OGame death match

  • OGame death match

    Dear players,

    OGame is a war game and the main attraction of this game is the strong emotion everybody feels in the days/ hours of preparation before a hit, the warm sensation when flying with friends towards an uncertain success and the thrilling impatience in the last minutes before your attacking fleet reaches its destination. No one can ever forget the emotion when escaping in the last seconds before the enemy fleet hits. And there is no greater satisfaction when the attacking fleet is destroyed by yours ingenious ninja.
    Ogame Origin team is proposing to experience these emotions through a contest. Show your skill and step into the Origin Death Match and let the best be the winners.

    Description of the contest
    In the dedicated section of the forum you can register your intention to participate and select the alliance. Alliance configuration will be settled in that thread.

    Three , up to six alliances will fight in a deadly war in universe ………..
    The alliances will be: Red, Blue, Green , Yellow Orange and Purple .
    Each alliance will have at least two and maximum 5 members. These alliances will fight only between them, without interacting with resident players in Universe ……………( no trades, no attacks, even on inactives). Resident players have no restrictions on this ( they can attack contest participants if they can – is like a swimming contest in a piranha lake )

    The winners

    At the end of the contest the winner alliance will be decided by comparing the total military destroyed points cumulated for the entire alliance.

    One player will receive a special prize for the best combat report story, decided by the votes of origin board members

    How it works

    Stage 1
    Contest organization, registration to the contest, alliance building in forum.

    Stage 2
    Participants are registering in the same day to contest universe, having the name of the alliance before their name ( for example : Red John, Blue Pirate, Green Avenger, Purple Ellaine345 etc ). Each participant will join the desired alliance ( as registered on forum) . After registration they’ll build something on account and join the selected alliance and after that they'll place vacation mode allowing the Gameforge staff to configure their accounts .

    Stage 3
    Each account will receive buildings, technologies and ships in value of ………points. The configuration will be the same for all accounts

    Stage 4
    Particpants start building accounts during 2 weeks without any attacks. Make colonies in galaxy ……….only , destroy the homeworld if they consider necessary.

    At the end of this period a new bunch of resources will be added to all accounts

    Stage 5

    Next 2 weeks: Death match begins: alliances are to attack each other and the one having the biggest score in military destroyed will be the winner of the contest .
    Each member of the winning alliance will receive a prize consisting in a special rank on origin forum and announcement of the tournament result will be posted in relevant communities

    The author of the best combat report will also receive a special rank in Origin board


    - All accounts are made in the first days of the contest- stage 2
    - Participants are not allowed to interact in any way with the other players in universe not participating to this contest.
    - The war will last 2 weeks
    - No bashing rule, no pushing rule,
    - No use of proxy , no sharing or multi allowed, insults will result in ban .
    - Alliances can't have more than 5 members, participants can change alliance only when they can change name but without being the 6th member.
    - Alliance with 1 player can't take the prize, the next one in ranking will be selected.
    - Participants attacking or making trades with other players (active or inactive ) not in contest will be removed from the contest ( account banned)
    -No contest if less than 10 players at start , no prize if less than 5 active participants at the end
    -No more than 40 participants at start
    -In order to receive the prize a player (member in the winner alliance) has to be active at the end of the contest
    -After the contest the accounts will be set to delete or banned not to disturb the balance of the universe

    you can discuss it here