TopRaider Translation

  • TopRaider Translation


    If there is TopRaider's users who want to translate, feel free to do it :)
    I'll gather all translations needed here.

    Website :
    Origin post : TopRaider - To know the profits you make each day and compare it to others

    Here is what you need to translate :
    (Only translate what is right to the =>. And don't touche to [***] or <**> things ;)
    You can post your translation here, or sent it to me by PM or email ( )

    Display Spoiler

    Source Code

    1. <?php
    2. $txt = array(
    3. /* *********************************************************
    4. ******************* All Pages *************************
    5. *************************************************************/
    6. 'TopRaider' => 'TOP Raiders',
    7. 'TopRaiderWeek' => 'TOP Raiders of the Week',
    8. 'TopRaiderMonth' => 'TOP Raiders of the Month',
    9. 'TopRaiderYear' => 'TOP Raiders of the Year',
    10. 'converterV6' => "CR Converter v6",
    11. 'Records' => 'Records',
    12. 'RecordsGene' => 'Profits Records',
    13. 'RecordsShips' => 'Destroyed Ships Records',
    14. 'Charts' => 'My Charts',
    15. 'Stats' => 'Statistics',
    16. 'MonCompte'=> 'My account',
    17. 'CompteData' => 'Account Data',
    18. 'ByCoords' => 'By Coords',
    19. 'ByShips' => 'By Ships/def destroyed',
    20. 'Signature' => 'Signature',
    21. 'MyAlliance' => 'My alliance',
    22. 'BilanRC' => 'Last Profits Details' ,
    23. 'Account' => 'Account ',
    24. 'Options' => 'Options',
    25. 'FAQ' => 'Getting Started',
    26. 'logInOut' => 'login / logout',
    27. 'PaypalGift' => 'help me to fund this server',
    28. 'needtoconnect' => 'Login to see your data',
    29. 'updateScript' => ' The script is obsolete ==>>>Update it<<<',
    30. 'Users' => 'Users',
    31. 'CombatReports' => 'Combat Reports',
    32. 'Contact' => 'Contact',
    33. 'Screen' => 'Screenshots',
    34. 'News' => 'News',
    35. 'Home' => 'Home',
    36. 'noCompte' => 'No OGame account is linked to this email. <br/>
    37. Your OGame account should have been registered with another email. <br/>
    38. To transfert it on this email, go to options/Move an other OGame account on this Email <br/>
    39. If you don\'t know the email or the password on which your OGame account are registred. Contact me. ',
    40. 'addblock' => 'The hosting of this website is funded by a little adds at the bottom of the page <br/>
    41. Please desactivate your add-blocker on this page to help this site to survive :)',
    42. /* *********************************************************
    43. ******************* Top Raider Page *************************
    44. *************************************************************/
    45. 'TOP' => 'TOP',
    46. 'Nick' => 'Nick',
    47. 'Players' => 'Players',
    48. 'Metal' => 'Metal',
    49. 'Cristal' => 'Crystal',
    50. 'Deuterium' => 'Deuterium',
    51. 'Losses' => 'Losses',
    52. 'Damages' => 'Damages',
    53. 'Profits' => 'Profits',
    54. 'NbRC' => 'Nb CR',
    55. 'NbPlayer' => 'Nb players',
    56. 'Alliance' => 'Alliance',
    57. 'Universes' => 'Universes',
    58. 'Country' => 'Country',
    59. 'Week' => 'Week',
    60. 'Speed' => 'Speed',
    61. 'Year' => 'Year',
    62. 'AllUni' => 'All universes',
    63. 'AllCountry' => 'All Countries',
    64. 'AllSpeed' => 'All Speeds',
    65. 'topRaiderWeek' => 'Top raiders of the week n°',
    66. 'topAlliWeek' => 'Top alliances of the week n°',
    67. 'topUniWeek' => 'Top universes of the week n°',
    68. 'topCountryWeek' => 'Top countries of the week n°',
    69. 'topRaiderMonth' => 'Top raiders of ', //[Month]
    70. 'topAlliMonth' => 'Top alliances of ', //[Month]
    71. 'topUniMonth' => 'Top universes of ', //[Month]
    72. 'topCountryMonth' => 'Top countries of ', //[Month]
    73. 'topRaiderYear' => 'Top raiders of the year ',
    74. 'topAlliYear' => 'Top alliances of the year ',
    75. 'topUniYear' => 'Top universes of the year ',
    76. 'topCountryYear' => 'Top countries of the year ',
    77. 'others' => 'Others',
    78. 'End' => 'End',
    79. 'Start' => 'Start',
    80. 'isInTop' => 'When add your CR : ',
    81. 'NextHour' => 'At the next hour',
    82. 'OneHourLater' => 'At least 1h later',
    83. 'ThreeHourLater' => 'At least 3h later',
    84. 'SixHourLater' => 'At least 6h later',
    85. 'TwelveHourLater' => 'At least 12h later',
    86. 'EndDay' => 'At the end of the day',
    87. 'Never' => 'Never',
    88. 'defaultRank' => 'Default ranking',
    89. /* *********************************************************
    90. ******************* Profits Pages *************************
    91. *************************************************************/
    92. 'NumRC' => 'Number of CR',
    93. 'RaidMetal' => 'Metal loots',
    94. 'RaidCristal' => 'Crystal loots',
    95. 'RaidDeut' => 'Deut loots',
    96. 'HarvestMet' => 'Harvested Metal',
    97. 'HarvestCri' => 'Harvested Crystal',
    98. 'DayProfits' => 'Profits of the day',
    99. 'WeekProfits' => 'Profits of the last 7 days',
    100. 'From' => 'from',
    101. 'To' => 'to',
    102. 'For' => 'for',
    103. 'Datedebutfin' => 'Start and end dates for the display of combat reports :',
    104. 'Categories' => 'Categories',
    105. 'Date' => 'Date',
    106. 'MetalDF' => 'Metal DF',
    107. 'CristalDF' => 'Crystal DF',
    108. 'Delete' => 'Delete',
    109. 'Coord' => 'Coordinates',
    110. 'addRc'=> 'Add stolen DF or RIP lost and IPM',
    111. 'RipLost'=> 'RIP lost',
    112. 'Mip'=> 'Launched IPM',
    113. 'StolenCdrM'=> 'Metal DF stolen',
    114. 'StolenCdrC'=> 'Crystal DF stolen',
    115. 'listeRc' => 'List of combat reports',
    116. 'Conso' => 'Consumption',
    117. 'EraseCR'=> 'Delete all selected CR',
    118. /* *********************************************************
    119. ******************* Records Pages *************************
    120. *************************************************************/
    121. 'yourRecords' => 'Your Records',
    122. 'pourcent' => 'percentage',
    123. 'DayRecords' => 'Records for a day',
    124. 'WeekRecords' => 'Records for a week',
    125. 'AvrScore' => 'Average score: ',
    126. 'InactivOnly' => 'Records on inactivs',
    127. 'Update' => "Update",
    128. 'DateUpdate'=> 'Date of the last update of the records: ',
    129. /* *********************************************************
    130. ******************* Chart Pages *************************
    131. *************************************************************/
    132. 'Month' => 'Month',
    133. 'Chart1' => "Profits for each day of ",
    134. 'Chart2' => "Profits for each day of the year ",
    135. 'Chart3' => "Profits for each month of the year ",
    136. 'generateBBcode' => 'Generate / Update the BBcode',
    137. 'MonthList' => array( "January ", " February " , "March ", " April" , "May" , "June" , "July ", " August ", " September" , "October" , "November ", " December"),
    138. 'Positif' => 'Positive',
    139. 'Negatif' => 'Negative',
    140. 'Legend' => 'Legend',
    141. 'txttot' => 'Global profits',
    142. /* *********************************************************
    143. ******************* Stats Pages *************************
    144. *************************************************************/
    145. 'Stats30day' => 'Statistics of the last [jours] days',
    146. 'StatsPie30day' => 'Pie chart for the last [jours] days',
    147. 'StatsCoord' => 'Statistics by coordinates',
    148. 'StatsGalax' => 'Statistics by galaxies',
    149. 'Galaxy'=> 'Galaxies',
    150. 'Average'=> 'Average per CR',
    151. /* *********************************************************
    152. ******************* Account Pages *************************
    153. *************************************************************/
    154. 'MainAccount' => 'Main Account',
    155. 'ConfirmDelete' => 'You are about to delete the account [ACCOUNT] and all its combat reports.
    156. Are you sur you want to do that ?',
    157. 'AccountList'=> 'List of your accounts',
    158. 'LimitHarvest' => 'Minimal DF to consider ',
    159. 'jetLag' => 'Jet lag',
    160. 'AccountData' => 'Account Data',
    161. 'AccountOption' => 'Settings',
    162. /* *********************************************************
    163. ******************* Ships Pages *************************
    164. *************************************************************/
    165. "miliShips" => "Combat ships",
    166. "civilShips" => "Civil ships",
    167. "defShips" => "Defenses",
    168. "TotalShips" => "Cumulated destroyed ships and defences (since v2.0.2)",
    169. "total" => "Sum",
    170. 'Ships' => "Ships Dest.",
    171. 'Value' => "Value",
    172. /* *********************************************************
    173. ******************* Options Pages *************************
    174. *************************************************************/
    175. 'ChangeMDP' => 'Change the password' ,
    176. 'ChangeMail' => 'Change the Email' ,
    177. 'TransfereAccount' => 'Move an other OGame account on this Email' ,
    178. 'RegisterMail' => 'Email on which the ogame account is',
    179. 'RegisterMDP' => 'Password linked to this account',
    180. 'Email' => 'Email adress',
    181. 'CurrentEmail' => 'Current Email' ,
    182. 'NewEmail' => 'New Email' ,
    183. 'Pass' => 'Password' ,
    184. 'CurrentPass' => 'Current password' ,
    185. 'NewPass' => 'New password' ,
    186. 'succeedMail' => 'Email change succeed' ,
    187. 'succeedMDP' => 'Password change succeed' ,
    188. 'FailMail' => 'Invalid Email',
    189. 'ExsistingAccount' => 'There is already an account with this email. <br/><br/>
    190. If you want your CR on this new email, change the email and password of the the script (by clicking on RC Sent on message pages) to this new email <br/><br/>
    191. After that, if you want to merge CR of the 2 mail, contact vulca :',
    192. 'succeedCo' => 'connexion succeed to ' ,
    193. 'WrongPass' => 'Wrong password' ,
    194. 'NickPlayer' => 'Nick of the player' ,
    195. 'WrongLink' => 'The link used to change the password is out of date' ,
    196. 'lostPass' => 'Forgot your password?',
    197. 'mailToChangemdp' => "An email as been sent to change your password",
    198. 'sujetMailToChangemdp' => "Password change on TopRaider",
    199. 'contentMailToChangemdp' => "Hi
    200. You ask to change your password on TopRaider.
    201. Follow this link to do it: ",
    202. /* *********************************************************
    203. ******************* Portal Pages *************************
    204. *************************************************************/
    205. 'welcome' => 'Hi, and welcome on TopRaider.',
    206. 'home' => "Top Raider is the best way to track your ogame profits. <br/>
    207. With its easy to use plug-in and its comprehensive statistics you will be bragging about your profits in no time. </p>
    208. <ul><li>
    209. Easy to use plugin </li><li>
    210. Informational Charts </li><li>
    211. Alliance Statistics </li><li>
    212. Global Statistics </li>
    213. </ul>",
    214. 'homestart' => "Getting started is easy! follow our getting started guide and you will be getting started in no time.",
    215. /* *********************************************************
    216. ******************* F.A.Q Page ******************************
    217. *************************************************************/
    218. /* Ignore what is between < and > */
    219. 'FAQcontent' => " <h2>
    220. 2) How to install the script. </h2><br/>
    221. - With <a href=''>
    222. Google Chrome </a><br/>
    223. * Check that Google Chrome is up-to-date. <br/>
    224. * If you don't have it, add <a href=''>
    225. TamperMonkey </a>
    226. to Google Chrome.
    227. If it's already installed, Check that it's up-to-date. <br/>
    228. * Install the <a href=''>
    229. TopRaider script </a>. <br/>
    230. <br/><br/>
    231. - With <a href=''>
    232. Firefox </a><br/>
    233. * Check that Firefox is up-to-date. <br/>
    234. * If you don't have it, add <a href=''>
    235. GreaseMonkey </a>
    236. to Firefox.
    237. If it's already installed, Check that it's up-to-date. <br/>
    238. * Install the <a href=''>
    239. TopRaider script </a>. <br/>
    240. <br/><br/>
    241. <h2>3)
    242. How to use this website </h2><br/>
    243. The TopRaider script has to be installed (see above). <br/>
    244. Then you can send your CR to the site by clicking on <img src='images/logorouge.png'/>
    245. or on <img src='images/logoenvoi.png'/> to send all CRs of the page (see ogame message page). <br/>
    246. At the first send, an email and a password will be asked to create you account on this website. <br/><br/>
    247. Once the email and password filled, you just have to click on the topraider's buttons (or open the detailed CR) to send them to the website.<br/>",
    248. /* *********************************************************
    249. ******************* Messages ******************************
    250. *************************************************************/
    251. 'Warning' => 'Caution if you make a change : <br/>
    252. You will need to update your mail or password stored by the script for each OGame account </br>
    253. (By clicking on "RC sent" when you open a CR)' ,
    254. 'AlliNonConfirme' => 'Your alliance cannot be confirmed <br/>
    255. If you are new in this alliance, you will have to wait until next Tuesday to access to this page.',
    256. /* *********************************************************
    257. ******************* Signature ******************************
    258. *************************************************************/
    259. 'CoulText' => 'Text color (Red/Green/Blue)' ,
    260. 'CoulFond' => 'Background color (Red/Green/Blue)' ,
    261. 'GetUrl' => "Or : link to a background image (.jpg or .png)",
    262. 'Since' => 'Since the ',
    263. /* *********************************************************
    264. ******************* CR Converter ***************************
    265. *************************************************************/
    266. "TRcrConv" => "TopRaider CR Converter for V6",
    267. "NoAPIkey" => "<== Submit the API key of your CR <br/>
    268. (example : cr-en-671-e733516795c6b9c38d978597609e5868f121b5b2)",
    269. "rccode" => "key of the CR",
    270. "lootcode" => "key of the loots CR",
    271. "recycode" => "code des recyclages",
    272. "im" => "I am the",
    273. "attacker"=> "Attacker",
    274. "defender"=> "Defender",
    275. "metrec" => "Harvested Metal: ",
    276. "crirec" => "Harvested Crystal: ",
    277. "combu" => "Combustion: ",
    278. "impu" => "Impulse: ",
    279. "propu" => "Hyper. Drive: ",
    280. "vitesse"=> "Speed : ",
    281. "skinChange"=> "Change your skin",
    282. "nombre"=> "Numbers",
    283. "skinname"=> "Skin's name",
    284. "Autor"=> "Autor",
    285. "Lang"=> "Langage",
    286. "private"=> "Private skin" ,
    287. "table"=> "Don't use tables (ACS)",
    288. "conso" => "Estimated consumption",
    289. /* *********************************************************
    290. ******************* New ***************************
    291. *************************************************************/
    292. 'tooOld'=> "CR's too Old",
    293. 'Tools'=> "Tools v6",
    294. 'Simulator'=> "Combat Simulators",
    295. 'Scripts'=> "Scripts",
    296. 'someScript'=> "Some of my script for the V6:",
    297. 'needGM'=> "GreaseMonkey (firefox) or TamperMonkey (chrome and other browers) have to be installed before installing scripts",
    298. 'Installation'=> "Installation",
    299. 'Description'=> "Description",
    300. 'public'=> "Public skin",
    301. 'BBcode'=> "BBcode",
    302. 'Background'=> "Background",
    303. 'Dark'=> "Dark",
    304. 'Light'=> "Light",
    305. 'ecoSpeed' => 'use economy speed',
    306. 'eco' => 'economy',
    307. 'fleet' => 'fleet',
    308. 'alliOnly'=> "Your alliance only",
    309. 'hideTech'=> "Hide technologies",
    310. 'hideHour'=> "Hide the impact time",
    311. 'Loots'=> "Loots",
    312. 'Harvests'=> "Recycling",
    313. 'Sharing'=> "Sharing",
    314. 'ProfitsTh'=> "Theorical profits",
    315. 'ChoseSharing'=> "How to share profits :",
    316. 'EquiProfits'=> "Profits in equal amount for each participiant",
    317. 'ProrataProfits'=> "Profits in dependance of the sent fleet value",
    318. 'ReConv' => "Espio report converter",
    319. 'needtoconnect2'=> "You need to be logged in",
    320. 'noAccount'=> "Not registered yet ? => ",
    321. 'addRipIpm'=> "click to add IPM or lost RIP",
    322. 'infoTop'=> "IPM, RIP lost, stolen DF and consumption are not counted here",
    323. 'SavedList'=> "Favorite CR list",
    324. 'SaveCR'=> "Favorite/Abolish",
    325. 'infoSaved'=> "Favorite CRs' details are not deleted after a week. <br/>
    326. Please, do not abuse",
    327. 'howtoregister'=> "How to register to the website ?",
    328. 'autoregister'=> "Registration are made automatically after sending a CR to the site via the topraider script",
    329. 'faqprivate'=> "Private skin are only visible to your alliance members",
    330. 'faqmip'=> "Write the username of the player who launched the IPM, followed by the number of IMP launched, and the caused damage in metal, cristal and deuterium.\n\n With the topraider script, just click on the API button of IMP reports before sending the main CR to let this field be auto filled",
    331. 'faqrip'=> "Write the username of the player who lost the RIP, followed by the number of RIP lost.",
    332. 'faqloots'=> "Write the API keys of looting CRs separated by ';'.\n\nWith the topraider script, just click on the API button of looting CRs before sending the main CR to let this field be auto filled",
    333. 'faqrecycle'=> "Write the API keys of recycling reports separated by ';'.\n\nWith the topraider script, just click on the API button of recycling reports before sending the main CR to let this field be auto filled",
    334. 'faqGO'=> "Option for Game Operators to see all coordinates and impact times",
    335. "spoiler"=>"fleet details' spoiler",
    336. "expeAndCr" => "Expeditions and combat reports",
    337. "expeOnly" => "Expeditions",
    338. "CrOnly" => "Combat reports",
    339. "DarkMatter" => "Dark Matter",
    340. "DM" => "DM", // (Dark Matter abreviation)
    341. 'Autres'=>"Other",
    342. 'Merchant'=>"Merchant",
    343. 'TotalShipsExp'=> "Total fleet found in expeditions",
    344. 'ExpeRecords'=> "Records fleets found",
    345. 'statExpe'=> "By fleet found",
    346. 'Ships'=> "Ships",
    347. 'Aliens'=> "Aliens/Pirates",
    348. 'CoordDepart'=>'Start coordinates',
    349. 'BlackHole'=>'Black Holes',
    350. 'Ressources'=>'Ressources',
    351. 'yourScores'=>'Your scores',
    352. );
    353. "en" => array(
    354. "recyclage"=> "The [recy] recyclers of [user] harvested [metal] metal and [crystal] crystal",
    355. "dateRc" => 'The following fleets fight the : [date]',
    356. "attWin" => "The attacker has won the battle! He captured:",
    357. "pillage" => "[metal] metal, [crystal] crystal and [deut] deuterium",
    358. "pillage2" => "[att] captured [metal] metal, [crystal] crystal and [deut] deuterium",
    359. "draw" => "The battle end with a draw !",
    360. "defWin" => "The defender has won the battle!",
    361. "resultatA" => "The attacker lost a total of [attLoss] units.",
    362. "resultatD" => "The defender lost a total of [defLoss] units.",
    363. "debris" => "At these space coordinates now float [metal] metal and [crystal] crystal.",
    364. "detruit" => "Destroyed",
    365. "BeneficeA" => "Attacker profits : ",
    366. "benefDetail" => "Metal : [metal] | Crystal : [crystal] | Deut : [deut]",
    367. "BeneficeD" => "Defender profits : ",
    368. "conso" => "Estimated consumption: [deut] deut",
    369. "attacker"=> "Attacker",
    370. "defender"=> "Defender",
    371. "IPM" => "[user] launched [nbMip] IPMs and caused [damages] damages",
    372. "RIP" => "[user] lost [nbRip] RIP for the attempts of moon destruction",
    373. "moonChance" => "The defender had a [moonChance] % chance to get a moon",
    374. "moonCreated" =>"A moon has been created",
    375. "shipsName" => array(
    376. 202=>"Small Cargo",
    377. 203=>"Large Cargo",
    378. 204=>"Light Fighter",
    379. 205=>"Heavy Fighter",
    380. 206=>"Cruiser",
    381. 207=>"Battleship",
    382. 208=>"Colony Ship",
    383. 209=>"Recycler",
    384. 210=>"Espionage Probe",
    385. 211=>"Bomber",
    386. 212=>"Solar Satellite",
    387. 213=>"Destroyer",
    388. 214=>"Deathstar",
    389. 215=>"Battlecruiser",
    390. 401=>"Rocket Launcher",
    391. 402=>"Light Laser",
    392. 403=>"Heavy Laser",
    393. 404=>"Gauss Cannon",
    394. 405=>"Ion Cannon",
    395. 406=>"Plasma Turret",
    396. 407=>"Small Shield Dome",
    397. 408=>"Large Shield Dome",
    398. 409=>"IM",
    399. 410=>"IPM",
    400. ),
    401. ),
    402. ?>
    Display All

    - FR Translation : 100% OK

    - EN Translation : 100% OK
    But feel free to send me corrections ;)

    - DE Translation : 100% OK

    - PT Translation : 97% OK
    needed translation

    Source Code

    1. 'needtoconnect2'=> "You need to be logged in",
    2. 'noAccount'=> "Not registered yet ? => ",
    3. 'addRipIpm'=> "click to add IPM or lost RIP",
    4. 'infoTop'=> "IPM, RIP lost, stolen DF and consumption are not counted here",
    5. 'SavedList'=> "Favorite CR list",
    6. 'SaveCR'=> "Favorite/unfavorite",
    7. 'infoSaved'=> "Favorite CRs' details are not deleted after a week. <br/>
    8. Please, do not abuse",
    9. 'howtoregister'=> "How to register to the website ?",
    10. 'autoregister'=> "Registration are made automatically after sending a CR to the site with the topraider's script",
    11. 'faqprivate'=> "Private skin are only visible by your alliance members",
    12. 'faqmip'=> "Write the username of the player who sent the IPM, followed by the number of IMP sent, and the damages in metal, cristal and deut.\n\n With the script topraider, just click on the API button of IMP reports before sending the main CR to auto filled this field",
    13. 'faqrip'=> "Write the username of the player who lost the RIP, followed by the number of RIP lost.",
    14. 'faqloots'=> "Write the API key of looting CRs separated by ';'.\n\nWith the script topraider, just click on the API button of looting reports before sending the main CR to auto filled this field",
    15. 'faqrecycle'=> "Write the API key of recycling report separated by ';'.\n\nWith the script topraider, just click on the API button of recycling reports before sending the main CR to auto filled this field",
    16. 'faqGO'=> "Option for Game Operators to see all coordinates and impact times",
    17. "spoiler"=>"fleet details' spoiler",
    18. "isSpoiler"=>"Do not dispaly the fleet slot details (ACS)",
    19. "expeAndCr" => "Expeditions and combat reports",
    20. "expeOnly" => "Expeditions",
    21. "CrOnly" => "Combat reports",
    22. "DarkMatter" => "Dark Matter",
    23. "DM" => "DM", // (Dark Matter abreviation)
    24. 'Autres'=>"Other",
    25. 'Merchant'=>"Merchant",
    26. 'TotalShipsExp'=> "Total fleet found in expeditions",
    27. 'ExpeRecords'=> "Records fleets found",
    28. 'statExpe'=> "By fleet found",
    29. 'Ships'=> "Ships",
    30. 'Aliens'=> "Aliens/Pirates",
    31. 'CoordDepart'=>'Start coordinates',
    32. 'BlackHole'=>'Black Holes',
    33. 'Ressources'=>'Ressources',
    34. 'yourScores'=>'Your scores',
    35. -----
    36. "IPM" => "[user] launched [nbMip] IPM making [damages] damages",
    37. "RIP" => "[user] lost [nbRip] RIP for MD attempts",
    38. "moonChance" => "The defender get [moonChance] % chance to have a moon",
    39. "moonCreated" =>"A moon is created",
    Display All

    - IT Translation : 100% OK

    - TR Translation : 97% OK
    needed translation

    Source Code

    1. 'needtoconnect2'=> "You need to be logged in",
    2. 'noAccount'=> "Not registered yet ? => ",
    3. 'addRipIpm'=> "click to add IPM or lost RIP",
    4. 'infoTop'=> "IPM, RIP lost, stolen DF and consumption are not counted here",
    5. 'SavedList'=> "Favorite CR list",
    6. 'SaveCR'=> "Favorite/unfavorite",
    7. 'infoSaved'=> "Favorite CRs' details are not deleted after a week. <br/>
    8. Please, do not abuse",
    9. 'howtoregister'=> "How to register to the website ?",
    10. 'autoregister'=> "Registration are made automatically after sending a CR to the site with the topraider's script",
    11. 'faqprivate'=> "Private skin are only visible by your alliance members",
    12. 'faqmip'=> "Write the username of the player who sent the IPM, followed by the number of IMP sent, and the damages in metal, cristal and deut.\n\n With the script topraider, just click on the API button of IMP reports before sending the main CR to auto filled this field",
    13. 'faqrip'=> "Write the username of the player who lost the RIP, followed by the number of RIP lost.",
    14. 'faqloots'=> "Write the API key of looting CRs separated by ';'.\n\nWith the script topraider, just click on the API button of looting reports before sending the main CR to auto filled this field",
    15. 'faqrecycle'=> "Write the API key of recycling report separated by ';'.\n\nWith the script topraider, just click on the API button of recycling reports before sending the main CR to auto filled this field",
    16. 'faqGO'=> "Option for Game Operators to see all coordinates and impact times",
    17. "spoiler"=>"fleet details' spoiler",
    18. "isSpoiler"=>"Do not dispaly the fleet slot details (ACS)",
    19. "expeAndCr" => "Expeditions and combat reports",
    20. "expeOnly" => "Expeditions",
    21. "CrOnly" => "Combat reports",
    22. "DarkMatter" => "Dark Matter",
    23. "DM" => "DM", // (Dark Matter abreviation)
    24. 'Autres'=>"Other",
    25. 'Merchant'=>"Merchant",
    26. 'TotalShipsExp'=> "Total fleet found in expeditions",
    27. 'ExpeRecords'=> "Records fleets found",
    28. 'statExpe'=> "By fleet found",
    29. 'Ships'=> "Ships",
    30. 'Aliens'=> "Aliens/Pirates",
    31. 'CoordDepart'=>'Start coordinates',
    32. 'BlackHole'=>'Black Holes',
    33. 'Ressources'=>'Ressources',
    34. 'yourScores'=>'Your scores',
    35. -----
    36. "IPM" => "[user] launched [nbMip] IPM making [damages] damages",
    37. "RIP" => "[user] lost [nbRip] RIP for MD attempts",
    38. "moonChance" => "The defender get [moonChance] % chance to have a moon",
    39. "moonCreated" =>"A moon is created",
    Display All

    - HR Translation : 99% OK
    needed translation
    'TotalShipsExp'=> "Total fleet found in expeditions",
    'ExpeRecords'=> "Records fleets found",
    'statExpe'=> "By fleet found",
    'Ships'=> "Ships",
    'Aliens'=> "Aliens/Pirates",
    'CoordDepart'=>'Start coordinates',
    'BlackHole'=>'Black Holes',
    'yourScores'=>'Your scores',

    - ES Translation : 99% OK
    needed translation
    'TotalShipsExp'=> "Total fleet found in expeditions",
    'ExpeRecords'=> "Records fleets found",
    'statExpe'=> "By fleet found",
    'Ships'=> "Ships",
    'Aliens'=> "Aliens/Pirates",
    'CoordDepart'=>'Start coordinates',
    'BlackHole'=>'Black Holes',
    'yourScores'=>'Your scores',

    - PL Translation : 97% OK
    needed translation

    Source Code

    1. 'needtoconnect2'=> "You need to be logged in",
    2. 'noAccount'=> "Not registered yet ? => ",
    3. 'addRipIpm'=> "click to add IPM or lost RIP",
    4. 'infoTop'=> "IPM, RIP lost, stolen DF and consumption are not counted here",
    5. 'SavedList'=> "Favorite CR list",
    6. 'SaveCR'=> "Favorite/unfavorite",
    7. 'infoSaved'=> "Favorite CRs' details are not deleted after a week. <br/>
    8. Please, do not abuse",
    9. 'howtoregister'=> "How to register to the website ?",
    10. 'autoregister'=> "Registration are made automatically after sending a CR to the site with the topraider's script",
    11. 'faqprivate'=> "Private skin are only visible by your alliance members",
    12. 'faqmip'=> "Write the username of the player who sent the IPM, followed by the number of IMP sent, and the damages in metal, cristal and deut.\n\n With the script topraider, just click on the API button of IMP reports before sending the main CR to auto filled this field",
    13. 'faqrip'=> "Write the username of the player who lost the RIP, followed by the number of RIP lost.",
    14. 'faqloots'=> "Write the API key of looting CRs separated by ';'.\n\nWith the script topraider, just click on the API button of looting reports before sending the main CR to auto filled this field",
    15. 'faqrecycle'=> "Write the API key of recycling report separated by ';'.\n\nWith the script topraider, just click on the API button of recycling reports before sending the main CR to auto filled this field",
    16. 'faqGO'=> "Option for Game Operators to see all coordinates and impact times",
    17. "spoiler"=>"fleet details' spoiler",
    18. "isSpoiler"=>"Do not dispaly the fleet slot details (ACS)",
    19. "expeAndCr" => "Expeditions and combat reports",
    20. "expeOnly" => "Expeditions",
    21. "CrOnly" => "Combat reports",
    22. "DarkMatter" => "Dark Matter",
    23. "DM" => "DM", // (Dark Matter abreviation)
    24. 'Autres'=>"Other",
    25. 'Merchant'=>"Merchant",
    26. 'TotalShipsExp'=> "Total fleet found in expeditions",
    27. 'ExpeRecords'=> "Records fleets found",
    28. 'statExpe'=> "By fleet found",
    29. 'Ships'=> "Ships",
    30. 'Aliens'=> "Aliens/Pirates",
    31. 'CoordDepart'=>'Start coordinates',
    32. 'BlackHole'=>'Black Holes',
    33. 'Ressources'=>'Ressources',
    34. 'yourScores'=>'Your scores',
    35. -----
    36. "IPM" => "[user] launched [nbMip] IPM making [damages] damages",
    37. "RIP" => "[user] lost [nbRip] RIP for MD attempts",
    38. "moonChance" => "The defender get [moonChance] % chance to have a moon",
    39. "moonCreated" =>"A moon is created",
    Display All

    Other Translations : 0% OK

    If you have questions, ask it ! :)

    ** OgameTech **

    The post was edited 11 times, last by vulca ().

  • Italian translation:

    Display Spoiler

    Source Code

    1. <?php
    2. $txt = array(
    3. /* *********************************************************
    4. ******************* All Pages *************************
    5. *************************************************************/
    6. 'TopRaider' => 'TOP Raiders',
    7. 'TopRaiderWeek' => 'TOP Raiders della Settimana',
    8. 'TopRaiderMonth' => 'TOP Raiders del Mese',
    9. 'TopRaiderYear' => 'TOP Raiders dell'Anno,
    10. 'converterV6' => "CR Converter v6",
    11. 'Records' => 'Record',
    12. 'RecordsGene' => 'Record Profitto',
    13. 'RecordsShips' => 'Record Navi Distrutte',
    14. 'Charts' => 'I Miei Grafici',
    15. 'Stats' => 'Statistiche',
    16. 'MonCompte'=> 'Il Mio Account',
    17. 'CompteData' => 'Dati Account',
    18. 'ByCoords' => 'Per Coordinate',
    19. 'ByShips' => 'Per Navi/Difese Distrutte',
    20. 'Signature' => 'Firma',
    21. 'MyAlliance' => 'La Mia Alleanza',
    22. 'BilanRC' => 'Dettagli Ultimi Profitti' ,
    23. 'Account' => 'Account ',
    24. 'Options' => 'Opzioni',
    25. 'FAQ' => 'Come Iniziare',
    26. 'logInOut' => 'Login / Logout',
    27. 'PaypalGift' => 'Aiutami a mantenere il server',
    28. 'needtoconnect' => 'Effettua il Login per vedere i tuoi dati',
    29. 'updateScript' => ' Lo script è obsoleto ==>>>Aggiornalo!<<<',
    30. 'Users' => 'Utenti',
    31. 'CombatReports' => 'Rapporti di Combattimento',
    32. 'Contact' => 'Contatto',
    33. 'Screen' => 'Screenshots',
    34. 'News' => 'News',
    35. 'Home' => 'Home',
    36. 'noCompte' => 'Nessun account OGame è collegato a questa email. <br/>
    37. Il tuo account di OGame è regitrato con un'altra email. <br/>
    38. Per trasferirlo su questa email, vai in Opzioni/Sposta un altro account OGame su questa Email. <br/>
    39. Se non conosci l'indirizzo email o la password su cui è registrato l'account OGame contattami. ',
    40. 'addblock' => 'L'hosting di questo sito web è reso grazie a poche adds in fondo alla pagina <br/>
    41. Per favore disattiva il tuo add-blocker in questa pagina per aiutare il sito a sopravvivere :)',
    42. /* *********************************************************
    43. ******************* Top Raider Page *************************
    44. *************************************************************/
    45. 'TOP' => 'TOP',
    46. 'Nick' => 'Nick',
    47. 'Players' => 'Giocatori',
    48. 'Metal' => 'Metallo',
    49. 'Cristal' => 'Cristallo',
    50. 'Deuterium' => 'Deuterio',
    51. 'Losses' => 'Perdite',
    52. 'Damages' => 'Danni',
    53. 'Profits' => 'Profitti',
    54. 'NbRC' => 'N. CR',
    55. 'NbPlayer' => 'N. Giocatori',
    56. 'Alliance' => 'Alleanza',
    57. 'Universes' => 'Universo',
    58. 'Country' => 'Paese',
    59. 'Week' => 'Settimana',
    60. 'Speed' => 'Velocità',
    61. 'Year' => 'Anno',
    62. 'AllUni' => 'Tutti gli Universi',
    63. 'AllCountry' => 'Tutti i Paesi',
    64. 'AllSpeed' => 'Tutte le Velocità',
    65. 'topRaiderWeek' => 'Top Raiders della settimana n°',
    66. 'topAlliWeek' => 'Top Alleanze della settimana n°',
    67. 'topUniWeek' => 'Top Universi della settimana n°',
    68. 'topCountryWeek' => 'Top Paesi della settimana n°',
    69. 'topRaiderMonth' => 'Top Raiders di ', //[Month]
    70. 'topAlliMonth' => 'Top Alleanze di ', //[Month]
    71. 'topUniMonth' => 'Top Universi di ', //[Month]
    72. 'topCountryMonth' => 'Top Paesi di ', //[Month]
    73. 'topRaiderYear' => 'Top Raiders dell'anno ',
    74. 'topAlliYear' => 'Top Alleanze dell'anno ',
    75. 'topUniYear' => 'Top Universi dell'anno ',
    76. 'topCountryYear' => 'Top Paesi dell'anno ',
    77. 'others' => 'Altri',
    78. 'End' => 'Fine',
    79. 'Start' => 'Inizio',
    80. 'isInTop' => 'Quando aggiungere il tuo CR : ',
    81. 'NextHour' => 'Nella prossima ora',
    82. 'OneHourLater' => 'Almeno 1h dopo',
    83. 'ThreeHourLater' => 'Almeno 3h dopo',
    84. 'SixHourLater' => 'Almeno 6h dopo',
    85. 'TwelveHourLater' => 'Almeno 12h dopo',
    86. 'EndDay' => 'Alla fine del giorno',
    87. 'Never' => 'Mai',
    88. 'defaultRank' => 'Ordinamento di default',
    89. /* *********************************************************
    90. ******************* Profits Pages *************************
    91. *************************************************************/
    92. 'NumRC' => 'Numero di CR',
    93. 'RaidMetal' => 'Metallo razziato',
    94. 'RaidCristal' => 'Cristallo razziato',
    95. 'RaidDeut' => 'Deuterio razziato',
    96. 'HarvestMet' => 'Metallo riciclato',
    97. 'HarvestCri' => 'Cristallo riciclato',
    98. 'DayProfits' => 'Profitti del giorno',
    99. 'WeekProfits' => 'Profitti degli ultimi 7 giorni',
    100. 'From' => 'da',
    101. 'To' => 'a',
    102. 'For' => 'per',
    103. 'Datedebutfin' => 'Inizio e fine date filtraggio CR:',
    104. 'Categories' => 'Categorie',
    105. 'Date' => 'Data',
    106. 'MetalDF' => 'Metallo CD',
    107. 'CristalDF' => 'Cristallo CD',
    108. 'Delete' => 'Cancella',
    109. 'Coord' => 'Coordinate',
    110. 'addRc'=> 'Aggiungi detriti rubati o RIP perse e missili lanciati',
    111. 'RipLost'=> 'RIP perse',
    112. 'Mip'=> 'Missili lanciati',
    113. 'StolenCdrM'=> 'Metallo in CD rubato',
    114. 'StolenCdrC'=> 'Cristallo in CD rubato',
    115. 'listeRc' => 'Lista dei CR',
    116. 'Conso' => 'Consumo',
    117. 'EraseCR'=> 'Cancella tutti i CR selezionati',
    118. /* *********************************************************
    119. ******************* Records Pages *************************
    120. *************************************************************/
    121. 'yourRecords' => 'I tuoi record',
    122. 'pourcent' => 'Percentuale',
    123. 'DayRecords' => 'Record giornaliero',
    124. 'WeekRecords' => 'Record settimanale',
    125. 'AvrScore' => 'Punteggio medio: ',
    126. 'InactivOnly' => 'Record su inattivi',
    127. 'Update' => "Aggiorna",
    128. 'DateUpdate'=> 'Data ultimo aggiornamento record: ',
    129. /* *********************************************************
    130. ******************* Chart Pages *************************
    131. *************************************************************/
    132. 'Month' => 'Mese',
    133. 'Chart1' => "Profitti per giorno in ",
    134. 'Chart2' => "Profitti per giorno nell'anno ",
    135. 'Chart3' => "Profitti per mese nell'anno ",
    136. 'generateBBcode' => 'Genera / Aggiorna BBcode',
    137. 'MonthList' => array( "Gennaio ", " Febbraio " , "Marzo ", " Aprile" , "Maggio" , "Giugno" , "Luglio ", " Agosto ", " Settembre" , "Ottobre" , "Novembre ", " Dicembre"),
    138. 'Positif' => 'Positivo',
    139. 'Negatif' => 'Negativo',
    140. 'Legend' => 'Legenda',
    141. 'txttot' => 'Profitti globali',
    142. /* *********************************************************
    143. ******************* Stats Pages *************************
    144. *************************************************************/
    145. 'Stats30day' => 'Statistiche degli ultimi [jours] giorni',
    146. 'StatsPie30day' => 'Grafico a torta degli ultimi [jours] giorni',
    147. 'StatsCoord' => 'Statistiche per coordinate',
    148. 'StatsGalax' => 'Statistiche per galassie',
    149. 'Galaxy'=> 'Galassie',
    150. 'Average'=> 'Media per CR',
    151. /* *********************************************************
    152. ******************* Account Pages *************************
    153. *************************************************************/
    154. 'MainAccount' => 'Account Principale',
    155. 'ConfirmDelete' => 'Stai per cancellare l'account [ACCOUNT] e tutti i suoi CR.
    156. Sei sicuro di volerlo fare?',
    157. 'AccountList'=> 'Lista dei tuoi account',
    158. 'LimitHarvest' => 'Minimo CD da considerare ',
    159. 'jetLag' => 'Jet lag',
    160. 'AccountData' => 'Dati Account',
    161. 'AccountOption' => 'Impostazioni',
    162. /* *********************************************************
    163. ******************* Ships Pages *************************
    164. *************************************************************/
    165. "miliShips" => "Navi Militari",
    166. "civilShips" => "Navi Civili",
    167. "defShips" => "Difese",
    168. "TotalShips" => "Navi e difese distrutte totali (dalla v2.0.2)",
    169. "total" => "Totale",
    170. 'Ships' => "Navi Distr.",
    171. 'Value' => "Valore",
    172. /* *********************************************************
    173. ******************* Options Pages *************************
    174. *************************************************************/
    175. 'ChangeMDP' => 'Modifica password' ,
    176. 'ChangeMail' => 'Modifica Email' ,
    177. 'TransfereAccount' => 'Sposta un altro account OGame su questa email' ,
    178. 'RegisterMail' => 'Email su cui è l'account OGame',
    179. 'RegisterMDP' => 'Password collegata a questo account',
    180. 'Email' => 'Indirizzo Email',
    181. 'CurrentEmail' => 'Email attuale' ,
    182. 'NewEmail' => 'Nuova Email' ,
    183. 'Pass' => 'Password' ,
    184. 'CurrentPass' => 'Password attuale' ,
    185. 'NewPass' => 'Nuova password' ,
    186. 'succeedMail' => 'Email modificata con successo' ,
    187. 'succeedMDP' => 'Password modificata con successo' ,
    188. 'FailMail' => 'Email non valida',
    189. 'ExsistingAccount' => 'Esiste già un aoount con questa email. <br/><br/>
    190. Se vuoi i tuoi CR sulla nuova email, modifica l'email e la password dello script (cliccando sul tasto TopRaider nella pagina Sommario) in questa nuova email <br/><br/>
    191. Dopo ciò, se vuoi unire i CR delle 2 email, contatta vulca:',
    192. 'succeedCo' => 'Connesso con successo a ' ,
    193. 'WrongPass' => 'Password errata' ,
    194. 'NickPlayer' => 'Nick del giocatore' ,
    195. 'WrongLink' => 'Il link usato per modificare la password è obsoleto' ,
    196. 'lostPass' => 'Password dimenticata?',
    197. 'mailToChangemdp' => "Una mail è stata mandata al tuo indirizzo email",
    198. 'sujetMailToChangemdp' => "Modifica password su TopRaider",
    199. 'contentMailToChangemdp' => "Salve
    200. Hai chiesto di modificare la tua password su TopRaider.
    201. Segui questo link per farlo: ",
    202. /* *********************************************************
    203. ******************* Portal Pages *************************
    204. *************************************************************/
    205. 'welcome' => 'Salve, e benvenuto su TopRaider.',
    206. 'home' => "Top Raider è il miglior modo di tenere traccia dei tuoi profitti in OGame. <br/>
    207. Con il suo plug-in dal semplice utilizzo e le statistiche di facile lettura potrai vedere il tuo progresso in un batter d'occhio. </p>
    208. <ul><li>
    209. Semplice plugin </li><li>
    210. Grafici informativi </li><li>
    211. Statistiche di alleanza </li><li>
    212. Statistiche globali </li>
    213. </ul>",
    214. 'homestart' => "Iniziare è semplice! Segui la nostra guida "Come Iniziare" e riuscirai ad iniziare immediatamente.",
    215. /* *********************************************************
    216. ******************* F.A.Q Page ******************************
    217. *************************************************************/
    218. /* Ignore what is between < and > */
    219. 'FAQcontent' => " <h2>
    220. 1) Come installare lo script. </h2><br/>
    221. - Con <a href=''>
    222. Google Chrome </a><br/>
    223. * Controlla che Google Chrome sia aggiornato. <br/>
    224. * Se non lo hai già fatto, aggiungi <a href=''>
    225. TamperMonkey </a>
    226. a Google Chrome.
    227. Se è già installato, controlla che sia aggiornato. <br/>
    228. * Installa lo script <a href=''>
    229. TopRaider </a>. <br/>
    230. <br/><br/>
    231. - Con <a href=''>
    232. Firefox </a><br/>
    233. * Controlla che Firefox sia aggiornato. <br/>
    234. * Se non lo hai già fatto, aggiungi <a href=''>
    235. GreaseMonkey </a>
    236. a Firefox.
    237. Se è già installato, controlla che sia aggiornato. <br/>
    238. * Install lo script <a href=''>
    239. TopRaider </a>. <br/>
    240. <br/><br/>
    241. <h2>2)
    242. Come usare questo sito web </h2><br/>
    243. Lo script TopRaider deve essere installato (vedi sopra) <br/>
    244. Apri un rapporto di combattimento. Un indirizzo email e una password ti saranno richiesti per creare un account su questo sito. <br/>
    245. Una volta inseriti email e password, ti basterà aprire i tuoi CR per inviarli automaticamente a questo sito.<br/>",
    246. /* *********************************************************
    247. ******************* Messages ******************************
    248. *************************************************************/
    249. 'Warning' => 'Attenzione alle modifihe : <br/>
    250. Dovrai aggiornare la tua mail o password salvate dallo script per ogni account in OGame </br>
    251. (cliccando sul tasto "TopRaider" nel menu)' ,
    252. 'AlliNonConfirme' => 'La tua alleanza non può essere confermata <br/>
    253. Se sei nuovo in questa alleanza, dovrai aspettare fino al prossimo Martedì per accedere a questa pagina.',
    254. /* *********************************************************
    255. ******************* Signature ******************************
    256. *************************************************************/
    257. 'CoulText' => 'Colore Testo (Rosso/Verde/Blu)' ,
    258. 'CoulFond' => 'Colore Sfondo (Rosso/Verde/Blu)' ,
    259. 'GetUrl' => "Oppure: link ad una immagine di sfondo (.jpg o .png)",
    260. 'Since' => 'Da ',
    261. );
    262. /* *********************************************************
    263. ******************* CR Converter ***************************
    264. *************************************************************/
    265. $shipsName = array();
    266. $shipsName[202]="Cargo Leggero";
    267. $shipsName[203]="Cargo Pesante";
    268. $shipsName[204]="Caccia Leggero";
    269. $shipsName[205]="Caccia Pesante";
    270. $shipsName[206]="Incrociatore";
    271. $shipsName[207]="Nave da Battaglia";
    272. $shipsName[208]="Colonizzatrice";
    273. $shipsName[209]="Riciclatrice";
    274. $shipsName[210]="Sonda Spia";
    275. $shipsName[211]="Bombardiere";
    276. $shipsName[212]="Satellite Solare";
    277. $shipsName[213]="Corazzata";
    278. $shipsName[214]="Morte Nera";
    279. $shipsName[215]="Incrociatore da Battaglia";
    280. $shipsName[216]="Incrociatore";
    281. $shipsName[401]="Lanciamissili";
    282. $shipsName[402]="Laser Leggero";
    283. $shipsName[403]="Laser Pesante";
    284. $shipsName[404]="Cannone Gauss";
    285. $shipsName[405]="Cannone Ionico";
    286. $shipsName[406]="Cannone al Plasma";
    287. $shipsName[407]="Cupola Scudo Piccola";
    288. $shipsName[408]="Cupola Scudo Grande";
    289. $txtConv = array(
    290. "TRcrConv" => "TopRaider CR Converter per V6",
    291. "NoAPIkey" => "<== Inserisci l'API del tuo CR <br/>
    292. (esempio : cr-en-671-efab9565e510aa6f48049d3ebdc7d46d6f5c01f6)",
    293. "rccode" => "API del CR",
    294. "lootcode" => "API delle farm successive",
    295. "recycode" => "API del riciclaggio",
    296. "im" => "Io sono:",
    297. "attacker"=> "Attaccante",
    298. "defender"=> "Difensore",
    299. "metrec" => "Metallo riciclato: ",
    300. "crirec" => "Cristallo riciclato: ",
    301. "combu" => "Prop. a Comb.: ",
    302. "impu" => "Prop. a Impulso: ",
    303. "propu" => "Prop. Iperspaz.: ",
    304. "vitesse"=> "Velocità : ",
    305. "skinChange"=> "Modifica la skin",
    306. "nombre"=> "Numeri",
    307. "skinname"=> "Nome skin",
    308. "Autor"=> "Autore",
    309. "Lang"=> "Lingua",
    310. "private"=> "Skin privata" ,
    311. "table"=> "Non usare tabelle",
    312. "conso" => "Consumo stimato",
    313. "recyclage"=> "Le [recy] riciclatrici di [user] hanno riciclato [metal] Metallo e [crystal] Cristallo",
    314. );
    315. "recyclage"=> "Le [recy] riciclatrici di [user] hanno riciclato [metal] Metallo e [crystal] Crystal",
    316. "dateRc" => 'Le seguenti flotte si scontrano in battaglia: [date]',
    317. "attWin" => "L'attaccante ha vinto la battaglia! Saccheggia:",
    318. "pillage" => "[metal] Metallo, [crystal] Cristallo e [deut] Deuterio",
    319. "draw" => "Lo scontro finisce in parità!",
    320. "defWin" => "Il difensore ha vinto la battaglia!",
    321. "resultatA" => "L'attaccante ha perso un totale di [attLoss] unità.",
    322. "resultatD" => "Il difensore ha perso un totale di [defLoss] unità.",
    323. "debris" => "A queste coordinate spaziali fluttuano ora [metal] Metallo e [crystal] Cristallo.",
    324. "detruit" => "Distrutto",
    325. "BeneficeA" => "Guadagno attaccante: ",
    326. "benefDetail" => "Metallo : [metal] | Cristallo : [crystal] | Deuterio : [deut]",
    327. "BeneficeD" => "Guadagno difensore : ",
    328. "conso" => "Consumo stimato: [deut] Deuterio",
    329. "attacker"=> "Attaccante",
    330. "defender"=> "Difensore",
    331. ?>
    Display All
  • Missing Parts of the German Translation:


    Source Code

    1. 'mailToChangemdp' => "Eine E-Mail, um dein Passwort zu ändern, wurde versandt",
    2. 'sujetMailToChangemdp' => "Passwortänderung auf TopRaider",
    3. 'contentMailToChangemdp' => "Hi
    4. Du hast eine Anfrage zur Passwortänderung gestellt auf TopRaider.
    5. Bitte folge diesem Link um sie durchzuführen: ",
    6. 'topRaiderMonth' => 'Top Raider des Monats ', //[Month]
    7. 'topAlliMonth' => 'Top Allianzen des Monats ', //[Month]
    8. 'topUniMonth' => 'Top Universen des Monats ', //[Month]
    9. 'topCountryMonth' => 'Top Land des Monats ', //[Month]
    10. 'topRaiderYear' => 'Top Raider des Jahres ',
    11. 'topAlliYear' => 'Top Allianzen des Jahres ',
    12. 'topUniYear' => 'Top Universen des Jahres ',
    13. 'topCountryYear' => 'Top Länder des Jahres ',
    14. //Categorie title
    15. 'TopRaiderWeek' => 'TOP Raiders der Woche',
    16. 'TopRaiderMonth' => 'TOP Raiders des Monats',
    17. 'TopRaiderYear' => 'TOP Raiders des Jahres',
    18. 'LimitHarvest' => 'Zähle keine TF's unter diesem Limit : ',
    19. 'EraseCR'=> 'Lösche alle markierten KB's',
    20. 'LimitHarvest' => 'Zu beachtende Mindestgröße TF ',
    21. 'jetLag' => 'Jetlag',
    22. 'AccountData' => 'Account Daten',
    23. 'AccountOption' => 'Einstellungen',
    24. 'Signature' => 'Signatur',
    25. 'CoulText' => 'Textfarbe (Rot/Grün/Blau)' ,
    26. 'CoulFond' => 'Hintergrundfarbe (Rot/Grün/Blau)' ,
    27. 'GetUrl' => "Oder : Link zu einem Hintergrundbild (.jpg oder .png)",
    28. 'Since' => 'Seit dem ',
    29. 'AlliNonConfirme' => 'Deine Allianz konnte nicht bestätigt werden <br/>
    30. Wenn du neu in dieser Allianz bist, musst du bis nächsten Dienstag warten um auf diese Seite zugreifen zu können.',
    31. 'RecordsGene' => 'Win Rekorde',
    32. 'RecordsShips' => 'Zerstörte Schiffe Rekorde',
    33. 'addblock' => 'Das Hosting dieser Seite wird durch ein wenig Werbung am unteren Ende der Seite finanziert, <br/>
    34. bitte deaktiviere deinen Add-Blocker, so dass diese Seite weiterhin überleben kann :)',
    35. 'AllUni' => 'Alle Universen',
    36. 'AllCountry' => 'Alle Länder',
    37. 'AllSpeed' => 'Alle Geschwindigkeiten',
    Display All

    Origin Admin
    OGame-Tech Chief
  • Italian langages added :)

    Missing german parts added :)
    But i forgot to add the simulator page on the german missing list :s

    can you translate this too ??

    Display Spoiler

    PHP Source Code

    1. "TRcrConv" => "TopRaider CR Converter for V6",
    2. "NoAPIkey" => "<== Submit the API key of your CR <br/>
    3. (example : cr-en-671-efab9565e510aa6f48049d3ebdc7d46d6f5c01f6)",
    4. "rccode" => "key of the CR",
    5. "lootcode" => "key of the loots CR",
    6. "recycode" => "code des recyclages",
    7. "im" => "I am the",
    8. "attacker"=> "Attacker",
    9. "defender"=> "Defender",
    10. "metrec" => "Harvested Metal: ",
    11. "crirec" => "Harvested Crystal: ",
    12. "combu" => "Combustion: ",
    13. "impu" => "Impulse: ",
    14. "propu" => "Hyper. Drive: ",
    15. "vitesse"=> "Speed : ",
    16. "skinChange"=> "Change your skin",
    17. "nombre"=> "Numbers",
    18. "skinname"=> "Skin's name",
    19. "Autor"=> "Autor",
    20. "Lang"=> "Langage",
    21. "private"=> "Private skin" ,
    22. "table"=> "Don't use tables",
    23. "conso" => "Estimated consumption",
    24. "recyclage"=> "The [recy] recyclers of [user] harvested [metal] metal and [crystal] crystal",
    Display All

    Thank you very much you both :thumbsup:

    EDIT : scappe, could you try to convert an IT CR ?
    To check if all is right :)

    ** OgameTech **
  • Display Spoiler

    Source Code

    1. "TRcrConv" => "TopRaider KB Converter für V6",
    2. "NoAPIkey" => "<== Trage deinen API-Key ein <br/>
    3. (example : cr-en-671-efab9565e510aa6f48049d3ebdc7d46d6f5c01f6)",
    4. "rccode" => "Key des KB's",
    5. "lootcode" => "Key der Nachwellen",
    6. "recycode" => "Key der Recycler",
    7. "im" => "Ich bin der",
    8. "attacker"=> "Angreifer",
    9. "defender"=> "Verteidiger",
    10. "metrec" => "Recyceltes Metall: ",
    11. "crirec" => "Recyceltes Kristall: ",
    12. "combu" => "Verbrenner: ",
    13. "impu" => "Impuls: ",
    14. "propu" => "Hyper: ",
    15. "vitesse"=> "Geschwindigkeit : ",
    16. "skinChange"=> "Wechsel deinen Skin",
    17. "nombre"=> "Zahlen",
    18. "skinname"=> "Name des Skins",
    19. "Autor"=> "Autor",
    20. "Lang"=> "Sprache",
    21. "private"=> "Privater SKin" ,
    22. "table"=> "Keine Tabellen benutzen",
    23. "conso" => "Geschätzter Verbrauch",
    24. "recyclage"=> "Die [recy] Recycler von [user] [metal] Metall und [crystal] Kristall gesammelt",
    Display All

    Origin Admin
    OGame-Tech Chief
  • Turkish translation is ready.

    Display Spoiler

    PHP Source Code

    1. <?php
    2. $txt = array(
    3. /* *********************************************************
    4. ******************* Tüm Sayfalar *************************
    5. *************************************************************/
    6. 'TopRaider' => 'En iyi TopRaider',
    7. 'TopRaiderWeek' => 'Haftanın En iyi TopRaiderı',
    8. 'TopRaiderMonth' => 'Ayın En iyi TopRaiderı',
    9. 'TopRaiderYear' => 'Yılın En iyi TopRaiderı',
    10. 'converterV6' => "Savaş Raporu Dönüştürücüsü v6",
    11. 'Records' => 'Rekorlar',
    12. 'RecordsGene' => 'Kar Rekorları',
    13. 'RecordsShips' => 'Askeri Tahribat Rekorları',
    14. 'Charts' => 'Grafiğim',
    15. 'Stats' => 'Istatistikler',
    16. 'MonCompte'=> 'Hesabım',
    17. 'CompteData' => 'Hesap Bilgileri',
    18. 'ByCoords' => 'Koordinatlarından',
    19. 'ByShips' => 'Yokedilmiş Gemiler/Savunmalar',
    20. 'Signature' => 'Imza Ekleyin',
    21. 'MyAlliance' => 'Ittifak Bilgilerim',
    22. 'BilanRC' => 'Son Kâr Detayları' ,
    23. 'Account' => 'Hesap',
    24. 'Options' => 'Ayarlar',
    25. 'FAQ' => 'Sıkça Sorulan Sorular',
    26. 'logInOut' => 'Giriş/Çıkış ',
    27. 'PaypalGift' => 'Bu sunucu için bağış yapın',
    28. 'needtoconnect' => Bilgilerinizi görmek için giriş yapın',
    29. 'updateScript' => ' Script sürümünü ==>>>Güncelle<<<',
    30. 'Users' => 'Kullanıcılar',
    31. 'CombatReports' => 'Savaş Raporları',
    32. 'Contact' => 'İletişim',
    33. 'Screen' => 'Ekran Görüntüleri',
    34. 'News' => 'Haberler',
    35. 'Home' => 'Genel Durum',
    36. 'noCompte' => 'Verilen email adresinde ogame hesabı bulunamadı. <br/>
    37. Kayıt olmak için farklı bir email hesabı kullanın. <br/>
    38. Email adresinizi değiştirmek için Ayarlar sekmesinden farklı bir mail adresi ile değiştirebilirsiniz. <br/>
    39. Kayıt olduğunuz mail adresinizi veya şifrenizi bilmiyorsanız lütfen benimle irtibata geçin. ',
    40. 'addblock' => 'Bu internet sayfasının host masrafları sayfanın altındaki küçük reklamlar tarafından sağlanmaktadır. <br/>
    41. Sitemizin devamlılığı için lütfen reklam engelleyici programlarınızı(addblockers)/eklentilerinizi sayfamız için devre dışı bırakınız. :)',
    42. /* *********************************************************
    43. ******************* En iyi TopRaider Sayfası *************************
    44. *************************************************************/
    45. 'TOP' => 'Sıra',
    46. 'Nick' => 'Kullanıcı Adı',
    47. 'Players' => 'Oyuncular',
    48. 'Metal' => 'Metal',
    49. 'Cristal' => 'Kristal',
    50. 'Deuterium' => 'Deuterium',
    51. 'Losses' => 'Kayıplar',
    52. 'Damages' => 'Tahribatlar',
    53. 'Profits' => 'Karlar',
    54. 'NbRC' => 'Savaş Raporu Sayısı',
    55. 'NbPlayer' => 'Oyuncu Sayısı',
    56. 'Alliance' => 'İttifak',
    57. 'Universes' => 'Evrenler',
    58. 'Country' => 'Ülke',
    59. 'Week' => 'Hafta',
    60. 'Speed' => 'Hız',
    61. 'Year' => 'Yıl',
    62. 'AllUni' => 'Tüm Evrenler',
    63. 'AllCountry' => 'Tüm Ülkeler',
    64. 'AllSpeed' => 'Tüm Hızlar',
    65. 'topRaiderWeek' => 'Haftanın En iyi TopRaiderı°',
    66. 'topAlliWeek' => 'Haftanın En iyi İttifak'ı°',
    67. 'topUniWeek' => Haftanın En iyi Evreni°',
    68. 'topCountryWeek' => 'Haftanın En İyi Ülkesi°',
    69. 'topRaiderMonth' => 'En iyi TopRaiderı', //[Ayının]
    70. 'topAlliMonth' => 'En iyi İttifakları ', //[Ayının]
    71. 'topUniMonth' => 'En iyi Evrenleri ', //[Ayının]
    72. 'topCountryMonth' => 'En iyi Ülkeleri ', //[Ayının]
    73. 'topRaiderYear' => 'Yılın En iyi TopRaiderı',
    74. 'topAlliYear' => 'Yılın En iyi İttifakları ',
    75. 'topUniYear' => 'Yılın En iyi Evrenleri ',
    76. 'topCountryYear' => 'Yılın En iyi Ülkeleri ',
    77. 'others' => 'Diğerleri',
    78. 'End' => 'Bitiş',
    79. 'Start' => 'Başlangıç',
    80. 'isInTop' => 'Savaş Raporunu Eklediğinde : ',
    81. 'NextHour' => 'Sonraki Saatlerde',
    82. 'OneHourLater' => '1 Saat Sonra',
    83. 'ThreeHourLater' => '3 Saat Sonra',
    84. 'SixHourLater' => '6 Saat Sonra',
    85. 'TwelveHourLater' => '12 Saat Sonra',
    86. 'EndDay' => Günün Sonunda',
    87. 'Never' => 'Hiçbir Zaman/Asla',
    88. 'defaultRank' => 'Varsayılan Sıralama',
    89. /* *********************************************************
    90. ******************* Kar Sayfası *************************
    91. *************************************************************/
    92. 'NumRC' => 'Savaş Rapor Numarası,
    93. 'RaidMetal' => 'Metal Yağmaları',
    94. 'RaidCristal' => 'Kristal Yağmaları',
    95. 'RaidDeut' => 'Deuterium Yağmaları',
    96. 'HarvestMet' => 'Toplanan Metal Harabesi',
    97. 'HarvestCri' => 'Toplanan Kristal Harabesi',
    98. 'DayProfits' => Günlük Kar',
    99. 'WeekProfits' => 'Son 7 Gün Karları',
    100. 'From' => 'from',
    101. 'To' => 'to',
    102. 'For' => 'for',
    103. 'Datedebutfin' => 'Savaş raporunda başlangıç ve bitiş tarihleri görüntülenmektedir',
    104. 'Categories' => 'Kategoriler',
    105. 'Date' => 'Tarih',
    106. 'MetalDF' => 'Metal Harabesi',
    107. 'CristalDF' => 'Kristal Harabesi',
    108. 'Delete' => 'Sil',
    109. 'Coord' => 'Koordinatlar',
    110. 'addRc'=> 'Çalıntı Harabe Alanınızı veya Rip Kaybını ve GAR Ekleyin',
    111. 'RipLost'=> 'Kaybedilen Ölüm Yıldızları',
    112. 'Mip'=> 'Göderilmiş Gezegenler Arası Roketler',
    113. 'StolenCdrM'=> 'Çalınan Metal Harabe Alanı',
    114. 'StolenCdrC'=> 'Çalınan Kristal Harabe Alanı',
    115. 'listeRc' => 'Savaş raporlarının listesi',
    116. 'Conso' => 'Tüketim',
    117. 'EraseCR'=> 'Seçili tüm savaşları sil',
    118. /* *********************************************************
    119. ******************* Rekorlar Sayfası *************************
    120. *************************************************************/
    121. 'yourRecords' => 'Rekorların',
    122. 'pourcent' => 'Yüzdesi',
    123. 'DayRecords' => 'Günün Rekoru',
    124. 'WeekRecords' => 'Haftanın Rekoru',
    125. 'AvrScore' => 'Ortalama Puan ',
    126. 'InactivOnly' => 'İnaktif Rekorları',
    127. 'Update' => "Güncelle",
    128. 'DateUpdate'=> 'Rekorların Son Güncellenme Tarihi: ',
    129. /* *********************************************************
    130. ******************* Grafik Sayfası *************************
    131. *************************************************************/
    132. 'Month' => 'Ay',
    133. 'Chart1' => "Her bir gün için karlar ",
    134. 'Chart2' => "Yılın her bir günü için karlar ",
    135. 'Chart3' => "Yılın her bir aynı için karlar ",
    136. 'generateBBcode' => 'Oluşturmak / BBcode Güncelle',
    137. 'MonthList' => array( "Ocak", "Şubat" , "Mart ", " Nisan" , "Mayıs" , "Haziran" , "Temmuz ", " Ağustos ", " Eylül" , "Ekim" , "Kasım ", " Aralık"),
    138. 'Positif' => 'Olumlu',
    139. 'Negatif' => 'Olumsuz',
    140. 'Legend' => 'Efsane',
    141. 'txttot' => 'Küresel/Genel Karlar',
    142. /* *********************************************************
    143. ******************* İstatistik Sayfası *************************
    144. *************************************************************/
    145. 'Stats30day' => 'Son [jours] günün istatistiği',
    146. 'StatsPie30day' => 'Son [jours] günün pasta grafiği',
    147. 'StatsCoord' => 'İstatistiklere göre koordinatlar',
    148. 'StatsGalax' => 'Galaksilere göre İstatistikler',
    149. 'Galaxy'=> 'Galaksiler',
    150. 'Average'=> 'Ortalama Savaş Raporu',
    151. /* *********************************************************
    152. ******************* Hesap Sayfası *************************
    153. *************************************************************/
    154. 'MainAccount' => 'Ana Hesap',
    155. 'ConfirmDelete' => '[ACCOUNT] hesabınla ilişkilendirilmiş tüm bilgiler ve tüm savaş raporların silinecektir.
    156. Bunu yapmak istediğine emin misin?',
    157. 'AccountList'=> 'Hesaplarının listesi',
    158. 'LimitHarvest' => 'Dikkate alınacak minimum harabe alanı',
    159. 'jetLag' => 'Saat farkı',
    160. 'AccountData' => 'Hesap Bilgisi',
    161. 'AccountOption' => 'Ayarlar',
    162. /* *********************************************************
    163. ******************* Gemiler Sayfası *************************
    164. *************************************************************/
    165. "miliShips" => "Savaş Gemileri",
    166. "civilShips" => "Sivil Gemiler",
    167. "defShips" => "Savunmalar",
    168. "TotalShips" => "Yokedilmiş gemi ve savunmaların toplamı (v2.0.2'den beri)",
    169. "total" => "Toplam",
    170. 'Ships' => "Gemiler",
    171. 'Value' => "Değer",
    172. /* *********************************************************
    173. ******************* Ayarlar Sayfası *************************
    174. *************************************************************/
    175. 'ChangeMDP' => 'Şifreni değiştir' ,
    176. 'ChangeMail' => 'Email adresini değiştir' ,
    177. 'TransfereAccount' => 'Bu email adresini farklı bir ogame hesabına naklet' ,
    178. 'RegisterMail' => 'Ogame hesabında kullanmış olduğun mail adresin',
    179. 'RegisterMDP' => 'Hesabının şifresi',
    180. 'Email' => 'Mail Adresi',
    181. 'CurrentEmail' => 'Güncel Mail Adresin' ,
    182. 'NewEmail' => 'Yeni Mail Adresin' ,
    183. 'Pass' => 'Şifre' ,
    184. 'CurrentPass' => 'Güncel Şifren' ,
    185. 'NewPass' => 'Yeni Şifren' ,
    186. 'succeedMail' => 'Mail adresin başarıyla değiştirilmiştir.' ,
    187. 'succeedMDP' => 'Şifre başarıyla değiştirilmiştir.' ,
    188. 'FailMail' => 'Geçersiz mail adresi',
    189. 'ExsistingAccount' => 'Bu mail adresine ait bir hesap zaten mevcut. <br/><br/>
    190. Eğer savaş raporlarını yeni mail adresine istiyorsanız, Script'in mail adresini ve şifresini değiştiriniz. <br/><br/>
    191. Bu işlemden sonra eğer 2 farklı mail adreslerindeki savaş raporlarının birleştirilmesini istiyorsanız , benimle iletişime geçin vulca :',
    192. 'succeedCo' => 'Bağlantı için başarılı ' ,
    193. 'WrongPass' => 'Şifre yanlış' ,
    194. 'NickPlayer' => 'Oyuncu Kullanıcı Adı' ,
    195. 'WrongLink' => 'Şifre değiştirmek için kullanılan link zaman aşımına uğramıştır.' ,
    196. 'lostPass' => 'Şifreni mi unuttun?',
    197. 'mailToChangemdp' => "Şifrenizi değiştirmek için mail gönderildi",
    198. 'sujetMailToChangemdp' => "TopRaider Şifre Değiştirme Talebi",
    199. 'contentMailToChangemdp' => "Merhaba
    200. TopRaider Şifrenizi değiştirmek için bir talepte bulundunuz.
    201. Linki tıklayarak değişikliği yapabilirsiniz: ",
    202. /* *********************************************************
    203. ******************* Portal Sayfası*************************
    204. *************************************************************/
    205. 'welcome' => 'Merhabalar TopRaider'e Hoşgeldiniz.',
    206. 'home' => "Top Raider ogame'de yaptığınız savaşları derleyerek sizlere toplam kar istatistiğinizi düzenli bir şekilde vermekte ve bunları takip etmeye olanak sağlamaktadır. <br/>
    207. Kolay kullanımı ile hiç zaman kaybetmeden detaylı istatistik bilgilerinize ulaşabilirsiniz.
    208. </p>
    209. <ul><li>
    210. Kolay kullanım </li><li>
    211. Bilgilendirici Grafikler </li><li>
    212. İttifak İstatistikleri </li><li>
    213. Genel/Küresel İstatistikler </li>
    214. </ul>",
    215. 'homestart' => "Kullanması çok kolay! Öncelikle sizin için hazırladığımız başlangıç kılavuzumuzu okuyun ve zaman kaybetmeden kullanmaya başlayın.",
    216. /* *********************************************************
    217. ******************* S.S.S Sayfası******************************
    218. *************************************************************/
    219. /* Karşılaşacağınız Sorunlar Nelerdir < ve > */'Sıkça Sorulan Sorular İçeriğinden bakabilirsiniz.' => " <h2>
    220. 1) Script Nasıl Yüklenir? </h2><br/>
    221. - With <a href=''>
    222. Google Chrome </a><br/>
    223. * Google Chome'un en güncel sürümünü kullanıp kullanmadığınızı kontrol edin. <br/>
    224. * Öncelikle Scriptleri çalıştırmak için bu eklentiyi indirmelisiniz; <a href=''>
    225. TamperMonkey </a>
    226. Zaten yüklediyseniz güncel olup olmadığını kontrol etmeniz yeterli olacaktır. <br/>
    227. * Buraya tıklayarak script'i indirebilirsiniz <a href=''>
    228. TopRaider Script Eklentisi </a>. <br/>
    229. <br/><br/>
    230. - With <a href=''>
    231. Firefox </a><br/>
    232. * Firefox'un en güncel sürümünü kullanıp kullanmadığınızı kontrol edin. <br/>
    233. * Öncelikle Scriptleri çalıştırmak için bu eklentiyi indirmelisiniz; <a href=''>
    234. GreaseMonkey </a>
    235. Zaten yüklediyseniz güncel olup olmadığını kontrol etmeniz yeterli olacaktır. <br/>
    236. * Buraya tıklayarak script'i indirebilirsiniz <a href=''>
    237. TopRaider Script Eklentisi </a>. <br/>
    238. <br/><br/>
    239. <h2>2)
    240. TopRaider sayfasını nasıl kullanacaksınız? </h2><br/>
    241. Yukarıdaki adımları izleyerek script'i kullanmış olduğunuz tarayıcıya aktarın. <br/>
    242. Bir savaş raporu açın. Siteye kaydolduğunuz mail adresiniz ve şifresiz sizden istenecektir. <br/>
    243. Mail adresiniz ve şifrenizle giriş yapın, savaş raporunuzu açtıktan sonra raporunuz script yardımıyla otomatik olarak siteye aktarılacaktır.<br/>",
    244. /* *********************************************************
    245. ******************* Mesajlar ******************************
    246. *************************************************************/
    247. 'Warning' => 'Dikkat eğer bir değişiklik yaparsanız : <br/>
    248. Kayıtlı mail ve şifrenizi tüm ogame hesaplarınızda değiştirmeniz gerekecektir. </br>
    249. (Savaş raporunu açıp "RC gönder" e tıkladığınızda)' ,
    250. 'AlliNonConfirme' => 'İttifak'ınız onaylanmamıştır. <br/>
    251. Eğer bu ittifakta yeniyseniz sayfaya girebilmek için bir sonraki Salı ya kadar beklemeniz gerekmektedir.',
    252. "tooOld" => "Çok eski",
    253. /* *********************************************************
    254. ******************* İmza******************************
    255. *************************************************************/
    256. 'CoulText' => 'Metin rengi ekleyin (Kırmızı/Yeşil/Mavi)' ,
    257. 'CoulFond' => 'Arkaplan rengi ekleyin (Kırmızı/Yeşil/Mavi)' ,
    258. 'GetUrl' => "Arkaplan bağlantı linki ekleyiniz (.jpg or .png)",
    259. 'Since' => 'Den beri ',
    260. );
    261. /* *********************************************************
    262. ******************* Savaş Raporu Dönüştürücü ***************************
    263. *************************************************************/
    264. $shipsName = array();
    265. $shipsName[202]="Küçük Nakliye";
    266. $shipsName[203]="Büyük Nakliye";
    267. $shipsName[204]="Hafif Avcı";
    268. $shipsName[205]="Ağır Avcı";
    269. $shipsName[206]="Kruvazör";
    270. $shipsName[207]="Komuta Gemisi";
    271. $shipsName[208]="Koloni Gemisi";
    272. $shipsName[209]="Geri Dönüşümcü";
    273. $shipsName[210]="Casus Sondası";
    274. $shipsName[211]="Bombardıman Gemisi";
    275. $shipsName[212]="Solar Uydu";
    276. $shipsName[213]="Muhrip";
    277. $shipsName[214]="Ölüm Yıldızı";
    278. $shipsName[215]="Firkateyn";
    279. $shipsName[216]="Kruvazör";
    280. $shipsName[401]="Roketatar";
    281. $shipsName[402]="Hafif Lazer";
    282. $shipsName[403]="Ağır Lazer";
    283. $shipsName[404]="Gaus Topu";
    284. $shipsName[405]="Iyon Topu";
    285. $shipsName[406]="Plazma Atıcı";
    286. $shipsName[407]="Küçük Kalkan Kubbesi";
    287. $shipsName[408]="Büyük Kalkan Kubbesi";
    288. $txtConv = array(
    289. "TRcrConv" => "TopRaider Savaş Raporu Dönüştürücüsü V6",
    290. "NoAPIkey" => "<== Savaş Raporunuzu dönüştürmek için API Kodunu Girin <br/>
    291. (example : cr-en-671-efab9565e510aa6f48049d3ebdc7d46d6f5c01f6)",
    292. "rccode" => "Savaş Raporu Anahtar Kodu",
    293. "lootcode" => "Savaş Raporu Yağma Anahtar Kodu",
    294. "recycode" => "Geri Dönüşümcü Raporu Anahtar Kodu",
    295. "im" => "Ben",
    296. "attacker"=> "Saldıran",
    297. "defender"=> "Savunan",
    298. "metrec" => "Metal Toplandı: ",
    299. "crirec" => "Kristal Toplandı: ",
    300. "combu" => "Yanmalı Motor: ",
    301. "impu" => "İmpuls Motor Takımı: ",
    302. "propu" => "Hiperuzay İticisi: ",
    303. "vitesse"=> "Hız: ",
    304. "skinChange"=> "Arayüz/Skin değiştir",
    305. "nombre"=> "Numaralar",
    306. "skinname"=> "Arayüzünün İsmi",
    307. "Autor"=> "Yazar",
    308. "Lang"=> "Dil",
    309. "private"=> "Özel Arayüz" ,
    310. "table"=> "Tabloları kullanmayın",
    311. "conso" => "Tahmini Tüketim",
    312. "recyclage"=> "[recy] Geri Dönüşümcü [metal] metal ve [crystal] kristal [user] topladı.",
    313. );
    314. "recyclage"=> "[recy] Geri Dönüşümcü [metal] metal ve [crystal] kristal [user] topladı.",
    315. "dateRc" => '[date] tarihinde karşı karşıya gelmişlerdir: ',
    316. "attWin" => "Savaşı saldıran taraf kazandı! Ele geçiriyor:",
    317. "pillage" => "[metal] metal, [crystal] kristal ve [deut] deuterium",
    318. "pillage2" => "[att] ele geçiriyor [metal] metal, [crystal] kristal ve[deut] deuterium",
    319. "draw" => "Savaş berabere bitti !",
    320. "defWin" => "Savaşı savunan taraf kazandı!",
    321. "resultatA" => "Saldıran taraf toplam [attLoss] ünite kaybetti.",
    322. "resultatD" => "Savunan taraf toplam [defLoss] ünite kaybetti.",
    323. "debris" => "Şu an bu alan kordinatlarında [metal] metal ve [crystal] kristal bulunuyor.",
    324. "detruit" => "yok edildi.",
    325. "BeneficeA" => "Saldıranın Kârı : ",
    326. "benefDetail" => "Metal : [metal] | Kristal: [crystal] | Deut : [deut]",
    327. "BeneficeD" => "Savunanın Zararı : ",
    328. "conso" => "Tahmini [deut] deuterium tüketimi:",
    329. "attacker"=> "Saldıran",
    330. "defender"=> "Savunan",
    331. ?>
    Display All
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  • Here is the few now translations to make :

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    Source Code

    1. 'tooOld'=> "CR's too Old",
    2. 'Tools'=> "Tools v6",
    3. 'Simulator'=> "Combat Simulators",
    4. 'Scripts'=> "Scripts",
    5. 'someScript'=> "Some of my script for the V6:",
    6. 'needGM'=> "GreaseMonkey (firefox) or TamperMonkey (chrome and other browers) have to be installed before installing scripts",
    7. 'Installation'=> "Installation",
    8. 'Description'=> "Description",
    9. 'public'=> "Public skin",
    10. 'BBcode'=> "BBcode",
    11. 'Background'=> "Background",
    12. 'Dark'=> "Dark",
    13. 'Light'=> "Light",
    14. 'ecoSpeed' => 'use economy speed',
    15. 'eco' => 'economy',
    16. 'fleet' => 'fleet',
    Display All

    Thanks :)

    ** OgameTech **
  • IT

    Source Code

    1. 'tooOld'=> "CR troppo vecchio",
    2. 'Tools'=> "Tools v6",
    3. 'Simulator'=> "Simulatori Battaglie",
    4. 'Scripts'=> "Scripts",
    5. 'someScript'=> "Alcuni dei miei scripts per la V6:",
    6. 'needGM'=> "GreaseMonkey (firefox) o TamperMonkey (chrome e altri browsers) devono essere installati prima di installare gli script",
    7. 'Installation'=> "Installazione",
    8. 'Description'=> "Descrizione",
    9. 'public'=> "Skin Pubblica",
    10. 'BBcode'=> "BBcode",
    11. 'Background'=> "Sfondo",
    12. 'Dark'=> "Scuro",
    13. 'Light'=> "Chiaro",
    Display All

    Here's the italian translation! ;)
  • Spanish Translation

    Source Code

    1. 'tooOld'=> "El CR es demasiado antiguo",
    2. 'Tools'=> "Herramientas v6",
    3. 'Simulator'=> "Simuladores de Combate",
    4. 'Scripts'=> "Scripts",
    5. 'someScript'=> "Algo acerca de mi script de la v6:",
    6. 'needGM'=> "GreaseMonkey (firefox) o TamperMonkey (chrome y otros navegadores) debes ser instalados antes de instalar los script",
    7. 'Installation'=> "Instalación",
    8. 'Description'=> "Descripción",
    9. 'public'=> "Skin público",
    10. 'BBcode'=> "BBcode",
    11. 'Background'=> "Fondo",
    12. 'Dark'=> "Oscuro",
    13. 'Light'=> "Claro",
    Display All & SGO
    Origin Supporter

  • TR

    'tooOld'=> "Savaş Raporu çok eski",
    'Tools'=> "V6 Araçları",
    'Simulator'=> "Savaş Simülatörleri",

    'Scripts'=> "Scriptler",
    'someScript'=> "V6 için bazı scriptler:",
    'needGM'=> "GreaseMonkey (firefox) veya TamperMonkey (chome ve diğer tarayıcılar) script yüklemeden önce yüklenmesi gerekmektedir",
    'Installation'=> "Kurulum",
    'Description'=> "Açıklama",

    'public'=> "Herkese açık skin",
    'BBcode'=> "BBcode",
    'Background'=> "Arkaplan",
    'Dark'=> "Karanlık",
    'Light'=> "Aydınlık",

    'ecoSpeed' => 'Ekonomi hızını kullan',
    'eco' => 'Ekonomi',
    'fleet' => 'Filo',
    GameForge - OGame Origin Supporter

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  • Croatian
    Display Spoiler

    Source Code

    1. 'tooOld'=> "IoB je prestar",
    2. 'Tools'=> "Tools v6",
    3. 'Simulator'=> "Simulator borbe",
    4. 'Scripts'=> "Skripte",
    5. 'someScript'=> "Moje skripte za V6:",
    6. 'needGM'=> "GreaseMonkey (firefox) ili TamperMonkey (chrome i drugi pretraživači ) moraju biti instalirani prije instalacije skripti",
    7. 'Installation'=> "Instalacija",
    8. 'Description'=> "Opis",
    9. 'public'=> "Javni izgled",
    10. 'BBcode'=> "BBcode",
    11. 'Background'=> "Pozadina",
    12. 'Dark'=> "Tamno",
    13. 'Light'=> "Svijetlo",
    14. 'ecoSpeed' => 'brzina ekonomije',
    15. 'eco' => 'ekonomija',
    16. 'fleet' => 'flota',
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