the RIP for a moon breaks for attackers / Increasing the moon resistance for defender
    (by True Story)

    - The more usefull is reducing the ships consumption : (partily by Tomlora)
    Graviton is currently used to reduce the gravitaty strenght of the moon mass to destroye it.
    But we can use the technology the reduce the gravity effect on the mass of our ships too !
    Then they will need less deuterieum to accelerate

    The universes get empty more and more quickly, then we have to attack always farer, and always with more ships. With a deuterium which is artificially expensive because of the merchant.

    It would be very nice to be able to reduce the deut consumption.
    That will increase to number of potential target, and increase the universe activity.

    That would be a very good thing while waiting for the uni merging ^^

    I propose a reduction of 10% per Graviton level :)

    ** OgameTech **

    The post was edited 1 time, last by vulca ().

  • 10% is nice until you realize that level 10 would mean free launches, and level 10 is achievable by some top ogame players, or it will be in the next few years. Sure it would take a lot of time and resources (and DM), but if you can launch 100 million destroyers for no deut cost the idea becomes interesting. In my opinion 3% is enough, maybe 5%.
  • 10% of the reel consumption, not the basic one ;)
    Then it will never reach 0 whatever the level you have
    (like for the ion technology, I don't think you win ressources when you destroye a building with ions level 26)

    Anyway, graviton 10 means AT LEAST 7 years of building satellites (with 1sec per sat) .... Or 44.000 time reductions with DM.
    Won't be easy to reach :p

    According to the cost of the technology, 10% is not abused ;)

    ** OgameTech **
  • from NL:

    - Make it possible from lvl 3 to transport gs with the fleet
    - More energy: first 12% till lvl 2 then 10% lvl 3, lvl 4 (8%) etc..
    - Faster researches with level 2: 25%
    - Increase structural integrity and schieldlevels from solar sats, with 10% e.g
    - 1 bonusfield per graviton level on your moon (can also be used as bonus for terravormer)

  • Red-Dragon wrote:

    from NL:

    - Make it possible from lvl 3 to transport gs with the fleet through a jumpgate
    - More energy: first 12% till lvl 2 then 10% lvl 3, lvl 4 (8%) etc..
    - Faster researches with level 2: 25% or "nano speed" 50% (my idea)
    - Increase structural integrity and schieldlevels from solar sats, with 10% e.g
    - 1 bonusfield per graviton level on your moon (can also be used as bonus for terravormer)
    At .org people like to see an added production from the deutmine (3%-5%).
    Also they like something with the MD chance, higher level means bigger chance of destroying the moon or a bigger chance the RIP stays alive.