Espionage tab not loading

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    • Espionage tab not loading

      Since today I cannot see any messages anymore when selecting the espionage tab under fleet messages.
      When the tab is selected when fleets messages is opened it just shows nothing.
      When selecting the tab after another tab the loading "circle" is shown forever.
      The other tabs like combat reports, Expeditions or Unions work correctly.

      I have tried it with Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.
      And even on my mobile it's the same.
    • I just was spied out. now the messaged are shown normal again.

      EDIT: After deleting some messages to see the older ones (have 4 unread indicated, but not shown) it happened again.
      so it looks like one messages is actually causing the issue.
      After spying around the messages show up again
    • @embii:

      How many spy reports do you have ?

      That is your limit of displayed messages ( the one from your options ) ?

      The problem is already reported but would be interesting to have more details of how it happens: Problem with message counter and display of unread message ( from )
    • @Valent:
      The Amount of Spy-Reports I have might be around 10, maybe around 4 when the issue occurred first.
      The amount of messages about spy actions I'm not sure at all.
      I still have 4 messages unread (would probably be on page 2, if i could change display pages).

      In the options i have set to display 10 messages per page.
      I haven't done much spying myself before the issue came up.

      If I see any additional findings I'll let you know.

      EDIT: Just tested the display setting: as soon as I set it to 25 or 50 messages per page the issue occurs
      still looks to me like as soon as one special message had to be displayed the whole "tab page" fails to load.

      EDIT2: I have deleted the oldest message one by one until the issue occurred. Then I could restore it from trash, and the messages got displayed again.
      I do expect the next message would be another spy action message.
    • Tried to get my messages from RSS Feed, to check if I see anything special to the messages, around the time the issue occured.
      But the RSS feed shows me an error "Page not Found" :(
      Checked the URL from the settings twice.
      Maybe the original source of the error is the same.
    • Yes, I ecxpected that acually, as I think the issue has the same root cause.

      The feed did work last week for sure, I've checked that out already.
      But since the issue first occured I only checked it today.

      btw. I did check if the issue still occurs at all. And if I set the display messages to 50 it still happens (not with 25 anymore, so I probaly have at leas 25 newer messages than the "problematic" on2)