Pinned Changelog 6.X.X

  • Changelog 6.X.X

    OGame 6.0.0-alpha13

    • All Ships have now an virtual storage for the needed deut they
      need to get to target. The storage has the same capacity as the normal
    • CR: destroyed solsats are snown as solar plant
    • Missing message if you lost noobprotection
    • Spy report - detailed resources display is missing
    • ACS: Impossible to send attack - Error message
    • Missing "sign" / "Mark" after getting new player message
    • Spy report: missing rights after getting enemy spy
    • HTML and BB code in messages
    • Unread message status is now visible in message stream
    • chatBar blocks all action buttons
    • Oversized Message Preview
    • trade max ressources with merchant , too restrictive
    • Message -- ToolTipText
    • Problem with bbcodes in chat
    • Delete buddy > no refresh
    • Detail combat report missing functionalities and css issues
    • Trade buddy premium points doesn´t work
    • in option menu Battle round 1
    • Deut consumption in galaxy view removed (switching systems and or galaxies)
    • Admiral owner can choose resource priority for plundering (fleet 3)
    • Spy moon from galaxy view without commander
    • Start recycle mission from galaxy view without commander
    • Negative fire power in the combat report
    • Buddy-Premiumpoints no action for trading them
    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • OGame 6.0.0-alpha14

    • Errormessage - Changing search tabs
    • Display error: Intergalactic Research Network, too long
    • Setting for disable the pics in the new spy report
    • Moon Icon is missing in all messagetypes
    • Alliance application message not readable/visible in messagestream
    • Favourite of messages not functional
    • trade max ressources with merchant , too restrictive
    • Error - Messages without acc validation
    • Circular message impossible
    • Missing tooltips at messages
    • Message -- Favorites
    • Problem with Buddy request and BBCode
    • some information are displayed twice
    • Buddy Request: After requesting a buddy, the overlay loads the whole page
    • Delete Buddy without automated update of the list
    • Errormessage at alliance circullar message from alliance menu
    • Buddy Premium Points -> open window bug
    • Chat messages not direct received of target player
    • Ongoing load after sending buddyrequest
    • Remove of Dens and optimize storages
    • Oversized Message Preview
    • Add to favorites can only store 20 messages.
    • Buddyrequest - Reject - subject
    • Older Messages are not loaded after deleting newer ones
    • Message -- ToolTipText
    • Message "Hint" at Planetchange
    • Missing correct Error display
    • Favourite warning hard coded and not correct formulated
    • Exceeding character limitation - Missing Error Message
    • Commander -> Wrong Description

    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • OGame 6.0.0-alpha15

    • Techtree: Battleship shown instead of Solar Satellite
    • no moon icon & no coordinates in spy report (own)
    • Fleetmission - Recycle, possible to select expeditiontime + missplaced DF Icons
    • Galaxy: Playertooltip - Writing message Icon is shown instead of text
    • Storage protection of day mine production remove for inactive players
    • Resource settings - css error
    • Alliance: Missing Editor at apply section
    • Admiral owner can set priority for plundering - added new fill in round to handle worst case szenario
    • "EH Lag" after expeditions - finally fixed (hopefully)
    • Setting for disable the pics in the new spy report (same ship was shown for all)
    • Default pictures in reports to 'on'and changed the setting
    • Fix for Registration process
    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • OGame 6.0.0-alpha16

    • You get combat report if fleet is destroyed in first round
    • When The interplanetary missile hit planet, no message is received
    • Messagestream - deleted messages appear again
    • Combat Report and Spy Report not correct shown after planet or moon disappear (deleted or destroyed)
    • All messages deleteable now (except private messages) - Trash for them still missing
    • Broken Attack links in Spy reports and Combat Reports
    • OGame API in Combat reports included
    • Storage + Mines: Techinfo now contains the protection value and level
    • spy report missing some functionalities (parts)
      • Fixed: spy report missing the attack button
      • Fixed: the last two small icons near the favorite star are not working
      • Fixed: unknown functionality of the two icons in the right top of report
      • Fixed: missing delete option in open espionage report

    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • OGame 6.0.0-alpha18

    • Spy Report - Fix of some problems
      • Moon Icon is missing at the Coordinates
      • Resourcedisplay is not well shown in short view
      • Show player name and honor rank
      • Show player status (inactive, vacation, etc).
      • Fields resized to make spy reports prettier

    • Added sharing popup do multiple message buttons (Combatreport, Spyreport)
    • Fixed Message Pagination in Detail views
    • Removed dummy Editor in detailed spy report for time being
    • Spy Report: Renamed short version of "Intergalactic Research Network" to "Research Network"
    • Added missing error message to try again when Alliance invite request text is empty. (Loca was missing)
    • Battle report - scripture overlaps

    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • OGame 6.0.0-alpha19

    • Performance Updates
    • Fix Bug in Payment delivery
    • Dynamic HTTPS/SSL detection and persistance
    • Operating System and Infrastructure Upgrades
    • SSL Upgrade for Game
    • SSL Upgrade for NodeJS
    • Switch over to new combat binary. (Game mechanics identical) - better performance

    Additional Notes:

    • HTTPS/SSL needs to be enabled by manually switching to https in your browser *after* you login. Bugs and unwanted Browser messages are to be expected. Once updates on our start pages and updates from other teams are introduced as well, you will be able to fully use SSL encryptio throughout the entire game. Please refrain from reporting bugs on this topic for now as we are aware of them at this point. We will inform you once we have the obvious bugs fixed.
    • Combat binary: No gameplay changes, we have recompiled the code for performance reasons and added features for internal debugging.
    • Browsers may show warnings when using SSL and not having a commander. This is a *bug* that will remain until the Netbar has been updated to support SSL as well.

    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • OGame 6.0.0-alpha20

    • Fixed Pagination in Search overlay
    • Fixed Message pagination
    • New message on Mobile View
    • Fix for slow message loading
    • Round Tech percentages in Combat Reports
    • SSL Fixes on Netbar and CDN
    • Performance updates
    • New Scrollbar Library
    • Installed Jacuzzis on Death Stars
    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • OGame 6.0.0-alpha21

    • [Polishing] Nicer pagination
    • [Bugs] Mass mark as deleted working
    • [Bugs] Fix mass undelete
    • [Bugs] Fix for perma deleting messages
    • [Bugs] Fix for IgnoreList
    • [Polishing] Reversed the polarity of the Neutron flow. This increases the amount of bubbles created in whirlpools.
    • [Bugs] Fix spy reports, changed Spy Report Detail Message if no details available for user in Detail view.
    • [Bugs] Text: Spy report - detailed resources display
    • [Bugs] Fix for scrollbars in detailed combat report
    For the perma deleting message part it´s needed to make a clear of all messages on bermuda, which will remove also bugged messages from previous alpha versions and so we also can check if something goes wrong during the procedure to prevent such errors on live servers. If you find out any problem after the delete procedure just report it to us :)


    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • OGame 6.0.0-alpha22
    • [Bugs] Remove ship count in spy report (short version) if spy tech not strong enough
    • [Bugs] Fix for Planet 0 in colonisation return messages
    • [Bugs] Fix Combat report details layouts
    • [Bugs] Message Pagination: Too many requests sent to server while clicking through messages and trying to favor a message (caused some lag)
    • [Bugs] ACS fix in Combatreports
    • [Bugs] Honor points to Combat Reports
    • [Bugs] Functionality for "delete all and restore all"
    • [Polishing] Rearange paging for combat report details
    • [Bugs] Event list and Search Overlay does not work properly on Ignored Users page
    • [Bugs] Combat report not displaying full player information
    • [Polishing] Video for Moon destruct and Moon creation in Detail Combat Report Messages
    • [Bugs] Report message does not work
    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • OGame 6.0.0-beta1
    • API functionality
    • Background API fixes
    • Renamed blinking star in background to Blinky. Say hello

    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • OGame 6.0.0-beta2
    • Buddyrequest via Player BBcode not functional
    • Buddylist: buddy request, only one is possible
    • Problem with pagination in "more details"
    • Can not share spy or attack reports
    • Older Messages are not loaded after deleting newer ones
    • no information about activity in spy report (if it was more then 15 minutes)
    • Remove the possibility to add GO/admin accounts to buddy list
    • Possible fix for jump gate bug (yes the eternal ancient)
    • Add missing information to API
    • Fix for Retreat messages
    • Fix bug that broke eventhandler on Tactical Retreat
    • First attempt at adding chat scrollbars
    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • OGame 6.0.0-beta3
    • Spyreport: Attack Button in short view
    • Spyreport: Show Defense count below ship count in short view
    • Spyreport: Always show categories in detail report
    • Lord of the Pagenation: Return of the Pagenator (remove of load messages)
    • Messages: Wrong display of number per page
    • Fix for Notice in Spy Report, fix activity counter, add red color
    • Add API Keys to Short combat reports
    • Fix API content type, fix bug
    • Remove console spam from JS in message system
    Please have in mind that some parts e.g. the return of the pagination instead of load messages is "work in progress", this feature has to be completed and polished.

    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • OGame 6.0.0-beta4
    • Fix for looting not correctly subtracting from planets
    • Fix for Honorable fight display
    • Fix for economy tab
    • Fix for Tooltip on fleet retreat
    • Fix sorting by coordinates
    • Make user settings apply to Auctioneer notifications
    • Fix highlight of combat report subject based on win,draw or loss
    • Open combat reports in new window when setting is enabled
    • Add detail info about spy level differences in spy report (Work in progress)
    • Add Spy report requesting to API
    • Add API keys to spy reports (Attacker only)
    • Fix Attack Button-image
    • Add timestamp to spy report api
    • Make buttons prettier and add API Key icon
    • Link Alliance permissions to application messages
    • Chatbar only shows alliance if permission is set
    • Chatbar only shows alliance online status if permission is set
    • Add interplanetary rockets to normal fleet overview
    • Several fixes on pagination
    • Internally renamed all spy reports to Bartowski Reports
    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • OGame 6.0.0-beta5

    • Missing Scrollbars or Pagination
    • Fix for combat report in API
    • Fix for cut off messages (Welcome Message for example)
    • Fix for Combat Reports in own Window
    • Add Event notification messages
    • Add "shared" report tabs
    • Message sharing, you can not "share" with yourself

    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • OGame 6.0.0-rc1
    • Add scrollbars in chats
    • New Message counter alignment fix
    • Updated scrollbar library
    • Remove alliance restriction on sharing messages
    • Fix overlay for favoriting before sharing
    • Fix Abort button in favoriting overlay
    • Expose shared user to messages, display who shared a message in new shared Report tabs
    • Fix shared spy reports to be seen by shared users and not only attacker
    • Fix for broken notifications
    • Remove empty space above messages
    • Message count fixing preparations
    • Move Patchnotes into left menu instead of green button
    • Fix for sorting in buddies list
    • Heavy fighters can now cloak when no one is watching them
    • Fixes combat report javascript in external window
    • The combat reports in new windows are now centered
    • Make it more obvious if espionage section is empty or failed because of spy level
    • Enable missile Attacks on destroyed planets, since spying and attacking them was available already
    • Change Sharing messages to AJAX instead of plain HTTP, Part 1
    • Close window after sharing, popup window with confirmation
    • Fix password length restrictions on change password page
    • Popup window buttons for favorite now working
    • Fix for arrows facing wrong direction on Jump gate dropdown
  • OGame 6.0.0-RC2

    • Fix for showing defense instead of fleet in Report
    • Remove requirement to favorite messages before sharing
    • Fix for Spy reports not showing details when shared
    • Fixes for pagination & message display
    • Finalize spy report API output
    • Removed air condition units from bombers to make them lighter. After all, space is cold enough as it is already.
    • Add Recycle Reports to API
    • Add option to harvest button to combat report messages(Only shown when recyclers available, sends recyclers depending on created debris field for this fight)
    • Add Image for Recycling button
    • Add popup, correct coordinates, clean up styles
    • JS fixes

    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • OGame 6.0.0-RC3
    • Cosmetic fixes for scrollbar
    • Fix for Firefox Pagination bug
    • Fix for NodeJS not working when switching between SSL and non SSL
    • Fixes for Alliance round messages
    • Fix for not taking alliance rank into account with alliance messages.
    • Fix for chocolate. Will not melt in Bomber cockpits anymore.
    • Fix for negative honor fight displays
    • Fix for displaying expedition combat reports in shared tabs
    • Only show debris button if the fight actually generated debris (In Combat Report)
    • Fix for BBCode editor, UX cleanup
    • Number seperators in combat reports numbers
    • Fix for communicating between HTTP and HTTPS Node Server
    • Fix for 'Spoiler moving button' on Editor
    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • OGame 6.0.0-RC4

    • Fixes to Scrollbars and Chat flickering
    • Fix for Item Line breaking in Messages
    • Reformat spy report numbers
    • Fix for JavaScript ACS
    • Fix for Alliance combat report sharing and comments
    • Add comments below messages
    • Fix for Espionage Reports overlay being too long
    • Switch comments from HTTP to Ajax, add Success and Error message
    • Automatically add comment to start of list, update Comment count
    • Possible Fix for IE JavaScript errors
    • Fix for message sharing
    • Remove Message comments button in Preview
    • Make Expeditions share- and commentable
    • Add Shared Expeditions Tab
    • Tried share expedition reports with pirates, got only an "Arrrrrr I´m a pirate" as comment.
    • Disable details button in preview

    Important: We make an message WIPE, which means we have to delete all your messages. There were too many changes during developement which makes it really needed to clean up.

    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • OGame 6.0.0-RC5

    • Fix for Espionage Report not showing fleet failed message
    • Fix for IE JavaScript that broke Galaxy View
    • Fix for IE JS Bug that broke countdowns
    • More dots in short Espionage reports
    • Fix for Buddy point exchange
    • Add Fadebox, update BPPs after conversion
    • Due to decisions by the OGame Astronomical Union, Planets at position 15 are not planets anymore.
    • Only show remove buddy link when player is buddy in chat
    • Fix for Password recovery page
    • Add Buddy from Chat option added
    • Fixes for Message Reporting

    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • Today we made an "Hotfix" of 6.0.0-RC5, whith these changes

    • Fix Auctioneer countdown (Broken because of IE JS Fixes)
    • Planetmove errors not correct shown
    • Fix newlines in comments at shared reports
    • Fix showing buddy request if already a request pending for player
    • Fix for pagination bugs on last page
    • Change Dropdown in Alliance page to new style
    • Add refId to error page redirect to make invites work
    • Bug display with ASC attack

    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.