Calendar Seasons + Terraformer Bonus affects the Planet's Natural Temperature

    • Resources and Facilities

    • Calendar Seasons + Terraformer Bonus affects the Planet's Natural Temperature

      Why not we make the planets little more interesting if it's possible to influence their temperature that offers a small bonus for the energy/deuterium production with an all-year time event based on the calendar seasons?

      Make the Spring/Summer seasons warming the planet up so it can help produces more energy available for the Solar building and Solar Sats and that Autumn/Winter seasons cooling the planet down so it can help produces more deuteriums for the deuterium mine production and Fusion Reactor.

      Spring (March-May): Increase the planet's natural temperature by 5-10°C
      Summer (June-August): Increase the planet's natural temperature by 15-20°C
      Autumn (September-November): Decrease the planet's natural temperature by 5-10°C
      Winter(December-February): Decrease the planet's natural temperature by 15-20°C

      Why not we also includes Terraformer in this and make a new bonus similar to Plasma Technology's Mine production bonus with 1% increase by per construction level towards the temperature and add a new option in the Resource Setting for warm or cool the temperature to affect the energy/deuterium production?