Ogame Alt statistics

    • Ogame Alt statistics

      I was sent here to get an approval for my small script.
      So, briefly:

      Name: Ogame Alt statistics

      small disclaimer:
      - At first this script was written for myself to avoid using external resources to watch different states: vacations, 'I', 'i' etc. It uses standard Ogame XML api so there is nothing new here.
      - I'm not a js dev to rate how good this code is :P
      - I have a feeling that this code will be way too slow on the servers with big online because I am using linear algorythm to parse xmls.
      - Tbh this xml parsing must be somewhere on the server (not on the client side). From the other hand, clients are independent from the server.

      What does this script do:
      - It does not touch standard ogame stats page.
      - Adds 1 more link:

      - After the first try it loads data from XML api and saves it into the cache (localstorage). Then it uses this data from the cache.
      For global and militarty stats cache lifetime is 30 mins, 'i' and 'I' have 3 hours. Players with stats less than 1k are not shown.
      It could be easily changed in the code:

      Source Code

      1. //1000*60*30 = 30 min.
      2. var TIMEOUT = 1000 * 60 * 30;
      3. var INACTIVE_PLAYER_TIMEOUT = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 3;
      4. //Players that have less points than MIN_POINTS_FILTER will not be shown on the stats page
      5. var MIN_POINTS_FILTER = 1000;

      - I skipped adding urls into the nicknames because I have to parse one more xml for it (additional browser loading)

      Code is avaliable here:
      greasyfork.org/ru/scripts/11564-ogame-alt-statistic/code (This service requires a @namespace, I don't know if it's fine)
      Direct link:

      Language: independent (I hope so :crazy: )


    • I have tested it and it looks very nice. 8o
      If you can make, that when you click on player it opens in galaxy view his home planet same as in normal statistics?

      I have translated it for you to English.

      [cbox='#000000']TRANSLATED TO ENGLISH

      Source Code

      1. [cbox='#000000']// ==UserScript==// @name Ogame Alt Statistic// @description Ogame Alternative Statistic// @include http://*.ogame.gameforge.com/game/index.php?*// @exclude http://board.ogame.*// @version 0.5// @author IgorZ// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/14097// ==/UserScript==
      2. (function () { //1000*60*30 = 30 min. //Timeout between getting stats from the cache and loading it from XML source var TIMEOUT = 1000 * 60 * 30; var INACTIVE_PLAYER_TIMEOUT = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 3; //Players that have less points than MIN_POINTS_FILTER will not be shown on the stats page var MIN_POINTS_FILTER = 1000;
      3. //Adding 'Alt' href in the 'Bar' section if (document.getElementById('bar')) { var item = document.createElement('a'); item.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);"); item.setAttribute("id", "alt"); item.innerHTML = 'Alt'; var mas = []; $('#bar').find('li').each(function () { mas.push($(this)); }); mas[3].append(item); }
      4. $('#alt').click(function () { $("#inhalt").html(""); var result = ""; result += '<div id="highscoreContent" class="contentbox">'; result += '<div class="header"><h2>Alt statistics (XML api)</h2></div>'; result += '<div class="content">'; result += '<div id="row">';
      5. result += '<div class="buttons" id="categoryButtons" style="display:inline; float:left; height:54px; margin:6px 0 0 7px; padding:0; width:320px;">';
      6. result += '<a id="points" class="navButton active" href="javascript:void(0);" rel="1">'; result += '<img src="http://gf2.geo.gfsrv.net/cdndf/3e567d6f16d040326c7a0ea29a4f41.gif" height="54" width="54">'; result += '<span class="marker"></span><span class="textlabel">Points</span></a>';
      7. result += '<a id="fleet" class="navButton" href="javascript:void(0);" rel="2">'; result += '<img src="http://gf2.geo.gfsrv.net/cdndf/3e567d6f16d040326c7a0ea29a4f41.gif" height="54" width="54">'; result += '<span class="marker"></span><span class="textlabel">Military</span></a>'; result += '<a id="economy" class="navButton" href="javascript:void(0);" rel="3">'; result += '<img src="http://gf2.geo.gfsrv.net/cdndf/3e567d6f16d040326c7a0ea29a4f41.gif" height="54" width="54">'; result += '<span class="marker"></span><span class="textlabel">Inactive(I)</span></a>'; result += '<div id="i">'; result += '<a id="economy" class="navButton" href="javascript:void(0);" rel="4">'; result += '<img src="http://gf2.geo.gfsrv.net/cdndf/3e567d6f16d040326c7a0ea29a4f41.gif" height="54" width="54">'; result += '<span class="marker"></span><span class="textlabel">Inactive(i)</span></a></div>';
      8. result += '</div>'; result += '';
      9. result += '</div>'; result += '<div class="" id="stat_list_content"></div>';
      10. $("#inhalt").append(result);
      11. bindButtons(); $('#points').click(); });
      12. var result = "";
      13. //Forming the table header function formTable() { result += '<table id="ranks" class="userHighscore">'; result += '<thead>'; result += '<tr>'; result += '<td class="position">Position</td>'; result += '<td class="name">Player name</td>'; result += '<td class="score" align="center">Points</td>'; result += '</tr>'; result += '</thead>'; result += '<tbody>'; }
      14. //Splitting digits with a dot. Ex: 111222 -> 111.222 function niceNumber(x) { var parts = x.toString().split("."); parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "."); return parts.join("."); }
      15. //Appending new rows to the result string function appendRows(param) { var position = param[0]; var alliance = param[1]; var player = param[2]; var honor = param[3]; var score = param[4]; var honor_position = param[5]; var size = param[6]; var status = param[7]; var myName = getMyName();
      16. result += '<tbody>'; if (player == myName) { result += '<tr class="myrank">'; } else { result += '<tr class="">'; } result += '<td class="position">' + position + '</td>'; //====================honorRank================================================================================= //console.log("player: " + player + ", honor: " + honor + ", honor_position: " + honor_position); result += '<td class="name">'; if ((honor_position <= 10) && (honor >= 150000)) { result += '<span class="honorRank rank_starlord1">&nbsp;</span>'; } else if (honor_position <= 100 && (honor >= 2500)) { result += '<span class="honorRank rank_starlord2">&nbsp;</span>'; } else if ((honor_position <= 250) && (honor >= 250)) { result += '<span class="honorRank rank_starlord3">&nbsp;</span>';
      17. } else if ((honor_position >= size - 10) && (honor <= -15000)) { result += '<span class="honorRank rank_bandit1">&nbsp;</span>'; } else if ((honor_position >= size - 100) && (honor <= -2500)) { result += '<span class="honorRank rank_bandit2">&nbsp;</span>'; } else if ((honor_position >= size - 250) && (honor <= -500)) { result += '<span class="honorRank rank_bandit3">&nbsp;</span>'; } //============================================================================================================== if (alliance != null) { result += '<span class="ally-tag"><a href="javascript:void(0);" target="_ally">[' + alliance + ']</a></span>'; } //====================Name + Status============================================================================= if (status == null) { result += '&nbsp;<span class="status_abbr_honorableTarget playername">' + player + '</span>'; } else if (status == "I") { result += '&nbsp;<span class="playername">' + player + ' (I)</span>'; } else if (status == "i") { result += '&nbsp;<span class="playername">' + player + ' (i)</span>'; } else if ((status == "v") || (status == "vi") || (status == "vI")) { result += '&nbsp;<span class="playername" style="color: cyan;">' + player + '</span>'; } else if ((status == "vb") || (status == "vib") || (status == "vIb")) { result += '&nbsp;<span class="playername" style="text-decoration: line-through;">' + player + '</span>'; } else if (status == "a") { result += '&nbsp;<span class="playername" style="color: #F48406;">' + player + '</span>'; } //============================================================================================================== if (honor >= 0) { result += '<span class="honorScore">&nbsp;(<span class="undermark">' + niceNumber(honor) + '</span>)</span></td>'; } else { result += '<span class="honorScore">&nbsp;(<span class="overmark">' + niceNumber(honor) + '</span>)</span></td>'; } result += '<td class="score">' + niceNumber(score) + '</td>'; result += '</tr>'; } function getMyName() { var name = $('.textBeefy').html(); name = $.trim(name); return name; }
      18. //Time formatter function formatTime(time) { var date = new Date(time * 1000); var hours = date.getHours(); var minutes = "0" + date.getMinutes(); var seconds = "0" + date.getSeconds(); return hours + ':' + minutes.substr(-2) + ':' + seconds.substr(-2); }
      19. //XML loader function getHighscoreXML() { var ogame_url = window.location.origin; ogame_url += "/api/highscore.xml?category=1&type=0"; return $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: ogame_url, dataType: "xml" }); }
      20. //XML loader function getMilitaryXML() { var ogame_url = window.location.origin; ogame_url += "/api/highscore.xml?category=1&type=3"; return $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: ogame_url, dataType: "xml" }); }
      21. //XML loader function getPlayersXML() { var ogame_url = window.location.origin; ogame_url += "/api/players.xml"; return $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: ogame_url, dataType: "xml" }); }
      22. //XML loader function getAlliancesXML() { var ogame_url = window.location.origin; ogame_url += "/api/alliances.xml"; return $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: ogame_url, dataType: "xml" }); }
      23. //XML loader function getHonorXML() { var ogame_url = window.location.origin; ogame_url += "/api/highscore.xml?category=1&type=7"; return $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: ogame_url, dataType: "xml" }); } //XML loader function getUniverseXML() { var ogame_url = window.location.origin; ogame_url += "/api/universe.xml"; return $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: ogame_url, dataType: "xml" }); } //Players XML parser function parseXML_Players(args) { console.log("[ Parsing new XML Players ]"); formTable(); var highscoreXML = args[0]; var playersXML = args[1]; var alliancesXML = args[2]; var honorXML = args[3];// var uniXML = args[4]; var size = 0; $(honorXML).find('player').each(function () { size++; }); var timestamp; $(playersXML).find('players').each(function () { timestamp = $(this).attr('timestamp'); console.log("[ Players XML Timestamp: " + formatTime(timestamp) + " ]"); }); $(highscoreXML).find('highscore').each(function () { timestamp = $(this).attr('timestamp'); console.log("[ Highscore XML Timestamp: " + formatTime(timestamp) + " ]"); }); $(highscoreXML).find('player').each(function () { var id = $(this).attr('id'); var name; var alliance_id; var status; var position = $(this).attr('position'); var score = $(this).attr('score'); $(playersXML).find('player[id=' + id + ']').each(function () { name = $(this).attr('name'); alliance_id = $(this).attr('alliance'); status = $(this).attr('status'); }); var alliance; $(alliancesXML).find('alliance[id=' + alliance_id + ']').each(function () { alliance = $(this).attr('tag'); }); // var coords;// $(uniXML).find('planet[player=' + id + ']').each(function () {// coords = $(this).attr('coords');// return false;// }); var honor; var honor_position; $(honorXML).find('player[id=' + id + ']').each(function () { honor = $(this).attr('score'); honor_position = $(this).attr('position'); }); if (alliance != null) { var player = position + " - " + "[" + alliance + "]" + name + "(" + honor + ")" + " - " + score; } else { var player = position + " - " + name + "(" + honor + ")" + " - " + score; } var params = [position, alliance, name, honor, score, honor_position, size, status]; if (score >= MIN_POINTS_FILTER) { appendRows(params); } }); var url_split = window.location.origin.split('.'); var ls = "ALT_Ogame_Statistic_Players_" + url_split[0]; localStorage[ls] = result; $("#stat_list_content").append(result); }
      24. //Military XML parser function parseXML_Military(args) { console.log("[ Parsing new XML Military ]"); formTable(); var militaryXML = args[0]; var playersXML = args[1]; var alliancesXML = args[2]; var honorXML = args[3]; var size = 0; $(honorXML).find('player').each(function () { size++; }); var timestamp; $(playersXML).find('players').each(function () { timestamp = $(this).attr('timestamp'); console.log("[ Players XML Timestamp: " + formatTime(timestamp) + " ]"); }); $(militaryXML).find('highscore').each(function () { timestamp = $(this).attr('timestamp'); console.log("[ Military XML Timestamp: " + formatTime(timestamp) + " ]"); }); $(militaryXML).find('player').each(function () { var id = $(this).attr('id'); var name; var alliance_id; var status; var position = $(this).attr('position'); var score = $(this).attr('score'); $(playersXML).find('player[id=' + id + ']').each(function () { name = $(this).attr('name'); alliance_id = $(this).attr('alliance'); status = $(this).attr('status'); }); var alliance; $(alliancesXML).find('alliance[id=' + alliance_id + ']').each(function () { alliance = $(this).attr('tag'); }); var honor; var honor_position; $(honorXML).find('player[id=' + id + ']').each(function () { honor = $(this).attr('score'); honor_position = $(this).attr('position'); });
      25. if (alliance != null) { var player = position + " - " + "[" + alliance + "]" + name + "(" + honor + ")" + " - " + score; } else { var player = position + " - " + name + "(" + honor + ")" + " - " + score; } var params = [position, alliance, name, honor, score, honor_position, size, status];
      26. if (score >= MIN_POINTS_FILTER) { appendRows(params); } }); var url_split = window.location.origin.split('.'); var ls = "ALT_Ogame_Statistic_Military_" + url_split[0]; localStorage[ls] = result; $("#stat_list_content").append(result); } //Inactives XML parser function parseXML_Inactive(args, scan_I) { console.log("[ Parsing new XML Inactives ]"); formTable(); var highscoreXML = args[0]; var playersXML = args[1]; var alliancesXML = args[2]; var honorXML = args[3]; var size = 0; $(honorXML).find('player').each(function () { size++; }); var timestamp; $(playersXML).find('players').each(function () { timestamp = $(this).attr('timestamp'); console.log("[ Inactives XML Timestamp: " + formatTime(timestamp) + " ]"); }); $(highscoreXML).find('highscore').each(function () { timestamp = $(this).attr('timestamp'); console.log("[ Highscore XML Timestamp: " + formatTime(timestamp) + " ]"); }); $(highscoreXML).find('player').each(function () { var id = $(this).attr('id'); var name; var alliance_id; var status; var position = $(this).attr('position'); var score = $(this).attr('score'); $(playersXML).find('player[id=' + id + ']').each(function () { name = $(this).attr('name'); alliance_id = $(this).attr('alliance'); status = $(this).attr('status'); }); var alliance; $(alliancesXML).find('alliance[id=' + alliance_id + ']').each(function () { alliance = $(this).attr('tag'); }); var honor; var honor_position; $(honorXML).find('player[id=' + id + ']').each(function () { honor = $(this).attr('score'); honor_position = $(this).attr('position'); }); if (alliance != null) { var player = position + " - " + "[" + alliance + "]" + name + "(" + honor + ")" + " - " + score; } else { var player = position + " - " + name + "(" + honor + ")" + " - " + score; } var params_I = [position, alliance, name, honor, score, honor_position, size, status]; var params_i = [position, alliance, name, honor, score, honor_position, size, status]; if ((score >= MIN_POINTS_FILTER) && (status == "I") && (scan_I)) { appendRows(params_I); } else if ((score >= MIN_POINTS_FILTER) && (status == "i") && (!scan_I)) { appendRows(params_i); } }); var url_split = window.location.origin.split('.'); var lsi = "ALT_Ogame_Statistic_i_" + url_split[0]; var lsI = "ALT_Ogame_Statistic_I_" + url_split[0]; if (scan_I) { localStorage[lsI] = result; } else { localStorage[lsi] = result; } $("#stat_list_content").append(result); }
      27. //Time logger function getTimeTillNextUpdate(timestamp, timeout) { var time_left_min = timeout - (new Date().getTime() - parseInt(timestamp)); var time_left_sec = Math.round(time_left_min / 1000); time_left_min = Math.round(time_left_min / 1000 / 60); console.log("[!] Next XML update is in: " + time_left_min + " min. (" + time_left_sec + " sec.)"); }
      28. //################################################################################################################### function bindButtons() {
      29. //JS Points button binding $('#points').click(function () { var currentTime_pl = new Date().getTime(); if (localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_Players"] == null) { console.log("[ No 'ALT_TimeStamp_Players' was found. Setting new 'ALT_TimeStamp_Players' ]"); localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_Players"] = currentTime_pl; } $('#points').addClass("active"); $('#fleet').removeClass("active"); $('#economy').removeClass("active"); $('#i > #economy').removeClass("active"); $("#stat_list_content").html(""); var url_split = window.location.origin.split('.'); var ls = "ALT_Ogame_Statistic_Players_" + url_split[0]; console.log("[ Time diff (players): " + (TIMEOUT + parseInt(localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_Players"]) - currentTime_pl) + " ]"); if ((currentTime_pl > (TIMEOUT + parseInt(localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_Players"]))) || (localStorage[ls] == null)) { localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_Players"] = currentTime_pl; $.when(getHighscoreXML(), getPlayersXML(), getAlliancesXML(), getHonorXML()).done(function (a0, a1, a2, a3) { $("#stat_list_content").html(""); result = ""; var f = []; f[0] = a0; f[1] = a1; f[2] = a2; f[3] = a3; parseXML_Players(f); }); } else { console.log("[ Getting XML Players from cache ]"); $("#stat_list_content").html(""); result = localStorage[ls]; $("#stat_list_content").append(result); getTimeTillNextUpdate(localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_Players"], TIMEOUT); } });
      30. //JS Military button binding $('#fleet').click(function () { var currentTime_mil = new Date().getTime(); if (localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_Military"] == null) { console.log("[ No 'ALT_TimeStamp_Military' was found. Setting new 'ALT_TimeStamp_Military' ]"); localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_Military"] = currentTime_mil; } $('#fleet').addClass("active"); $('#points').removeClass("active"); $('#economy').removeClass("active"); $('#i > #economy').removeClass("active"); $("#stat_list_content").html(""); var url_split = window.location.origin.split('.'); var ls = "ALT_Ogame_Statistic_Military_" + url_split[0]; console.log("[ Time diff (military): " + (TIMEOUT + parseInt(localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_Military"]) - currentTime_mil) + " ]"); if ((currentTime_mil > (TIMEOUT + parseInt(localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_Military"]))) || (localStorage[ls] == null)) { localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_Military"] = currentTime_mil; $.when(getMilitaryXML(), getPlayersXML(), getAlliancesXML(), getHonorXML()).done(function (a0, a1, a2, a3) { $("#stat_list_content").html(""); result = ""; var f = []; f[0] = a0; f[1] = a1; f[2] = a2; f[3] = a3; parseXML_Military(f); }); } else { console.log("[ Getting XML Military from cache ]"); $("#stat_list_content").html(""); result = localStorage[ls]; $("#stat_list_content").append(result); getTimeTillNextUpdate(localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_Military"], TIMEOUT); } }); //JS Inactive (I) button binding $('#economy').click(function () { var currentTime_mil = new Date().getTime(); if (localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_I"] == null) { console.log("[ No 'ALT_TimeStamp_I' was found. Setting new 'ALT_TimeStamp_I' ]"); localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_I"] = currentTime_mil; } var url_split = window.location.origin.split('.'); var ls = "ALT_Ogame_Statistic_I_" + url_split[0]; $('#fleet').removeClass("active"); $('#points').removeClass("active"); $('#economy').addClass("active"); $('#i > #economy').removeClass("active"); $("#stat_list_content").html(""); console.log("[ Time diff (inactive): " + (INACTIVE_PLAYER_TIMEOUT + parseInt(localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_I"]) - currentTime_mil) + " ]"); if ((currentTime_mil > (INACTIVE_PLAYER_TIMEOUT + parseInt(localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_I"]))) || (localStorage[ls] == null)) { localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_I"] = currentTime_mil; $.when(getHighscoreXML(), getPlayersXML(), getAlliancesXML(), getHonorXML()).done(function (a0, a1, a2, a3) { $("#stat_list_content").html(""); result = ""; var f = []; f[0] = a0; f[1] = a1; f[2] = a2; f[3] = a3; parseXML_Inactive(f, true); }); } else { console.log("[ Getting XML Inactive (I) from cache ]"); $("#stat_list_content").html(""); result = localStorage[ls]; $("#stat_list_content").append(result); getTimeTillNextUpdate(localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_I"], INACTIVE_PLAYER_TIMEOUT); } }); //JS Inactive (i) button binding $('#i > #economy').click(function () { var currentTime_mil = new Date().getTime(); if (localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_i"] == null) { console.log("[ No 'ALT_TimeStamp_i' was found. Setting new 'ALT_TimeStamp_i' ]"); localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_i"] = currentTime_mil; } var url_split = window.location.origin.split('.'); var ls = "ALT_Ogame_Statistic_i_" + url_split[0]; $('#fleet').removeClass("active"); $('#points').removeClass("active"); $('#economy').removeClass("active"); $('#i > #economy').addClass("active"); $("#stat_list_content").html(""); console.log("[ Time diff (inactive): " + (INACTIVE_PLAYER_TIMEOUT + parseInt(localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_i"]) - currentTime_mil) + " ]"); if ((currentTime_mil > (INACTIVE_PLAYER_TIMEOUT + parseInt(localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_i"]))) || (localStorage[ls] == null)) { localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_i"] = currentTime_mil; $.when(getHighscoreXML(), getPlayersXML(), getAlliancesXML(), getHonorXML()).done(function (a0, a1, a2, a3) { $("#stat_list_content").html(""); result = ""; var f = []; f[0] = a0; f[1] = a1; f[2] = a2; f[3] = a3; parseXML_Inactive(f, false); }); } else { console.log("[ Getting XML Inactive (i) from cache ]"); $("#stat_list_content").html(""); result = localStorage[ls]; $("#stat_list_content").append(result); getTimeTillNextUpdate(localStorage["ALT_TimeStamp_i"], INACTIVE_PLAYER_TIMEOUT); } }); }
      31. })();[/cbox]
      Display All

    • If you can make, that when you click on player it opens in galaxy view his home planet same as in normal statistics?

      As I noticed earlier: I can make it, but it needs one more XML parsing and I'm afraid that it could be laggy for browser.
      I have translated it for you to English.

      Emmm, it was in english + there were no lang dependencies inside. Do you mean those headers like 'Poins' 'Military' etc? Anyway thank you :)
    • Shole wrote:

      Quoted from "IgorZ"
      As I noticed earlier: I can make it, but it needs one more XML parsing and I'm afraid that it could be laggy for browser.
      For now it is not laggy. You can add one more XML parsing and we will see...

      It takes 20 secondes for me to display the stats when it's loading it ;)
      It's not a good idea to add more XML parsing or it ould crash the script ...
      Or don't do it often, and not when you are loading the ranking data.

      EDIT : 50 second to load with as universe with 5.000 players

      ** OgameTech **
    • I'd suggest using plain Javascript for searching the API XML's.
      Using jQuery to do this is a very heavy operation.

      When developing UniverseView I did some tests parsing the universe.xml file.
      These where the results for a loop over 47.500 records:
      jQuery => ~400-500ms
      Plain Javascript => ~70-90ms

      Also the loading time will depend on the internet connection of the user.
      How larger the universe, how longer It'd take to download the XML's.
    • Warsaalk wrote:

      Using jQuery to do this is a very heavy operation.

      When developing UniverseView I did some tests parsing the universe.xml file.
      These where the results for a loop over 47.500 records:
      jQuery => ~400-500ms
      Plain Javascript => ~70-90ms

      Hmm I did not think that there is so much difference btw plain js and jQuery.
      I'll test it when I get some time. Thank you for your replies and suggestions!