change the noob protection

    • Usability

    • change the noob protection been suggested a lot of times but i havent seen the suggestion i wanna make noob protection is bad..really bad for small players starting in an old universe
      new unis are kinda okey with the 5:1 ratio cuz there are ppl who probe/attack them
      even before they hit 500k mark and lose the protection

      but in old unis when there is left not so many players
      its always good to see someone new joining
      but with the protection the way it is..players quit way too easy

      most of the new guys rush into building fleet without knowing the basics
      so while protection ended on 5k points..they couldnt have much fleet
      so even if they lost some its not much..they can eaisly rebuilt it
      and most of top 200 players will spare few milions of ress to help them
      even the ones who smash em in the first place

      but the problem with new noob protection is that players lose a lot
      ive seen at least dozen of those who exit noob protection..lose
      their fleet which is usally 70 % and then perma vmode or just quit
      the thing is that they dont expect for it to happen
      and there comes a brute force since ratio doesnt matter
      so they dont bother rebuilding cuz it would take them months
      thats how ogame loses players

      so my suggestion is a small change of this noob protection
      at least for old unis

      instead of having [n] till you reach 500k
      you have [n] till you reach 50k
      its better than 5k..but not as drastic as 500k
      so when they reach 50k..stronger players will start probing them
      even if they get smashed they dont lose 'as much' as theyd lose with 500k [n]
      so by the time they reach 500k they will learn a thing or two about fleetsaving
      and meeting fleetsaves so it will help them

      this might seem like a bad thing for those bellow 500k
      but the only thing i can think of is increasing fleet retreat
      only for those bellow 500k in older unis

      well..thats it i think

    • Totaly agree ...
      In "old" (few month) universes, you are completly safe within the noob protection.
      Then almost nobody fleet-save, because that's useless. And the day they have 500k points, they lose all their fleet.

      I crashed many of them, and I have to do it very quickly because they never stand more than 24h beyond 500k points (exept the very few that know hof to play)
      And they never stay ingame after that. They had a big loss, and they think they will never be able to do anything to avoid being attacked by top fleeters.

      At least with the 5k points protection, you learned how to avoid big fleet very quickly.

      Additionnel step in the ingame starting tutorial about how to fleet-save could be useful too.

      ** OgameTech **
    • I completely agree with the above arguments.

      This game is highly aggressive and this used to be the source of its popularity . New joining players need to get accustomed as early as possible with the war way of Ogame. What i can suggest is to make the possible damage less painful and the reconstruction more accessible , maybe allow new players to build combat fleet only after reaching some goals or when they are part of an alliance that can guide/ support them in case of attack.
    • - Many "noob" already have alliance with other noobs, but if nobody fleetsave in because that's useless below 500k points ...
      And you cannot forbid to build fleet before being in an alliance with strong player
      - Adding goal to learn how to keep a fleet alive is very good idea. But if the player don't feel the need to fleetsave, he will quickly stop that. Then it won't be efficient if the noob protection is still active

      the reconstruction more accessible

      Make me think about that :

      For example, they can have a "full" protection until 5.000 points. And no protection after 5.000 points, BUT :
      For 5.000 points to 50.000, the destroyed fleet is repaired at 70% (like defense, but when the guy come back in his account)
      For 50.000 to 250.000, the fleet is repaired at 50%
      For 250.000 to 500.000, the fleet is repaired at 30%
      No more repairing after 500.000 points.

      But reparations should not works at the start of the universe. Should be activated later

      ** OgameTech **
    • i dont think it really matters if noob protection goes until 5 50 or 500k as long as there is no tutorial teaching beginners how to save.
      i can confirm tho that a alot of players reaching the 500k don't have them for too long. and i bet its WAY more frustrating to lose real big one time as it is to lose little several times since you are able to rebuild real quick.