Hyperspace technology as expedition research

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    • Hyperspace technology as expedition research

      Hello dear readers,

      My idea is to use from now on the hyperspace technology as decider how many expeditions fleets you can send. This because hyperspace technology is an dead end technology which is weak in my opinion. This also means that the astrofysics research from now on only decides how many colonies a player may have. I want to change that research too but will explain it in another thread.

      My idea about the hyperspace technology is actually the same as it was with the astrofysics. So with level 1 you could do 1 expedition, with level 4 you can do 2 expeditions and with level 9, 3 expeditions. 16 Makes 4 and 25 makes 5.

      I choose the hyperspace technology because it isn't only useable for the hyperspace drive. (Plasma technology is also useable for the metal- and crystal mine). In the deep space from slot 15 your expedition members will be confronted with wormholes and black holes, sufficient knowledge of the hyperspace to escape from them is crucial!

      The advantage is that this research isn't a dead end anymore and it makes it possible for me to change the astrofysics research as I said in another thread :D

      Change astrofysics a bit

      Please give constructive feedback so we could maybe improve the idea... :)
    • aliendestroyer wrote:

      I'm sorry but I mean the hyperspace technology and not the hyperspace drive.
      And you can't send more expeditions as now, because level 16 (4 expeditions) is reachable, but level 25 (5 expeditions) hyperspace technology would be very very very hard.

      You'll actually make it impossible for the vast majority (costs of >67 billion crystal and >33 billion deut). Astro 25 is also expensive but not impossible.
      I have to agree that OGame is an "endless" game and researches without use in higher levels could be considered a weakness. But one has to be careful, not to add function to them without having the consequences in mind.
    • Well, the amount of expeditions is now decided by the astrofysics technology. I took it away from there and place it under this research so it makes sense to research it further then level 8.

      I changed the astrofysics too which you can read in this topic: Change astrofysics a bit
      You'll actually make it impossible for the vast majority (costs of >67 billion crystal and >33 billion deut). Astro 25 is also expensive but not impossible.I have to agree that OGame is an "endless" game and researches without use in higher levels could be considered a weakness. But one has to be careful, not to add function to them without having the consequences in mind.

      That's true. Level 16 astrofysics (4 expeditions) is: 17.686.000 metal, 35.372.000 crystal and 17.686.000 deuterium. However level 17 (which you always want to get if you have level 16 for the 9th colony) is 30.950.600 metal, 61.901.200 crystal and 30,950.600 deuterium. This level 17 is almost the same in costs as level 16 of hyperspace technology.

      When we talk about 5 expeditions you're absolutely true. In my idea only a very few players in speeduni's have the chance to reach it if they want to.
    • Ok, so I have Astro 25 in .de Electra (4x Speed). That was hard enough to accomplish within 5 years of playing and took me beyond 200 M points total. How many players worldwide have reached this level? You really want us to waste another payload of resources besides Astro for this? More than 200 M points in research only, wasted just for a lousy 5th expo slot?

      You would have to spend roughly twice as much than today just to gain 4 slots and 11 planets? So you would have around 30-40 % of your total points in resarch? Astro alone slowed down the early play more than enough already. No fun here.

      Hyperspace Tech doesn't need more sense. The nonsense with ion technology and reduction of deconstruction costs was bad enough. This is infinitly worse.

    • kfg wrote:

      Ok, so I have Astro 25 in .de Electra (4x Speed). That was hard enough to accomplish within 5 years of playing and took me beyond 200 M points total. How many players worldwide have reached this level? You really want us to waste another payload of resources besides Astro for this? More than 200 M points in research only, wasted just for a lousy 5th expo slot?

      You would have to spend roughly twice as much than today just to gain 4 slots and 11 planets? So you would have around 30-40 % of your total points in resarch? Astro alone slowed down the early play more than enough already. No fun here.

      Hyperspace Tech doesn't need more sense. The nonsense with ion technology and reduction of deconstruction costs was bad enough. This is infinitly worse.

      Okay, that's clear. Thanks for the feedback. The main thing of the idea is to use hyperspace tech. We could of course change the levels you need to get a next expedition slot, no problem.Do you have a proposal?
    • I don't like this suggestion. :wbb:

      Why to make it so complicated? So if i want to do one expidition i must upgrate hyperspace tech to lvl 1 and i don't need Astrophysics?

      aliendestroyer wrote:

      My idea about the hyperspace technology is actually the same as it was with the astrofysics. So with level 1 you could do 1 expedition, with level 4 you can do 2 expeditions and with level 9, 3 expeditions. 16 Makes 4 and 25 makes 5.
      Do you know that hyperspace tech is costing more than double than Astrophysics? And to pay soo much resources just to do few expiditions, hmm.

      If you want to make 4 expiditions you will need
      • Crystal = 131.072.000
      • Deuterium =65.536.000

      And now without your change it is :
      • Metal = 17.686.044
      • Crystal = 35.372.089
      • Deuterium = 17.686.044

      It is more balanced now.
      Also if we do that we should reduce price of Astrophysics, because it will lose one function. Astrophysics will be only used for colonizing new planets.

      As i said i don't like this suggestion, i don't think that we need to do this change, but that is only my opinion.

      Valent wrote:

      Of course, we all would like to be able to send more expeditions but enabling it only to higher ranked players will induce a much larger advantage over the smaller accounts, with less developed technologies.
      I totaly agree with Valent.

      Valent wrote:

      but then what will be the use ? what is be benefice ?
      And i would also like to know what will be benefice?
    • What I want to reach with this idea is to make the game even more strategic as it now is. Now a player doesn't have the choice where to invest in. For more colonies and more expeditions they have to invest in astrofysics. With this idea they must choose between astrofysics and hyperspace technology. Another benefit is that hyperspace technology isn't a dead end anymore. This is the main goal of the idea.

      We can discuss about the levels needed.

      To do 1 expedition you just need level 1 of hyperspace technology, astrofysics isn't needed anymore.

      Maybe is the following an option:

      Level 1: 1 expedition
      Level 3: 2 expeditions
      Level 6: 3 expeditions
      Level 10: 4 expeditions
      Level 15: 5 expeditions
      Level 21: 6 expeditions
      Level 28: 7 expeditions

      So +1, +2, +3, +4... as you can see. The levels aren't the big point for me. If someone else has a better idea as listed above, it isn't a problem for me. It's all about the first 3 sentences of this post :)
    • On the one hand hyperspace tech level >8 isn't useless anymore, but on the other hand
      - you add yet another research that needs a lot of crystal
      - you force people to have a lot of points in research (see kfg's example)
      - astrophysics loses a function - and there are people who spent a lot of time and resources in astro 25 (even though the 5th expo slot isn't the only advantage of course)

      Imho unless there is a very fitting and senseful idea for the researches, that stop to generate advantages after a certain level, one can live with these.
    • However, maybe a very last try.

      I readed this post from weteha for special universes:
      And please really post things you would like or wanna have, do not think about any possible limitations.

      Also for example:
      - changed formula for researches
      - higher res income
      - just fleets a bit faster, but nothing else
      - ...

      Maybe I could take one disadvantage away bringed in by pat and an idea for weteha to change the formula for the hyperspace tech. A simple thought of me is too change the crystal costs in metal costs. So level 1 cost now 4.000 metal and 2.000 deuterium. It would be a unique research because it's the only research which costs only metal and deuterium and where the metal costs are higher as the deuterium costs.

      Especially for weteha when players suggest that too many researches cost crystal we could change this one to balance the game a bit more.