New features announced with the V6 spoiler

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  • New features announced with the V6 spoiler

    General changes:

    • New message system:
      • new tabs
      • better performance
      • chat (player to player)
      • storage for favourite messages
      • optimized spy reports (short and detailed views)
      • separated message icons (player message & others)
      • message system accessible from galaxy view
      • alliance message possible from message system
      • deletion time for messages changed (not influenced by Commander anymore)
      • messages automatically loaded in message stream

    • New combat report:
      • new summarized combat report
      • new design for detailed combat report
      • displayed how many recyclers are necessary for resulting debris field

    • surfing galaxy won't cost deuterium
    • performance optimization for combat system
    • optimized overview for fleet event list
    • optimized buddy list (including sorting)
    • fleet sending: deuterium is loaded in own tank (not loaded in the storage tank anymore). This new tank will have the same capacity as the storage one

    Changes for Commander:

    • Available without Commander:
      • spy moons from galaxy view
      • launch recyclers from galaxy view
      • message filter

    • New for Commander:
      • possible to store more favourite messages

    Additions for Admiral:

    • possible to change the order for looted resources during combat
    • additional expedition slot (free fleet slot still required)

    The new features seem to have been implemented with alpha13. I noticed already that fuel does not impair loading capacity any more. €dit: ...and Recyclers are able to mine from the galaxy view.

    Question: Is it possible to get another 50 k of DM for testing of the new abilities of Commander and Admiral? Or the Commanding Staff for 1 week? Unfortunately I spent everything already. :whistling:

  • 1 M DM is not much, when you try different things... ;)
    Thank you very much!

    Another question: the donut system is enabled, I checked that already. Maybe it is possible to add a few FarMe planets i.e. on positions 1:495:15 and 9:1:15, too? Or move some of the existing ones? I know they can test that in Origin already, but it would add some fun here.

    BTW: A lot of people in .de would like to have their old Universes in donut style, too! Not a V6 feature, but a good one!

  • First of all to spend DM for free is very tricky because of german tax law, that´s why it isn´t possible to set up that unlimited part or deactivate payment at all.

    For now: We give you all now 10M Dark matter, which should be enough.
    Change: We will set up the DM outcome after validation to an moderate value, so if we increase the max registrationvalue new player will get some DM too.


    Btw. this area is no begging area and origin is not the right place to beg for enabling features in your own community. Use it for bug reports and suggestions. Nothing more.
    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • 1: Thank you for this generous amount of DM!
    2: Point taken.
    3: Comments and issues with the new features, as far as I have tested them:

    kfg wrote:

    General changes:

    • New message system:
      • new tabs
      • better performance
      • chat (player to player) Good idea, appreciate, but opened small chat windows obscure other game areas and small chat windows pop open for fractions of a second upon changing from Fleet 1 - 2 - 3 (FF 35)
      • storage for favourite messages
      • optimized spy reports (short and detailed views) The pictures make it harder to identify the crucial information. Reports need more vertical space, annoying for identifying targets from galaxy sweeps
      • separated message icons (player message & others) mixed feelings about that, with all messages in one tab I can easily see, which message belongs to certain actions (i.e. spy report->combat report->return report or combat report -> expo report -> return report or spy-on-me report -> combat report, ...)
      • message system accessible from galaxy view long awaitet, appreciate
      • alliance message possible from message system good idea, however, does not function yet, as all ally messages
      • deletion time for messages changed (not influenced by Commander anymore) better overview for sent messages, appreciate
      • messages automatically loaded in message stream

    • New combat report:
      • new summarized combat report I would like to see how many of the three ress were looted, not the total
      • new design for detailed combat report Again: the pics are distracting.
      • displayed how many recyclers are necessary for resulting debris field Would be nice for spy reports, too

    • surfing galaxy won't cost deuterium Will make things easier at the start, but takes away a tactical advantage for fleeters
    • performance optimization for combat system
    • optimized overview for fleet event list
    • optimized buddy list (including sorting) long awaitet, appreciate, but the sorting does not work correct: it goes for the first digit, not the value.
    • fleet sending: deuterium is loaded in own tank (not loaded in the storage tank anymore). This new tank will have the same capacity as the storage one Good idea, no need to calculate additional capacity for fuel for Deploy or Transport

    Changes for Commander:

    • Available without Commander:
      • spy moons from galaxy view Good idea, appreciate
      • launch recyclers from galaxy view Good idea, appreciate
      • message filter

    • New for Commander:
      • possible to store more favourite messages

    Additions for Admiral:

    • possible to change the order for looted resources during combat Could not see any difference in loots with different settings?
    • additional expedition slot (free fleet slot still required) Good idea, appreciate

    Well, this is for certain a mix of review and bug report, but I hope it useful.

  • chat (player to player) Good idea, appreciate, butn opened small chat windows obscure other game areas and small chat windows pop open for fractions of a second upon changing from Fleet 1 - 2 - 3 (FF 35)
    ? Erklärs doch mal auf deutsch, ich blick deinen Satz hier nicht ...
    optimized spy reports (short and detailed views) The
    pictures make it harder to identify the crucial information. Reports
    need more vertical space, annoying for identifying targets from galaxy
    There will be an option to disable those pics; also many functions are missing. If there will be a change on the design > not really planned
    separated message icons (player message & others)
    I think you didn´t understand that point.
    It only say: there are 2 icons now instead of 2 near the eventlist. One for messages and one for private messages.

    new summarized combat report I would like to see how many of the three ress were looted, not the total
    Hover your mouse on that and you will get it in an tooltip.
    The short version of CRs are still not finished :)
    new design for detailed combat report Again: the pics are distracting.
    Hmm I see it totally different and also many many others. If i compare the current detail view of CRs. No Change planned at this place, pics will stay for now. If we implement the planned remove option for spy reports also vor CRs ... we will see :)

    possible to change the order for looted resources during combat Could not see any difference in loots with different settings?
    If you know the loot system, then you will find out that this option makes sense e.g. when you are new or do not have to send max. to get all ressources. With this feature you can select the first res, which is loaded in your ships.

    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • JoKy wrote:

    ? Erklärs doch mal auf deutsch, ich blick deinen Satz hier nicht ...

    Bild sagt mehr als 1.000 Worte: News: Version 6.0.0 startet Testphase . Die eingeklappten Chatleisten/-fenster klappen ganz kurz auf, wenn ich eine Flotte verschicken will. Und zwar beim Wechsel von Flotte 1 auf 2 oder von Flotte 2 auf 3 oder von Flotte 3 auf Flottenbewegungen...

    JoKy wrote:

    Hover your mouse on that and you will get it in an tooltip.
    The short version of CRs are still not finished :)

    I'd like to see that without hovering. Maybe in the final version... ;)

    JoKy wrote:

    Hmm I see it totally different and also many many others. If i compare the current detail view of CRs. No Change planned at this place, pics will stay, also no option planned.

    I re-checked that with normal CRs. Still the pics are redundant. However, the real problem is with expo combat reports: they show all possible ship types from aliens and pirates, even if their number in combat was zero. That makes it really hard to identify the relevant information.

    JoKy wrote:

    If you know the loot system, then you will find out that this option makes sense e.g. when you are new or do not have to send max. to get all ressources. With this feature you can select the first res, which is loaded in your ships.

    I think I have some idea from the past years, how the loot system works. I will try now with targets that have different amounts of ress to loot...

  • Die eingeklappten Chatleisten klapenn aus, wenn du im flottenmenü unterwegs bist? also ich hab das nicht. Welcher browser?
    Wie genau krieg ichs reproduziert?

    With the pics remove option > we will also remove them from CRs (with same setting as for spy reports)

    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • FF ohne Addons, geschlossene Playerliste: Ausklappen und Einklappen von nun 3 Chatleisten bei Klick auf fast alles:
    Overview, Resources, Facilities, ...
    Flotte 1, 2, 3, Flottenbewegungen

    Chrome: Playerlist verschwindet beim Menüwechsel kurz, aber keinerlei Ausklapperei.

  • Beim IE11 hab ich aktuell ganz andere Probleme xD

    Aber ich krieg euer Problem nicht hin. Habt ihr das Problem nur über eure Mobile Verbindung, weil ich seh dass eure IP hier wohl von Mobile kommt?

    Zur Reproduktion: Was für Chats habt ihr in der Leiste unten offen ... habt ihr was getippt und wartet auf antwort? Wurde euch was getippt und ihr müsst erst antworten ... wie groß ist der chatverlauf ... commander? Addons?

    Drückt vor dem Wechsel doch mal F12 und öffnet die Browserconsole, werden da Fehler geworfen?

    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • FF: Strg + Shift + J:

    Die Verbindung zu ws:// wurde unterbrochen, während die Seite geladen wurde.

    Der orange Teil ändert sich. Wenn Greasemonkey aktiv ist:

    Greasemonkey Zugriffsverletzung: unsicheres Fenster kann nicht auf GM_xmlhttpRequest zugreifen. (Xray) <unbekannt>

    Tritt auf, egal ob Addons aktiv sind oder nicht. Bei meinen Chats habe ich immer zuletzt geschrieben. Schreib mir mal bitte zurück.

    Wenn es am mobilen I-Net liegt: ich habe nur dieses.

  • Dass die Verbindung zum Websocket abreißt hat wenig bis garnix mit GM zu tun. Das is eher son Firefox Problem. Mit der Alpha14 sollte das auch besser werden.

    Dabei handelt es sich übrigens um node.js, darüber werden eben die Chatnachrichten zugestellt. Kann nat. sein, dass genau in dem Moment ein Refresh durchgeführt wird vom chat, wenn bei dir die Verbindung eben unterbrochen ist. Sonst könnte man logischerweise nie Nachrichten erhalten. Ist wie beim Auktionator. Wenn die Verbindung zum node.js Server nicht besteht von User Sicht, so bekommt man nur die Angebote, wenn man manuell refreshed. Was du beim Wechsel von Flotte 1 auf Flotte 2 eben machst.

    Weiß nun auch warum das wohl nur auf Bermuda auftritt. Dort ist das CDN aktiv, also das was wir vor 3 Jahren bei OGame eingeführt haben. Hier liegen die JS Grafik dateien eben auf einem CDN und nicht auf dem Spieleserver ansich. Da scheint Firefox in den letzten Updates ein eigenes Sicherheitsfeature bekommen zu haben.

    Ich werds mal weiterleiten :)

    Btw. ich mach den Thread mal zu, ist recht unübersichtlich geworden inzwischen. Ich nehm das Problem dann auch mit in die Problemliste auf, dann siehst auch wann es gefixt wurde.

    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.